Beware of Global Strategies of Tension
by Tony Cartalucci, bibliotecapleyades.netMay 15th 2012
May 15, 2012 from LandDestroyer Website As the financial oligarchs of the West push forward in their year-long global geopolitical reordering of North Africa, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia, the globe is being divided into two primary camps:
Ideally, what the countervailing forces against the West claim to represent is a multipolar world order built upon mutual benefit and solidarity, preserving the traditional concept of the nation-state rather than one of neo-imperial domination and supranational-consolidation under a one-world financier oligarchy. However, the people of the world in general must recognize corruption, monopolies, and imperialism in all of its forms, regardless of what flag is being flown and be ever vigilant against these dangers. While geopolitical analysts today may consider BRICS and the SCO as essential for maintaining a multipolar balance of power against the West, the risk of a strategy of tension creating increasingly centralized supranational blocs "facing off against each other" may leave whomever prevails with the capacity to carry out global despotism on an even grander scale.
Worldwide, people must begin identifying national and international special interests, and rejecting them all entirely. They must begin devising local alternatives by leveraging technology and collaboration where possible, and realizing that nationalism, localism, and borders in general represent indispensable protective bulkheads with which to stop the spread of abuse of power, exploitation, military aggression, corruption of all kinds, and both social and financial dysfunction. Like a fleet of compartmentalized ships, a world of nation-states is able to cooperate, communicate, and collaborate efficiently, "traveling together" when desired, but maintains the option of changing course to avoid collisions, and "sealing off" sections internally to prevent a single hole from compromising an entire vessel. Global cooperation, communication, and collaboration does not require "globalization" and foolish interdependencies that leave all nations vulnerable and at risk when any single point falters or if globalization's centralized institutions become corrupted. We need not pick between "isolationism" and "globalization," we can meet in the middle and enjoy the benefits of both, afforded to us by the modern nation-state and traditional diplomacy, while hedging against the risks each option represents individually.
The world must perform a careful balancing act to ensure Western financier oligarchy is kept in check, or ideally rolled back, while ensuring in our haste or zeal we do not create its replacement in the process. An international, multipolar balance of power requires that each nation-state acquires, maintains, and continuously expands a certain degree of independence in terms of economics and defense. Within a nation and its provinces, to achieve such balance, a certain degree of independence amongst individuals and their communities is required. To enhance individual and local independence, we can do everything from being responsible firearms owners, growing a garden, patronizing local businesses and industry, learning a trade, and simply learning how to organize and work with our neighbors to solve our own problems. While we are faced with immense, overwhelming global problems stemming from monolithic powers - these powers are fed by each and every one of us individually when we pay into multinational corporations and their contrived institutions, laws, and regulations. If our collective actions can create and compound these problems, surely they can solve them. It is disparity that is used to sell globalization:
These are all factors that govern the form globalization takes, including all of its supposed benefits and the serial exploitation it leaves behind. We are told that globalization's interdependent relationships governed by centralized international institutions are the keys to solving these disparities. This is not true. Policy never has and never will solve our problems as a species. Instead, it is through technological research and development, innovation and invention, investment in defense, infrastructure, and education that these disparities can truly be reduced or all together eliminated, creating stronger communities and in-turn a stronger nation-state while deterring aggression and exploitation at our borders. Trade and collaboration with one's neighbors becomes a supplement to a strong independent nation, not a necessity and certainly not a liability in a time of crisis. We must ask our elected representatives why these obvious measures are not being taken to address these disparities.
The questions could go on ad infinitum and illustrate just how globalization has been sold as a ready-made solution to artificially created and/or perpetuated problems. It also illustrates the necessity for regular people to boycott the corporations and institutions perpetuating such flawed policy, and devise solutions themselves.
It is essential to examine the state of modern technology today, from communication and education, to manufacturing technology, to see what can be leveraged by people on a local level so that communities can not only devise their own programs to address their problems, but so that they can begin implementing solutions on their as well. As communities grow stronger, their ability to influence pragmatic positive change provincially and nationally will increase and a balance of power may be struck. Demanding change from a position of weakness, without even the means of sustaining one's existence without the very corporations, institutions, and governments change is being demanded from, is strategically untenable. Individuals and local communities must build-up their capacity in terms of education, economics, politics, and their ability to provide for themselves adequate order and security (through effective Constitutional sheriffs for instance). Only then will the people possess a sufficient deterrence against exploitation, as well as possess the leverage needed to make demands or simply achieve on their own what they desire.
There is already the European Union and the African Union. There exists an informal North American Union and a transatlantic partnership. The excuse of a rising China has spurred Southeast Asia into forming the ill-advised ASEAN bloc, complete with European Union-style institutions, ready to fail just as spectacularly both politically and economically. Even the Shanghai Cooperation Organization comes with it the potential of consolidating the "other side" of the world into a growing supranational bloc. People must inform themselves of the differences between international cooperation, and recklessly lashing their ships together while gutting the watertight compartments within their own hulls. Generally, such self-defeating exercises are coordinated by piratical elements who find such consolidation and the removal of obstructions convenient for subsequent plundering - as the banks in America and Europe are currently doing to Western nation-states. Recent tensions with Russia herald the rise of not individual superpowers this time, but the rise of "superpower blocs." We must ensure we do not fall for a strategy of tension that leaves us all at the mercy of a terribly powerful, supranationally-consolidated victor, be it East or West. Alliances that pose as anti-fascism or anti-imperialism must make the appropriate assurances that a multipolar world order will prevail, strengthening the nation-state and the individual, not undermining them. Simultaneously, we as individuals must be resolved to taking our fates into our own hands, taking back the responsibilities demanded of a free citizenry that we have long ago traded in for the convenience offered by monopolies of all kinds. It has been our collective negligence that has led to a world of such disparities - it must be our collective resolve that rectifies them. |
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