Reptile Animal Spirits | Nov 30th -0001Alligator -- Maternal protection, connection to Mother Earth, revenge through patience, understanding ancient knowledge, rough, stern, stealthy, basic survival, 'The Ancient One of the Swamp'
Anole: see under "Lizard"
Axolotl -- Remaining unscarred. Regeneration, healing and health. Remaining firm in your beliefs, remaining unscarred despite trauma, associations with the Aztec God Xolotl, warning against sacrificing your youth. On the negative side; refusing to grow, and seeing change as a sign of weakness.
Chameleon -- A third eye brings clairvoyance and aura sensitivity. Sensitive to changes in the environment. A symbol of the inconstancy of life and the Sun as a source of power. Chameleon teaches how to show true colors of the self in your environment and in your sincere emotional nature. Chameleon gives people the awareness of their own psychic ability and intuition. (Anoles are often mistaken for chameleons. Chameleons are primarily found in the mainland of sub-Saharan Africa and on the island of Madagascar, although a few species are also found in northern Africa, southern Europe, the Middle East, southern India, Sri Lanka and several smaller islands in the western Indian Ocean, while Anoles are found in Southeastern USA, Cuba, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands. If you are not sure see “Anole” below under “Lizard”)
Crocodile -- Primordial power, warns of danger, aggressively defensive, dark and brackish places
Frog --,The magic of both water and land, metamorphosis and transformation they are symbols of water magic and the magic of the night for working with emotions and dreams, cleansing the negativity from the environment. The frog is a singer of songs of the ancient watery beginnings of life calling forth the rains. Exceptional sight giving clairsentient and clairvoyant abilities with a sixth sense connection to the greater populace, leading to the discovery of the two-fold aspect of life.
- Tadpole -- Metamorphosis, the power of change and coming of age. The inner child reveled
A cute little creature, but one that has managed to achieve great things. Geckos can originate from one country and within the space of 10 years be found in many other locations around the world suggesting the work of a quiet achiever. It also has the feel of networking; sending out your eyes and your ears to gather in information. The Gecko can move on and up any smooth surface with ease. It could represent the ability to tackle any problem with ease. The gecko female is parthenogenic meaning that it can reproduce without a male so it could also represent versatility and the ability to work alone without need of assistance from others.
Gila Monster -- Preservation, survival, careful use of resources, do not over extend yourself
Goanna -- Journeying to seek desert wisdom. Visualization and visual dream working. Inner and outer strength; confidence and arrogance. Knowing how to protect yourself. Teaching others to protect themselves.
Iguana -- An ancient one who is little understood. Patient, gentle, kind and understanding. Living near water and fond of going swimming. Will die if confined. "The benevolent dragon"
Komodo Dragon -- Ability to enter into long dream states. An adept to Earth vibrations it stands a solid energy grounding position. Great strength on land and in the water. Can swim at great speed through the (cosmic) sea to reach distant realms. Can’t wait to grow up and lead a long life.
Lizard (general) -- Relaxed, knows when to back off, hidden defenses, elusiveness, appears when we need to analyze our present reality and brings the message for immediate change in some area of our life, pay attention to your dreams and visions
- Anole -- (Anoles are mistake for "chameleons";{see above}. This is due to the color-changing ability of the green anoles who, when severely stressed or ill will turn dark brown. They are not true chameleons, which are a species of lizards that look very different from anoles and come from different parts of the world. When a green anole turns brown, it is a sign of severe stress. Stressed anoles may turn green at night when their lights are out and they are asleep, but will turn brown again once they wake up and start the new day.) True harmony comes from trusting your own perceptions rather than others. If "that" is what you want no path is to tough for you.
- Frilled-Neck Lizard -- Hiding who you are. Knowing who you are. Using façade as a mechanism for growth. Doubt and self-confidence. Preserving the hidden self.
Skink -- Darting and swift, the lined skink is an especially endearing lizard. Totem animal for the fleet of foot!
Newt -- Posturing defense, poisonous reaction, living between land and water, living between the waking and the dream state
Salamander -- A fiery element that roams between Earth and Water and those with it as their totem often lead a double life. The salamander signifies all things that are hidden and are often seen as the keepers of dreams. Their ability to live in water and on land can reflect dreaming to be lucid and connected to the Mysteries of the Earth. It can cloak itself in the face of adversity and is a magical talisman that brings comfort in the darkness. The appearance of the salamander heralds that a time of transformation is coming from sources outside of the self. The totem animal of Appalachia.
Slug -- Living in both the male and female, stretching oneself to incredible lengths, following trails already traveled, rainy nights
Snail -- Taking an irregular path, shutting oneself away when things get too hot, "Cupid’s archer"
Adder -- Wisdom, cunning, fertility, can hide in the shortest of grasses when seeking prey or to defend itself from a larger animal
- Copperhead -- Serious but not fatal, an encounter that will leave a scar, hiding in the leaves that fall
- Cobra -- Soul guide, transmutation of the soul, past life memories, wisdom of the Goddess, freedom from religious persecution
Constrictors (Anaconda / Boa / Python) -- Becoming the vine. Swallowing whole, gorging and then abstaining. A constricting situation
- Garter Snake -- Different colored stripes are the messengers of jealousy and deceit, beware of dishonesty
- Rattlesnake -- Rebirth, renewal, transformation, primitive energy
- Taipan -- Letting go of offensive tactics. Goddess energy. Initiation. Back off. Serpent energy. Strong reputation. Shyness and vulnerability. Scaring others away.
Toad -- Altered states of consciousness, Earthly energy, courtship with sound,
Tortoise -- A land bound Earth symbol, feels at home where ever it may go, will go into its shell when scared, non-violent self-preservation, ancient wisdom, feminine energy, changes in climate can affect disposition and a stable environment is needed, a time for you to receive mystical wisdom
Turtle -- Oldest symbol of the Earth, the personification of goddess energy and the eternal Earth itself, self -protection through non-violent defense, healing powers of feminine illness, inner knowledge and thought, slow down your pace and focus on grounding your thoughts and actions, return to the Earth equal to what you take, keeper of doorway into the Faerie Realm (see also 'Water Animal Spirits/Sea Turtle')
- Painted Turtle -- Enjoying the company of others while resting and rejuvenating in the Sun. Working in group projects toward common goals.
- Of the thousands and thousands of sea turtle hatchlings who take to the sea only a handful will survive to return to lay their eggs. It is a reminder of how few that set out on their spiritual journey will ever succeed in returning to the Cosmic Egg.)
Water Dragon -- Going to the water when frightened or upset, use your "third eye" to see
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