Are There Apple Grants For iPads And Laptops?

Are There Apple Grants For iPads And Laptops?

by amylaine,
The best way to get a grant for Apple computers or Apple devices for education is to apply to a foundation or group that supports your cause. Defining your need by writing out exactly what your seeking grant funds for can help you to know where to look for grant money. There are several types of grants and several ways to gain grant funds, knowing what type of grant funds you can seek will help.

For example: If your looking for grant for laptops and iPads to go paperless in a school you can apply to education and environmental grants. If you are looking for grants for iPads for a special needs classroom you can look for education grants and assistive grant for children.

AT&T Foundation, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education and Coca-Cola Foundation are just a few foundations that have given grants for apple computers and devices in the past.

Grants to get new technology such as laptops, personal computers for students, iPads, scanning systems, smart boards and other technology needed for educational or scientific research is one of the most sought after types of grants.

Technology Grant News: Everything Technology [2012] Awards-Contests-Grants-Scholarships

by Technology Grant News

Everything Technology - is a guide to the world of steadily growing philanthropic support for technology. Individuals, K-20 teachers, administrators, college students, and college and university will want to buy this well-researched resource. Listings include Sponsor, Program Name, Contact Person, Contact E-Mail, Contact Website Address and a Brief Abstract of each award-contest-grant-program-scholarship or fellowship.

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