planetbeing: The Future is Looking Bright For Jailbreaking | Jan 23rd 2013
We’ve some more news on the jailbreak front. David Wang aka planetbeing of the iPhone Dev team has just tweeted that they’ve made a lot of progress in the last few days and the future is looking bright for jailbreaking.
It was only a few days back that he and pod2g had discovered two new vulnerabilities.
At that time, pod2g had mentioned they still need the hack, which will allow them to release the jailbreak to the public. While planetbeing hasn’t provided any further details, lets hope they’ve made progress on that front.
planetbeing just tweeted:
Tons of progress the last few days. I think the future is looking bright for jailbreaking.
— planetbeing (@planetbeing) January 23, 2013
The other positive news is that a number of members of the Jailbreak Dream team have joined planetbeing and pod2g to work on the jailbreak. Last week, pod2g started working on the jailbreak after releasing his impressive DJ app for the iPad.
Nikias Bassen aka pimskeks who had worked on the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1, Joshua Hill aka p0sixninja of the Chronic Dev team, iOS hacker and security expert who goes by the Twitter handle http seem to be also working on the jailbreak. Bassen just tweeted:
yeah @planetbeing looks like we made some #awesomesauce lately
— Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks) January 23, 2013
planetbeing has already made it clear that they won’t be releasing a jailbreak until iOS 6.1 is released, as Apple could learn of the exploit and patch them.
According to security experts, Apple has made jailbreaking more difficult in iOS 6.1 by adding tougher protection. Apple has released four beta versions of iOS 6.1 and widely expected to release it anytime soon. As a golden rule, jailbreakers should avoid upgrading to iOS 6.1 when it is released.
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