Google wants to own the airwaves, now | Jan 24th 2013
As if Google's launching a free Wi-Fi network in New York City earlier this month wasn't curious enough, now the search giant is asking the Federal Communications Commission for a license to create an "experimental radio service." What's an experimental radio service, you ask? Well, Google won't say exactly what its doing with the air above its Mountain View, California headquarters, but the details of the FCC application suggest it's trying to build its own proprietary wireless network.
Oh, so this must have something to do with Google Fiber and Google's becoming an Internet service provider, offering insanely fast Internet, right? Again, not exactly. "Google's small-scale wireless network would use frequencies that wouldn't be compatible with nearly any of the consumer mobile devices that exist today, such as Apple's iPad or iPhone or most devices powered by Google's Android operating system," explain The Wall Street Journal's Amir Efrati and Anton Troianovski. "The network would only provide coverage for devices built to access certain frequencies, from 2524 to 2625 megahertz." However, networks using those frequencies are under construction in Asia, just waiting for devices that support them. And last year, Google purchased Motorola Mobility, a mobile phone manufacturer that could ostensibly manufacture such devices. This is starting to sound sort of shady.
Read more at The Atlantic Wire.
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