My name is ELyssa Durant.
There are many people on the web who may look like @ELyssaD™ on social networks and forums, but I am the ONLY Elyssa Durant in the United States of America. I may appear strange or different, but what you may not know is that I am a statistical and genetic enigma with a genius IQ and impeccable grammar! You may not understand everything I say or do because I may look normal, but like millions of others, I have what's called an autism spectrum disorder. What you may not realize is that I am one of the four most brilliant policy analysts trained by the some of the most esteemed experts in the United States and I trained in to evaluate people and programs across a variety of settings. I spent twelve years training my mind and fine tuning my skills so that I can evaluate YOU and make a formal assessment clinically, legally and ethically. So before YOU judge me or jump to conclusions about who or what I am, be sure to check your facts and always consider the source. My name is Elyssa Durant and I approve this message.
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