Phone rings, Kahn two answers:
Kahn one: "I'm paying Rick $4000 total of $10,000 total that I've spent not to mention all the stuff I've bought and spent on door handles and locks."
"Hi honey, So that you know after all our shopping was unacceptable. I told you she would find fault with everything. I'm giving her a taste of her own medicine.
Seth is already on to the whole thing, he said, "I feel sorry for you." I can't even wait to tell my friends that I put her in a shithole. As soon as I hear from Rick, and we can be sure we can get into the place, I'm done. The fact that I bought you a fancy coffee machine is a black mark on my record. The fact that I squirreled away whatever I could for her ass to sit in the shit hole."
Kahn too: "I hope she lives as miserable life as she has. We can go out and celebrate and maybe have a cup of coffee." (a whole bunch of other wining, bitching moaning, lying and obvious projection and distortions of truth... see "poor karen" on FaceBook or "my beautiful mommy" on blog sites or "toxic parenting" available on Sanity for Superheroes and Reality Bytes...)
Karen CON: "I'm stuck at the airport, I don't know where I am, but I don't think I'll be back in time to get you to the golf course.
You know how I am so afraid of airport driving, it's ironic because I'm panicking over this.
Oh Jesus, now I'm under an over pass, just stay with me, Paul because you know how I'm afraid of this.
You want 95 North anything that says, Daytona, Orlando
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