Rauhauser Sucks Up to Redeemed Ex-Con, Plays Up Connection to Cyberwar Expert, And Lifts Up a Domestic Terrorist | The Trenches
Howard Berkowitz according to NANOG: Netcases.net Author of four books so far, former Layer3Arts, Convergent, ANI, Nortel and some secret government work.
The following emails were posted to Paul Lemmen’s blog earlier. These are emails from Neal Rauhauser to Paul with some correspondence where Brett Kimberlin and Jeannie McBride were included. I’ve interacted with Paul several times on Twitter. He seems like a “no bullshit” kinda guy. Neal claims that Paul was picked for this correspondence due to Paul’s understandable withdrawal from the National Bloggers Club, and a connection to Howard Berkowitz from their time working together at Layer 3 Arts. Hell, none of us at The Trenches have ever been part of that echo chamber eunuchorn clique. However, I did donate a whopping $35 when they were calling for donations to help with legal bills for their case. Yes, hate me for being a tightwad. How much did you donate? Anyway… lawfare is expensive, AMIRIGHT?! I’d love to be a fly on the wall listening to Neal and Brett plotting the next move in their “strategy”.
There are some interesting aspects about these emails. One is that Neal reveals his utter disdain for one of The Trenches’ new writers, Patrick Read, and a few others, like Seth Allen, Aaron Walker, Robert Stacy McCain, Patrick Frey, David Matthew Stewart, ZAPEM, Mike Stack (the first guy SWATted in this whole nasty affair), Aaron Walker, Greg W. Howard, and Mandy Nagy. If this is all about a personal grudge, Mr. Asperger’s (yes, he admits it again in these emails – legal defense?), then you’re pretty damned tenacious.
My favorite line from the entire exchange: “I can think of no one more redeemed + active than brett. He’s basically the shadow 96th us atty’s office – hardcore anti-corruption ninja. Hook him up?” I can barely muster a straight face trying to unpack the silliness of that statement. Brett Kimberlin is a domestic terrorist who injured people with bombs, and he was suspected of killing a woman over his infatuation with a little girl, according to media, police, and court records AND WHO ALSO PLOTTED TO KILL WITNESSES AND A US ATTORNEY. But… Neal tries to frame Brett as a shadowy force for good in the 96th US Attorney’s Office. FMFFS!
Also, note in the emails that Neal is still indenting his paragraphs in emails, just like “Gaped Crusader”. This name will become relevant soon. Seriously, who indents their paragraphs in emails, other than Neal and Gaped, I mean?
There’s another interesting aspect to these emails that no one else has covered in any detail, regarding Howard Berkowitz (is that German?) and his connection to the intelligence community. He’s written several books on computer networks, and scores of Wikipedia articles and tidbits on everything from computer networking/security, cyberwar, counterintelligence, psyops, to cat herding (not kidding), pharmacology “especially Clonazepam, Gabapentin, Zolpidem and Triazolam” (interesting drugs of choice), and politics & “civil liberties”.
Here are Mr. Berkowitz’s thoughts on politics and civil liberties:
I consider myself a Recovering Republican, from the days when there was still a place for people that could deal with both civil liberties and a responsible social system (i.e., Frank Meyer fusionism )
There was no question I went through an Ayn Rand phase, but I was 18 at the time. I’d say that it was a sad day when I realized I’d never get a date with Dagny Taggart or Dominique Francon, but the reverse is vaguely true: I met my first wife at a Young Republican meeting, where I was the only person that knew what a libertarian was. So, she did get a date with Howard.
While I certainly oppose centrally planned economies, I believe the Tragedy of the commons will hit a totally unregulated market.
I am a strong supporter of one race: the human one. The United States is no longer a melting pot in which individual cultural contributions are homogenized, but my vision is one of a salad bowl, where cultural contributions are recognizable, harmonious, and contribute to a larger whole. Usually, I’m rather happy to be called politically incorrect.
While I do regret not getting the last three merit badges for Eagle Scout, and I did do some adult scouting as a merit badge counselor, I regretfully will not associate with the Boy Scouts of America as long as they continue spiritual and sexual discrimination.
How anti-American do you have to be to “not associate with the Boy Scouts of America”? Mr. Berkowitz is a former Randian and Republican. Now he pines for collectivism, Keynesianism, and for the Boy Scouts of America to have their little innocent bottoms spanked with the homosexual mafia’s agenda. That’s a helluva a life-change, Howard.
Remember when I joked on Twitter that since Neal knew the swatter was one of his Beandog buddies, he should collect Kimberlin’s $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the SWATter?
since the velvet panty wearers or whatever the hell they're called are offering the $10k for the swatter, why isn't neal collecting? right?!
I must be clairvoyant, because Neal says in one of the emails to Paul a couple days prior, “I’m going to see if I can claim the $10,000 reward Kimberlins’ NGO is offering.” Neal, you’re right there in an email thread with Kimberlin chatting Paul up. How hard is it to respond to Brett and say, “The SWATter is _____” and collect your $10,000? You don’t think anyone is buying this nonsense do you, Neal?
The only place I agree with Neal (stop the world, right?), is where he speculates about Ali’s agenda for being involvement with the Tea Party as being an opportunistic one. I’ve called Ali out very publicly on Twitter for this very thing. Even a broken clock… eh, Neal?
I’ve included blog post from Paul’s site in full. If you’ve already read his post there’s nothing new to see below save for the last paragraph. Paul sets up the exchange:
To put the emails I received — and answered — in context, I am posting the entire exchange.
This exchange began, apparently, in response to a post I made last week about withdrawing support for the National Bloggers Club because of unanswered questions and doubts about the club and it’s founder Ali Akbar. This was engendered by revelations about his past criminal activities and what I consider valid questions that need to be answered.
Apparently Neal felt that by writing that post, I was somehow defecting from the conservative cause. I have not. To the emails:
(Nota Bene: I have redacted Neal’s email address and telephone number from these emails out of courtesy to him. Every thing else is as written and received via my email address.)
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: plemmen55@gmail.com cc: Justice Through Music <justicejtmp@comcast.net> date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:46 AM subject: Post about Ali Akbar mailed-by: gmail.com signed-by: gmail.com Paul,
I doubt you recall my name, but I didn’t have to Google you to know the back story about First Kuwaiti Catering & Logistics – Howard Berkowitz and I were there. As I recall we were on a couple of conference bridges together in 2005, talking about microwave stuff for a school in the relatively safe area of Kurdistan.
What you see about Ali is the tip of the iceberg. Robert Stacy McCain and his crew have been harassing me since 2010, and this has included two different instances where armed individuals have turned up looking for me, countless calls to my consulting customers, and a raft of other hate group tactics. I’ve had to move twice AND change careers because of this creature. He is homeless now, not because of threats from Brett, but because the Seventh Day Adventist church was presented information about him living on their compound in Hagerstown, MD. They saw the Southern Poverty Law Center listing, him talking about guns and other crazy stuff, and they said “David Koresh 2.0 – get out, get out NOW!”
You list Patterico on your blog roll. He has been investigated twice for harassment, but slipped both times. He did NOT slip a civil suit from Nadia Naffe, a former employee of James O’Keefe. I set up the lawyer for her after Pat Frey posted her medical records and social security number online. No question it was him – he used his wife’s account and did it during work hours from the offices of the Los Angeles County District Attorney. See the attached documents about Frey & Naffe for proof such things are happening.
Frey did that because James O’Keefe is facing a state grand jury in New Hampshire. I know this because I talked to the Associate AG in charge of it, and then I hand carried a letter from him into an injunction hearing in New Jersey. Nadia wouldn’t release what she has on O’Keefe without paperwork, the AG was in trial and only had 48 hours to respond, while an out of state subpoena takes a week, so I carried the water for them. I’ve attached a copy of that letter for your reading enjoyment.
Aaron Walker’s arrest isn’t a First Amendment problem – the guy clearly presents as having delusions of persecution. He was running the Everyone Draw Mohammed blogspot, harassing Brett Kimberlin (a theme here, eh?), and someone finally dropped a dime on him. Seems that his crude stick figure cartoons of the prophet Mohammed screwing goats was an excellent suicide bomber recruiting tool for the Taliban. I am told that a cache of this stuff was part of the take from bin Laden’s compound, but under oath I will fail to recall who told me that, or when, or any other details about it. The court room audio where he was arrested is in my possession and I am happy to share it with you. Walker did assault Kimberlin, he admitted this in court during a peace order hearing, and he told the judge he thought the iPad Brett was holding was a bomb(!)
Shit gets deeper for Aaron and Ali, I think later today. The law firm that jumped into defend … one of the principals has a small problem with drugs and alcohol – specifically the part about enticing underage boys from the street to have sex with him in exchange for aforementioned substances. No nasty rumor, this, we’ve got the video the kids made in his car during the discussion, then they filmed his registration and a bank statement while he was in buying booze.
So O’Keefe has a state grand jury in New Hampshire, then doubles down by having one of his guys pose as Attorney General Eric Holder, attempting to vote using his name here in D.C. Last week I sat for an hour with two Metropolitain Police detectives. They were local, we had some stuff on Chicago, they said “Let us forward this.” When I asked they said “We’re a little bit federal, too.” So they’re deputized U.S. Marshals and I think this is probably a general election related task force – they were in my place last summer, when I was still in Illinois, collecting my notes on hate groups that involve themselves in elections.
Instigated publicly by Lee Stranahan, at the urging of Frey and Walker, and then executed by Ali Akbar & Co., what you are seeing here is a straight up attempt to silence Nadia Naffe, Brett Kimberlin, and I. They’re doing it not so much to protect O’Keefe, who is a compulsive fuckup, but to protect the money men behind his shenanigans.
85 House offices signed a “find the swatter” letter. They’re going to use that to smear me, because I used to be a telecom engineer, because I’m an old hacker, and because I’ve baited them endlessly over stuff like what I’ve just shared with you. In addition to the real swatting of Mike Stack in New Jersey, and the faked swattings of Pat Frey and Erick Erickson, there were two others – an attempt on me in 2010, and one on Brett last week. I don’t think it’s ideological – I have a small set of likely suspects, a group I’ve been watching since 2010, and I’m going to see if I can claim the $10,000 reward Kimberlins’ NGO is offering.
So … you’re into rigorous honesty, feel free to grab a verifiable piece of this mess and explain to the masses how they got dragged into a conspiracy to obstruct justice. I copied Brett on this, we’ll provide you whatever documents or explanations we can, so long as it won’t screw up the investigation in process.
p.s. Consider any amends needed for my time lost in 2005 done just on your post about stepping back from National Bloggers. Write honestly and directly about the rest of this mess and you’ll undo a whole bunch of additional negative karma.
I have removed the attached pdfs as my hosting provider will not allow them to post properly. On to my response:
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser cc: Justice Through Music <justicejtmp@comcast.net> date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 10:56 AM subject: Re: Post about Ali Akbar mailed-by: gmail.com I do recall you Neal. I will take my time to digest all you have sent me before I decide what to do. I am being as judicious as possible in the interest of honesty and complete openness as you can tell by my blog and specifically my post about Ali Akbar, flying in the face of agenda and political considerations. I guess that as a constitutional conservative many of those on the right do not see eye-to-eye with me or my core beliefs.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen cc: Justice Through Music <justicejtmp@comcast.net> date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:01 AM subject: Re: Post about Ali Akbar mailed-by: gmail.com Take as long as you need, ask as many questions as you want. This has been two years in the making, it’ll take a while to unwind.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 11:02 AM subject: Re: Post about Ali Akbar mailed-by: gmail.com Thanks Neal.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: Paul Lemmen <plemmen55@gmail.com> cc: Justice Through Music <justicejtmp@comcast.net> date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 3:24 PM subject: Understanding what happened /w Aaron Walker mailed-by: gmail.com Paul,
Just got back from my daily duties on Capitol Hill and I wanted to give you a little more background.
First, the following people write about things and they tend to produce good background information, even though both are ideologically biased.
Lane Lipton – http://qritiq.wordpress.com – she has been tracking the Weinergate saga and probably has a better grasp than most. She is assisted by @ronbyrn, who is as crazy as a bed bug, but he was a damned good researcher before he became unwell in 2010, so he digs and digs, then rants and rants, then people help him sort out truth from fiction. Also in the mix is Mike Stack, @CryingWolfeBlog, the only real swatting victim so far – he got done 6/23/2011, and it was due to his involvement in Weinergate, not due to anything Brett did – he’d never heard of him until about three months ago when Aaron Walker prompted him to blog about him. There was one post, since taken down.
Breitbart Unmasked – http://breitbartunmasked.com – dunno who this is, guy frankly scares the crap out of me – seems like former military intel, diplomatic corps, or some such. We’ve had back channel discussions, he’s been to the sandbox, he’s “seen the elephant”, so to speak.
The bad actors in this, by my book, include:
Seth Allen, <redacted>, MA. Psych disability, constant internet troll, sued by Brett after two years of smearing him, he finally turned up for a damages hearing on September 14th of last year, and got arrested for disorderly conduct. You can Google Maryland Court cases, this all happened in Rockville, which is in Montgomery County. It’s Seth L. Allen, search for cases between about 9/1/2011 and today to see the whole story.
Someone was funding Seth and it was either John Patrick Frey, or Aaron Walker. We know this via an admission in a court filing – he couldn’t come to a hearing because his ‘friend’ would not send him $200 to make the trip. Walker showed up at a contempt hearing January 9th in Rockville. He is a Virginia lawyer, but tried to insert himself into the proceedings. The judge ejected him, he waited outside the court room, and then assaulted Brett, acting on the mistaken belief that Brett’s iPad was a bomb. This we know via admissions he made during a later peace order hearing. LIke Allen, this man has mental difficulties – he has admitted to some perceptual problems that required special allowances during law school – private exam rooms, and in court he is simply unable to contain himself, which offends the judge Every! Single! Time! He’s Aaron Justin Walker, again with the court search, and limit dates from 1/1/2012 through today.
I think Frey is the center of this crap – he has been investigated twice for stalking/harassment (Brett, both times), he is now being sued by Nadia Naffe for dumping her documents. If you look at the history he has taken advantage of Seth Allen (psych disability), Ron Brynaert (psych disability), Aaron Walker (will be on psych disability, he’s done as a lawyer IMHO), and I suspect he has his fingers in what “Michelle Lessick” aka @ZAPEM does(probable psych disability, always online, always spouting conspiracy theories). No court cases for him in Maryland (yet) and I sent you the relevant pieces on him in earlier PDFs.
Weinergate is a puzzle, but here is my studied opinion on the matter. Mike Grimm, former FBI undercover, now Congressman for NY-13 attempted to extort a Jewish congregation on Staten Island. The rabbi went to Weiner, he reported it, and that got the investigation rolling. A couple of weeks later a crew started following Weiner online, presenting porn stars, hookers, fake underage teens, trying to get him sexting. They fabricated some teens, leaked it, and we almost broke it up before he was forced to resign. Weiner finally came out about the stuff with Grimm in May – he waited until the primary was done, then saddled the GOP with a guy that may get indicted.
Frey dropped Naffe’s dox in order to intimidate/guide people in how to attack her. This was done to protect James O’Keefe – Frey has been his most vocal defender, and I think they used to work together. So that’s an obstruction of justice attempt in New Hampshire, and it probably just overflowed into federal stuff due to one of O’Keefe’s crew posing as Attorney General Eric Holder and attempting to vote using his name.
Also on my bad actors list, but lacking specific court docs here to back it up, are:
Mandy Nagy aka @Liberty_Chick. Mouthy pain in the ass, Seth’s original arrest was triggered in part by her reporting a death threat he made to Brett to the Montgomery County police (check me, Brett – was it there, or South Easton, where he lives?)
Douglas Matthew Stewart aka @dmatthewstewart. He is a stupid little con man, only plausible to grade schoolers, and he does astonishingly stupid stuff. He was involved in a computer intrusion at nextstreet.com, dumping private information. I interviewed the victim and they declined to pursue it. He’s done this several times since, but I never get a good solid read so I can set the feds on him. He’s such a shit he’s not a high priority – I figure he’s gonna hang himself pretty quickly the way he plays.
I will provide what court room audio and documents I have if you need more than the web site provides. I should mention that I faced harassment charges from Mike Stack in New Jersey. He was steered to attack me – he’s another person on psych disability that Frey picked out and victimized. I prepared counter charges, but thought better of it, and it was all dismissed via mediation several weeks ago. He seems a nice enough guy in person, but he is very easily led, and he ends up on point for stuff no competent adult would involve themselves in …
I am going to also send an introductory email for you and Jeannie McBride – she’s @JeannieMcBride on Twitter, and she’s been through the wringer with “Michelle Lessick”, @SwiftRead, @GregWHoward, etc. Her daughter was snatched off the street and violently raped literally the same week that she had a falling out with that group, and they spent six months broadcasting personal information about her and her daughter, telling her that they were going to help the rapist find her so he could do both of them. She and I are polar opposites on policy, but we talk on the phone about kids and our sore backs and these crazy people who bother us – she’s good people, and I think right near Nashville.
It’s an enormous wad of crap to digest, and it would be amazingly good if you’d help sort out fact from fiction on this stuff …
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: jeanniemcbride@redacted,
Paul Lemmen <plemmen55@gmail.com>date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 3:40 PM subject: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: gmail.com Jeannie,
Paul Lemmen is a former bad guy who is now a reformed ass kicker – I knew him “back in the day”, and I’m amazed to see him not only alive, but stepping up and starting to debunk this crap Michelle is putting out about me. I told him a little bit about what happened to your and your daughter, and I bet he is going to check my story given how hot this one is, so y’all should talk. He’s in TN, too …
Jeannie is @JeannieMcBride, Paul is @AnExConsView.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser cc: jeanniemcbride@redacted date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 4:55 PM subject: Re: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: gmail.com Small correction, I’m in Florida now … I’m intrigued and my curiosity has been piqued. Please, give me a data dump so I can tie things together.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:08 PM subject: Re: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: gmail.com
Got you a start with the previous post – the one with names, you can look for yourself on their court cases here in Maryland – just Google “Maryland court cases”, it’s all in Montgomery County. Seth L. Allen, Aaron Justin Walker, everything starts mid September of last year. Attaching the docs about Frey and O’Keefe again.
More on Brett – locked up for bombing, freed early, received a massive false imprisonment settlement, details are sealed. The only evidence it was him was collected under hypnosis – not a valid source of evidence. They wanted it off the books and quickly, he was a convenient target.
He faced a wrongful death suit from the family of Julia Scyphers. He was never a serious suspect in her murder, but they saw him as a payday because he was locked up, and he’d been handling some pretty large volumes of drugs. The judge, Michael T. Dugan, tried to shake him down for $10k in exchange for a favorable ruling. Kimberlin filed a complaint, and pretty soon the judge faces an eighteen year sentence for racketeering.
Plenty more where this came from, it’s like trying to eat an entire elephant at once .
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:27 PM subject: Re: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: gmail.com Got them. As you said, like trying to eat an elephant at one sitting. You know I read fast and am a quick study from the Kuwait debacle (I got screwed worse than poor Howard). Let me begin wading in the cesspool …
from: jeanniemcbride@redacted to: lemmen date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:40 AM subject: Re: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: redacted Neal and I have common enemies. I’m conservative, he is a Dem. however we don’t discuss politics. If you know what happened to Neal, then my story is similar, as far as my family being threatened. The story was long and tedious. Going back 2 years now. However SwiftRead and his cronies still will not give up.
I will try and give you a link if you don’t have it already to SwiftRead’s blogspot. It changes with his mood, and he even changes OLD blogs to reflect his viewpoint of the week.
Right now he is desperately trying to find a link from Rauhauser to Brett Kimberlin. I think I spelled that right. At this juncture if they spelled Swift’s name correctly he would try and link the Pope to anyone controversial. Swift’s want of power and fame knows no bounds.
Check out this site: http://swiftread.blogspot.com/That is his latest blog complete with half truths and out and out lies to bolster Swiffer’s ego.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: jeanniemcbride redacted cc: neal rauhauser date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:46 AM subject: Re: Jeannie McBride / Paul Lemmen intro mailed-by: gmail.com Thanks for responding. The data overload is huge so I may be several days in responding. I’m old fashioned and in unraveling spaghetti, I graph-out on paper all the interconnections in order to visualize the data and understand it. Neal knows all about that method as regards large data warehouses and this, by needs, must be considered thus.
Thank you for the information.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: Paul Lemmen <plemmen55@gmail.com> date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:09 PM subject: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com Howard landed soft after Iraq stuff. He is really not well – one of my friends and I moved him to St. Louis, where he had a nice finished basement space with a long time friend. He has some perceptual/judgment trouble – not showering unless brow beat into it, not eating right despite diabetes, and he’d go off into a fugue state of some sort at random intervals. I really thought he didn’t have long to live, but he still seems to be puttering along – I think I saw something from him last year on LinkedIn. This has apparently been the case for many years – his fellow author friends knew and are either worn out from caring for him, or they just understand that is the way he is and there is nothing to be done about it.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:24 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
I would have been able to get him paid if he had just signed the damned contract and faxed it back. He went off into some convoluted reasoning about his soul being in his signature and never did sign the contract. I got as many extensions on his mortgage as I could but his frantic demand for $30K in cash within 24 hours to save his house was the last straw for me. I answered him that if he would just sign the contract he could have 100K the next day, Swift transfer into his bank or even into his mortgage account and the remainder to him, but he still wouldn’t budge. Some form I Asperger’s Syndrome I think …
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:37 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
I’m mildly AS, he is most certainly not. The house was a loss no matter what happened – he was ready for assisted living, as he had no adult children or relatives who could care for him. I had a friend who was instrumental in me cleaning up my life back when I was in my mid twenties. He had a stroke at fifty, when I was in my mid thirties, and it was damned sad. He wanted nothing more than to finish putting his 1982 shovelhead back together, but he’ll never move without a walker again, and his judgment was just way, way off after that.
Howard wore me out, too – fantastic rolodex, but he’d go off into the stratosphere on even a little job. I got two solid years of good work out of the intros he made, and I think we left him in as good a place as we could by getting him to St. Louis. For this one if you’re feeling the need I think I would hunt him up, apologize, ask what he’s been up to – prompt him to find out if he’s got the professional LinkedIn, and if not it’s like $120 for six months – that’s his favorite place to play and if he can’t roll a funded account it would be a major life upgrade if someone provided that for him.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:50 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
I’ll see what I can do. $120 is a big chunk for me, that’s 10% of my disability check. Bad heart (5 stents during my federal stay) another in February and drifting from CKD stage 4 into end-stage-renal-disease. No one in their right mind would hire me. Not that I could perform the work either.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:52 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
Oh, shit. Well apology it is then. I feel ya on the kidney stuff – mine are polycystic, been causing trouble since 2000 or so, and I got Lyme in 2007, so I’m basically consultant or not working at all – I have lots of fatigue issues – will have a good month or even two, then a week straight of afternoon naps if I eat the wrong thing even one day.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 6:56 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
Same same here. afternoon naps, fall asleep after every meal, can’t walk without a cane and even then, a hundred feet saps my strength.
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:20 PM subject: Re: Howard Berkowitz mailed-by: gmail.com
Everyone’s life is the same length – beginning, end, and the middle stretches from point A to point B. It’s how you use it that matters. You’ve done some crazy, epic shit over the years, like Catch Me If You Can in real life. Now you’re on final approach, and you’re cleaning house hardcore, like few I’ve ever seen since I went through my big change about twenty years ago. Humbles me, it does, to see someone testing the line between rigorous honesty and brutal honest, which is your last epic move
You want a final bit of service work, take the time to read through that crap I sent you, and call bullshit where you see bullshit. I swear these guys are trying to drag us into a civil war, and the whole thing is such a muddle now the real journalists are afraid to touch it. I got more to show you, gotta dig out files and stuff … you had Iraq, I got this stuff, it’s been one hairy escape after the next for the last two years, and I really hope this is the beginning of the end. I am so tired of it – had to change careers, move twice, lost two good women over this crap. Fixing to break into my serenity a bit, this thing, and I hope they find someone else to obsess over.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:12 AM subject: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
Perhaps my call for him to step down regarding dishonesty is having an effect?
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:24 AM subject: Re: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
This whole business with him kinda creeps me out – dark skinned, Arab sounding name, gay … and conservative? I got a bad feeling like this guy is gonna get made as 100% grifter who saw the Tea Party as an easy target, and they’ll turn on him in a terrible fashion. Seems like he might have got religion while he was locked up – not the same as getting spiritual and cleaning house, eh?
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:24 AM subject: Re: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
Exactly. Those that “get religion” are 99% users and abusers. I on the other hand, didn’t reconcile with the Catholic Church until earlier this year … after 18 months of talks with my local Bishop and compliance with a very large package of requirements. A quickie “conversion” to a not heirarchical, open to everybody suspect church group raises many red flags when done in custody by a convicted felon hiding their past …
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:37 AM subject: Re: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
Did you do the Ignatian Disciplines stuff? I had a friend/mentor who did that when he was in his 70s … I took a very different path – converted to Buddhism about a decade ago.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:42 AM subject: Re: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
Strictly a Franciscan mindset, individual salvation, individual responsibility for the poor, widowed, orphaned, all the less fortunate. To quote St. Francis, “Lord make me an instrument of your peace …”
Thus, a drive to expose TRUTH as the antidote to the lies and deception of modern political life that tears down our society and individual freedoms and liberty. Without truth, blunt, honest truth, there can be no ability to live sabctified and moral lives.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:44 AM subject: Re: update on @ali mailed-by: gmail.com
Sanctified … it is very trying to lose a majority of one’s sight (a side effect of my diabetes). Makes typing a big challenge.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:34 PM subject: follow up mailed-by: gmail.com
It looks like spin day in the dextrosphere today. If misinformation were wool, we would be buried in yarn from the spinning wheels …
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:29 AM subject: More? mailed-by: gmail.com
I spent a majority of yesterday graphing out the spaghetti mess! I have gone through almost an entire pack of graph paper to be able to untangle all the competing claims, situations and players. WHEW!
There are still some holes and I’m sure you have more to send me … I’m ready for another data dump.
This is going to make my longest post ever, lots of graphics showing relationships to make it easier to understand the timeline and relationships. I’ll even send you some sections prior to publication for your comments …
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:50 AM subject: Re: More? mailed-by: gmail.com
Have you talked to qritiq yet? She’d be one of the best sources for Weiner events – she seems to despise all parties involved equally.
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:06 AM subject: Re: More? mailed-by: gmail.com
I haven’t gone to Lane Lipton’s site yet nor to Breitbart Unmasked to do any additional digging as yet. Those are on my to do list but I wanted to check in with you first to see if you had more data to dump before I started digging at affiliated sites. This will probably end up being a severe blockbuster to those twisting the narrative for political or financial (or both) gain.
Remember, I am a rank novice at this political stuff, only really getting into it this January. Much of the events occurred either prior to my release from prison on 4Jan2010 or in the immediate aftermath when I was struggling with my health and fighting Social Security for my disability while living on zero income and still being required to make restitution payments that exceeded my income.
Any and all data you can provide or hook me up privately via email with the individuals involved, the better foe my understanding and my ability to expose the lies.
FYI, I’ve been contacted by The Today Show special investigations producer Sandra Thomas about redemption and involvement in political speech. That would be a very powerful medium to be able to expose this …
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:20 AM subject: Re: More? mailed-by: gmail.com
I can think of no one more redeemed + active than brett. He’s basically the shadow 96th us atty’s office – hardcore anti-corruption ninja. Hook him up?
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:24 AM subject: Re: More? mailed-by: gmail.com
Sure. Direct from the horse’s mouth as it were!
from: lemmen plemmen55@gmail.com to: neal rauhauser date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 4:59 PM subject: Ali mailed-by: gmail.com
I guess I hit a very sensitive spot. Ali has commented four times on my facebook account trying to get me to retract my post and trying to convince me how honest and kind he is. Methinks he doth protesteth too much!
from: neal rauhauser redacted to: lemmen date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:01 PM subject: Re: Ali mailed-by: gmail.com
This guy needs to get honest with himself or he’s gonna come to with a bloody nose and a hangover after he falls out of the top bunk in a county jail cell.
Here ended the email exchange. I have not received any emails from Neal since. I have included my responses in order to provide context and accuracy as well as in the interest of brutal honesty. They show that I was being disingenuous with Neal in an attempt to draw him out and to reveal more of the inner working of his mind as well as to elicit connections to other players on the opposition.
More attempts at disinformation, some insight into psyops and cyberwar vis-à-vis his former co-worker and friend Mr. Berkowitz, and an airing of his personal beefs in this “dramedy” of errors. I sent Neal an email requesting an interview. Still haven’t heard back. Anytime, Neal. Door’s open. However, the window of opportunity is closing quickly. I think you know this.
Also, Germans.
About Brooks Bayne
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