Traffic through the roof! #AutismAid Goes for Gold đź’°

AutismAid USA Goes for Gold  WORLDWIDE Analytics  

1. The race was cancelled.

2. The could not accept donations since they had been recognized as 501c3

3. The dynamic duo then asked for referral to "Entertainment Attorney" who would donate their services so they could "manage" Steve and wanted to know how much is reasonable and customary for Management (Agent) as in Jerry McGuire "Show me the money" 

The two wanted to go into that biz too.

I told them according 10-15% was agent fee was customary for EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT agent/manager  to charge.

My take? Since they couldn't take donations, they were determined to profit of this "Kick off event" and any profit generated from the race.

Entertainment Law 101


From: Tannersdad Tim <>
Date: August 28, 2012, 8:48:53 PM EDT
To: PowersThatBeat 
Cc: Steve Hechtman 
Subject: Re: Traffic through the roof! AutismAid USA Goes the extra mile !! Go for Gold   WORLDWIDE

Your phone is in the red... Time to recharge. I just want all to know what a Hero for the Autism community Elyssa has been for us and how much we appreciate her advocacy and intelligent posts. AutismAid has been a dream of mine for ten years. my heart was just about broken when others took advantage of us. I know that in the end we meet people who we connect with and do the right thing. The 13 SErvice non profits under the AutismAid Umbrella and many others are in the fight for their life in this economy and environment. This Race and kickoff event is critical to their survival. Once again I just want to say thank you. Any ideas to bring support for Steve and this event is appreciated. we need to attract and bring to the table some real,world sponsors. Web and viral traffic is great but crew, support, documentation and logistics are all needed to make the event happen. Please keep brain storming!

Thanks Again
   TannersDad Tim Welsh

P.S. Sorry to ramble on.. But I gather you are used to reading a lot of words :) Blessings all.

Sent from my iPad
