
Spot on @badjerry L88K "worms"

Conversocial & the Benefits of Social Media Management Tools | B2C Marketing Insider

22 Social Media Management Tools – A Wiki In Development | B2C Marketing Insider

The Importance of Engaging Your Twitter Followers and Facebook Fans | B2C Marketing Insider

Social Media: Signs of Addiction | B2C Marketing Insider

60 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter | B2C Marketing Insider

The Post With All Of 2011′s Tablet and iPad Market Forecasts (Charts!) | B2C Marketing Insider

Klout Doesn’t Measure What Really Matters | B2C Marketing Insider

Social Scoring and the Business Case for Blocking Twitter Spammers | B2C Marketing Insider

Feds seek new ways to bypass encryption | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Configuring email notifications to be friendly but secure | Israeli Software