Neo-Nazi sent the gruesome image above via text after he heard a rumor that I had slept with a black man. He told me to have "eyes in the back of my head"
Sent about 30 similar text messages, told me he was "waiting" outside to "fuck up some gang bangers" who are friends with "Spider Bitch"
Cops don't take Hate Crimes seriously here in TN. Race Baiting and Agent Provocateurs are used to create a sense of helplessness in poverty stricken populations.
It's working.
Gang Violence. Hate Crimes.
Do I report it or not?
I was
threatened a few hours ago by 23 year old who has a history of violence (as per her own admission) after her child (2 years old) wandered all the way to Gallatin Pike and Ms. G didn't even know he was missing until a neighbor saw him wander off. The whole neighborhood went looking for this child who is non-verbal and still rides in a stroller.
A concerned parent who occasionally watches her son is concerned about bruises from being spanked (excessively)
The police never showed up to take a report.
I was told by 5 officers (including two Lieutenants) that extra patrols were being dispatched after I posted the Crime Scene photos online. Have yet to see a single officer patrol the cult-de-sac in this gentrified uppity East Nashville neighborhood.
Threat Assessment Nashville, TN
All the drunks are carrying guns, the dope dealers are sitting in parked cars, people with PTSD are definitely exhibiting psychotic symptoms.
This is precisely what I was afraid of. I know p@ranoia and anxiety is contagious. The monitor made false police reports and all the decent people are being harassed, stalked, threatened or bullied into silence.
Well, fuck that shit!
John (along) with #Anonymous are using trigger words to incite violence against Police and Law Enforcement Agencies.
Declaring war on the Black Panthers and calling Nashville the 'United States of Africa."
Racism, Anti-semitism and Islamaphobia.
According to the information I obtained, "John" was conceived in the United States by Nazi Scientists who continued to conduct genetic medical experiments (RNA DNA Test tube conCOCKtion. #MKUltra
Should I report ?
To whom?
Dad says don't waste my time since he feels the Nashville Police Department are too incompetent to handle the situation.
He may be right, they didn't spell my name correctly on recent identity theft report.
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