Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations on Earth - BOMBSHELL | Nov 21st November 21, 2010 from AlligatorFarm Website Each day I examine dozens of articles, posts, essays, videos and the like doing what I do. Once or twice a year something, by the sheer grace of God, manages to squeak through and ends up on the internet where John and Jane Doe can see for themselves that things are not at all as they seem, either here in the USA, or overseas in Great Britain. The first gentleman (on the below video) is Christopher Story. Let us bear in mind what Christopher Story wrote in his last report before his death on 14 July this year and also bear in mind the following below statement he gave to the British Constitution Group on October 2009 while on the subject of outrageous criminality and fraud by the European Union (EU)... This extraordinary video you are about to see really needs little explanation if you have eyes to see and ears to actually hear what is being said. The second gentleman giving his report to Parliament is Lord James of Blackheath. This part of the video was recorded on November 1. This second gentleman, during the course of making an effort to try to present what he knew to Parliament, without divulging who and what “foundation X” was, or is, practically choked on his words in anxiety and fear. You can’t make this stuff up folks. And grown men cannot “fake” being this afraid and gravely concerned for the future of both the UK and for the United States. We are apparently literally months away from some sort of global financial chain reaction collapse, a worldwide “domino effect” that may make September 2008 look like a dismal dress rehearsal. The Vatican is mentioned at one point, and it is revealed that their gold bullion holdings exceed all the gold bullion holdings of all the governments of the world. Did you know this? I certainly did not. For those who insist that the “Illuminati” is a myth, an internet urban legend, or just a whacked out conspiracy theory, I present this video. Only someone who has a pathological need to avoid the truth at all costs would refute the eye witness accounts of these two British Parliamentarians, who obviously knew much more than they felt comfortable in disclosing. Lord James of Blackheath describes a Private "Foundation" which has more money than all the governments of the world put together. This "Foundation X" willing to bail out the world "for nothing". What a lovely sounding old Lord this man is BUT is he seriously this naive?
So the question is:
Because if they need to talk to a Head of state before they do it then there must simply be conditions.
This is just weird. Massive scam or money laundering on the part of the Vatican Bank? Who knows... For those who insist that the "Illuminati" is a myth from YouTube Website Original info at "Did Somebody Just Try to Buy the British Government?" |
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