True friends ask of you nothing / The ground on which I lay : @Aspienaut : WIRED differently || AutismAid
True friends ask of you nothing / The ground on which I lay : Aspienaut : WIRED differently | Nov 30th -0001They spin and they turn, they turn and they fall, fall back to the ground, the ground on which I lay. I am above and beyond, in any way that you could ever understand, above and beyond in all things, I am at this point….Happy! Happy in the truly absorbing spectacle of the spinning, the spinning and the turning, the turning and the falling. Over and over, again and again. There is never too much, there is never enough of this. There is never ever too much, again and again, I scoop and throw, scoop and throw, the sycamore seeds. My perfect, spinning, turning, falling friends! Who spin and they turn, they turn and they fall, fall back to the ground. The ground on which I lay.
© Paul C Siebenthal Feb 2012
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