Digital strategy group works on 'bring your own device' guidelines | Jun 22nd 2012
The Digital Services Advisory Group also is working on agencywide governance models for digital services.
The group, empowered by VanRoekel’s new federal digital strategy, met for the first time June 13 and includes members from the federal Chief Information Officers Council, the Federal Web Managers Council and several agencies.
Since the digital strategy launched in May, VanRoekel’s office also has pulled together a Digital Services Innovation Center to share best practices for new technology that can be scaled at other agencies.
“The innovation center has been gearing up with a small core team from within the General Services Administration, and will draw on a pool of experts and creative thinkers from across government using temporary staffing arrangements, multiagency teams, and others with specialized expertise and skills to address rapid turnaround needs,” VanRoekel said. “Work is under way on initial tasks, including identifying and providing performance and customer satisfaction measurement tools to improve service delivery and more.”
There have been 700 applicants for the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, a six-month tour for nongovernment entrepreneurs interested in working on one of five technology initiatives, he said. The fellows program, led by federal Chief Technology Officer Todd Park, was announced alongside the digital strategy.
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