
CONFESSION by ELyssa Durant, Ed.M. || AutismAid

Expectations, Acceptance And The AutCom Conference || AutismAid

More Social Security Money Withheld Because of Unpaid Student Loans

The College Rankings Racket - NYTimes @Harvard @columbia @princeton WE ROCK-IT 

With new list, counties again prepare to check voter eligibility | Florida News

A Terrifying Way to Discipline Children

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Calls MTA New Advertising Rules ‘Plain Dumb' & 'Unconstitutional'

Conservative’s Anti-Jihad Subway Ad Leads to New MTA Policies: NYC Authority Can Now Ban Ads That Could ‘Incite or Provoke Violence’

Google Shuts Down Search in China - Censored

Why Apple Had To Release Its Terrible Maps App Now

My last goodbye || to be released on November 1, 2012  Exclusive Pre-release Copy

Karen KAHN-TACT ?? --> Elyssa's benefits 8/20/2012

AutismAid™ || Aware to Care, Aware to Share (c) 2012 @ELyssaD(R) 9/15/12 Witness Report

Kahn Artist - September 16, 2012

20 parenting suggestions || Even my father took time to read this !! Sent days ago

Project Palm  Final Countdown

In her own words- Kahn Artist 9/27/2012

Karen Con 2006

False Accusations

Yay me! Swing state!

Shoq value - LoL!!


Role Playing

Now you're just fucking with me!

I'm such a "miserable bitch!"

Contract for Renovations $6,500

Recap Claims Paid to Two Cons!

TRUST FUND !!! Two Cons!!