News :
by Amy Worde, mobile.philly.comAugust 4th 2012 12:27 AM
Inquirer Harrisburg Bureau
HARRISBURG - Long lines. Little signage. Limited hours. Misinformed staff.
With three months before the November election, these are among the difficulties facing voters trying to get nondriver ID at PennDot locations statewide to comply with the state's new voter ID law, according to a survey released Friday by a left-leaning policy-research organization.
The state Department of Transportation immediately rejected the findings, saying its staff was well-prepared.
Dozens of volunteers working with the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, which conducted the survey, visited 43 PennDot centers in 28 counties and reported that the centers lacked basic signage and provided little information about the availability of free ID.
Some volunteers received incomplete and inaccurate information about fees and requirements, the report stated, even from PennDot employees who said they were aware of the law. And in almost three out of 10 cases, individuals were told they must pay for ID that should have been provided at no cost, the survey found.
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