Vernon filed a complaint against me. Poor little slave doesn't like my website? Too fucking bad. I don't like him! Columbia University tightened up there security ten-fold after the entire University got hacked ("on the hunt for @ELyssaD") and DDoS when I met with Director of Security at Academic Computing. They (Lulz) took down the entire University "on the hunt for @ELyssaD root @pastebin ... Blah blah blah...
Vernon called the police because he didn't like my blog post I wrote detailing his "monitoring" duties which include harassing, threatening, and stalking me. Vernon appears to have impeccable timing every time I post anything on about the constant harassment and threats, he magically appears outside my window. Today he has a laptop... And I have a phantom visitor on my network! Redirecting DNS, server reset, kindle wiped... If he has a problem with what I have posted online than he can TRY to sue me for libel. Problem is, everything I've said is documented "on the wire" I noticed last night that SOmebody tore down the surveillance camera where Vernon and friends hide out to do their "business"
Vernon called the police because he didn't like my blog post I wrote detailing his "monitoring" duties which include harassing, threatening, and stalking me. Vernon appears to have impeccable timing every time I post anything on about the constant harassment and threats, he magically appears outside my window. Today he has a laptop... And I have a phantom visitor on my network! Redirecting DNS, server reset, kindle wiped... If he has a problem with what I have posted online than he can TRY to sue me for libel. Problem is, everything I've said is documented "on the wire" I noticed last night that SOmebody tore down the surveillance camera where Vernon and friends hide out to do their "business"
Well, I have tightened up my securITy... maybe it is time to time Metro tightens up theirs! Just me,
May 23, 2011
4:44pm #Illuminati
Nashville, Tennessee
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