EXCLUSIVE UPDATED: Anonymous #opACS operation cleaning service
by CWZ, cyberwarzone.comJune 29th 2012 8:12 PM
Cyberwarzone has watched #opJapan from the start and has seen it evolve in a global awareness operation.
Japan announced a new law against illegal downloads. Last Friday (22-6-2012) Japan passed a new amendment to its copyright laws.
At the moment Japan announced the new law Anonymous #opJapan woke up. They have been providing information about the new law and have been bringing awareness to the world.
This has not gone unseen. The Ministry of Finance announced that they had been attacked by #opJapan
Problems: Who speaks Japanese?
The operation did have a small problem. The Anonymous acktivists are almost all English speaking lads but the target of the Operation is in Japan. How can Anonymous get a hold on the Japanese people?
Operation Anonymous Cleaning Service
Anonymous is going to bring more attention to #opJapan by starting #opACS.
Anonymous is planning an offline-meeting in suits and Guy Fawkes's masks. They are willing to pick up garbage and hand out leaflets explaining what Anonymous is and why Anonymous is concerned.
Anonymous is neither a group nor criminal. We are united citizens of the world who are concerned that our governments and the content industry are trying to take away our liberties on the Internet.
Anonymous wants to show that it is more then just a DDOS movement. Anonymous believes in constructive and productive solutions.
They want to make the Japanese citizens aware of the problems with a productive message.
We are Anonymous. And in this op, we will be cleaning instead of clicking. Expect Us.
First Anonymous Cleanup Service has been scheduled for July 7th, 10am. Stay tuned for locations! #OpJapan #OpACR | #Anonymous #AnonFamily |.
Original Page: http://www.cyberwarzone.com/cyberwarfare/exclusive-updated-anonymous-opacs-operation-cleaning-service
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