I need to straighten shit out because obviously she has NO insight into how -- no words. Speechless.She is posting as administrator WTF is wrong with this picture. I don't understand what she wants or gets out of this behaviour but she shows up everywhere to tell me how inappropriate my (or her posts are)I need her to go away.Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
CyberSquatter at LargeThe Corporation, LLCUnited States of America
Begin forwarded message:From: Rockingjude Pwa <notification+ociphvpe@facebookmail.com>
Date: December 21, 2010 9:52:11 AM PST
To: Elyssa Durant
Rockingjude Pwa 11:52am Dec 21 E you need to lay things out...Mike's board wasn't meant for stuff like this...Comment History
Elyssa Durant 9:44am Dec 21 not you laurie--
Elyssa Durant 9:44am Dec 21 maybe you should take a thorough read-- imHo. clearly you do not understand what i am trying to tell you-
Laurie Freeman 9:23am Dec 21 http://www.facebook.com/l/aac76Qki2rQYJ1T1LUeZgoUXOzw;dissidentvoice.org/Aug04/Ferry0820.htm Examning Psychiatry's Role in Our LivesOriginal Post
Michael Dammann 8:19am Dec 21
Psychology & Indoctrination for the Destruction of Critical ThinkingShare this on Facebook Tweet This!
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