Computer hackers access U.S. Justice Department website: spokeswoman

Computer hackers access U.S. Justice Department website: spokeswoman | May 21st 2019

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Top News Computer hackers access U.S. Justice Department website: spokeswoman Mon, May 21 19:26 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One or more unauthorized users gained access to the inner workings of a website run by the U.S. Justice Department, a department spokeswoman said on Monday after the hacker group Anonymous said they were behind the incident.

The hackers accessed a server that operates the Bureau of Justice Statistics' website, the spokeswoman said.

The bureau is responsible for collecting and analyzing data about crime — including computer security incidents — from throughout the United States.

The department spokeswoman declined to say when the alleged unauthorized access occurred or what data the hackers might have obtained. The department is looking into whether the unauthorized users broke criminal laws, she said.

Online statements attributed to Anonymous said they were responsible for the security breach and that the files they obtained include emails.

(Reporting by David Ingram and Lily Kuo; Editing by Eric Beech)

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