The Philadelphia Experiment Murder: Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity
by Alexandra Bruce, bibliotecapleyades.netNovember 30th -0001
However, Preston is much more together as a personality than Allende was and is also available for dialogue. He is also a scientific genius. Like Dr. Jessup, I also encounter strange coincidences or patterns of what we call “synchronicity.” But, unlike Dr. Jessup, the coincidences I discover are not disturbing. I take these coincidences and use them like chess pieces to discover new facets and connections in an attempt to explain what is going on. A whole new genre of literature has thus been created which has turned into “,” and the eternal quest to discover the secrets of time and the universe itself. This book, , which is based upon the murder of Phil Schneider, is an important piece of literature in this regard.
I have referred to the death of Phil Schneider as the second “Philadelphia Experiment Murder” because his life is inextricably connected to this incident and the quantum potential that it represents to all of humanity. In a bigger sense, the “Philadelphia Experiment Murder” also refers to efforts by some to literally “murder” the legend or story itself and thus cut off mankind’s reach to an expanded reality and consciousness of itself. Most importantly, it should be recognized that Phil Schneider died as a martyr for the cause of truth.
His life and efforts to expose the truth should never be forgotten.
The word “turtle” derives from “tortoise” which means “tortus” (twisted). Webster’s New World Dictionary gives a hypoethetic derivation of the Latin tortus as being derived from Late Greek tartarouchos, evil demon, originally controlling Tartarus.
Although I was personally very well aware of the outrageousness and implications of Phil’s death, time and circumstances did not allow me to engage in a personal investigation of the matter. This responsibility was placed in the hands of Alexandra Bruce, a very capable researcher and writer who has more than a little acumen for this type of research.
I first met Alexandra many years ago at a lecture in Manhattan. When she told me her surname, I inquired if she was aware of the particular nature of that name’s Scottish heritage. I was, of course, referring to King Robert I “the Bruce”, whose army defeated the English in the Battle of Bannockburn, winning the independence of Scotland. Those of you who are familiar with my earlier work will remember that the Stewart family are the guardians of the Stone of Scone and by that reason, are the rightful heirs to the throne of the British Isles. The purpose of the Jacobite rebellion was to restore the Stewarts to that throne.
Looking further into Scottish history, I discovered that the legitimacy of the Stewart Clan’s claim was due to Walter Stewart’s marriage to Marjorie Bruce, daughter of Robert the Bruce.
Walter had commanded the left wing of the Scots army at Bannockburn and had been knighted by Bruce on the battlefield. The son of Marjorie and Walter Stewart, Robert II ascended to throne of Scotland, after her brother, King David II died in 1371. The Scottish crown was thereby passed to the Stewart Clan. Alexandra’s uncle, Duncan Bruce has been the North American representative for the Chief of the Bruce clan, Lord Elgin, for over two decades.
A multi-cultural and multilingual individual, Alexandra attended Brown University after growing up in the United States and Brazil. At Brown, she was befriended by John F. Kennedy Jr. and was also a good friend of his wife, Carolyn Bessette. She grew up surrounded by the trappings of wealth and the so-called beautiful people. While this might sound either impressive or pretentious (depending on your viewpoint), Alexandra would be the first to tell you of the dark side of privilege. She has observed how the mind control tentacles of MK-Ultra are a multigenerational labyrinth that reach into the most powerful families in the world, as well as the celebrated and famous.
Upon graduating from Brown, Alexandra founded her own film production company and became a leading producer of “rap” music videos in the early days of that musical genre. In addition to working in the film industry, she is a multitalented individual who has experienced various adventures and misadventures. Currently, she works as an executive at a Long Island investment firm. The Philadelphia Experiment is her first book, and I think you will find it a very good one that not only maintains the intrigue of past books of mine but opens up new territory.
Of more importance, is that it exposes the horrendous injustice of a murdered man and his efforts to expose the truth.
Peter Moon
December 2000
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