The Illuminati versus Chinese Secret Societies - Exopolitical Implications of a Covert Global Depopulation Policy & Staged Extraterrestrial Invasion
The Illuminati versus Chinese Secret Societies - Exopolitical Implications of a Covert Global Depopulation Policy & Staged Extraterrestrial Invasion | Jul 16th 2007
Recently, Benjamin Fulford, a former bureau chief for Forbes Magazine in Japan, has come forward to reveal deep splits within the global power structures that control international finance, religious institutions and geo-politics. Fulford argues that these splits have grown so severe that unless a covert policy for significant global depopulation through contrived means is immediately abandoned, that there will be harsh consequences for those seeking to implement such a policy. Fulford has publicly taken on the role of spokesperson for what he claims are Chinese secret societies opposed to global depopulation policies that specifically target the Asian population. He has recently come out with public warnings on behalf of these secret societies on a popular radio show where he was interviewed on July 5. Fulford's claims and warnings to supporters of a covert global depopulation program are so startling that they could easily be dismissed as wild conjecture and neurotic conspiracy theory. There are however a number of reasons why his claims should not be simply dismissed and be considered on their merits.
All this suggests that Fulford's claims need to be considered on their merits. Fulford traces the origins of the powerful elites responsible for the alleged covert global depopulation program to the leading banking families in Europe and North America. Due to their historical association with Freemasonry he refers to these elite banking families as comprising the modern day 'Illuminati' whose history can be traced all the way back to ancient Babylon (see The History Of The Illuminati - How the Celtic Peoples Were Enslaved by Babylonian Tyrants). Fulford argues that a faction of the Illuminati centered around the Rockefeller family is intent on a radical global depopulation plan through a contrived war on terror, artificially created pandemics, and environmental disasters produced through advanced eco-weapons. In contrast, another branch of the Illuminati centered around the European based Rothschild family has distanced itself from such a plan as evidenced in broad European opposition to the Iraq war. (See The Secret Race to Control Iraq's Extraterrestrial Heritage). Most significantly from an exopolitical perspective, Fulford claims that there is an attempt to produce a global Armageddon with a contrived extraterrestrial enemy that will wipe out a significant proportion of humanity. According to Fulford, this would leave survivors so traumatized that they would be easily manipulated by the Illuminati. A number of whistleblowers including the late Werner Von Braun have argued that a covert plan exists to fabricate an extraterrestrial enemy to justify a new global war. Fulford claims that it was his investigation into artificially created pandemics that targeted Asians in a covert effort to reduce their overall population to 500 million that triggered the attention of Chinese secret societies. He claims that the SARS virus and the avian flu virus (H5N1) are the first in a series of artificially created viruses that specifically target the Asian genome. Disturbed by the possibility that a covert global depopulation policy that targeted Asians was underway, secret Chinese societies based in Taiwan contacted Fulford to offer him their protection and recruited him to be their spokesperson. Fulford contends that the effort to reduce the Asian population is a result of deeply entrenched racism and cultural chauvinism among Illuminati members who historically are centered in Europe and North America. Assuming that Fulford is correct that a depopulation program targeted at Asians is underway, it is worth exploring a number of exopolitical factors for why such a policy might have been implemented by Illuminati members, and the role of the Rockefeller family in such a policy.
How much credence should be given to Fulford's radical claims? Certainly his professional background and access to senior political, financial and cultural figures in Japan can be verified. He has also published a recent book detailing at greater length his claims and providing evidence to substantiate the existence of a covert depopulation program that specifically targets Asians. As far as him being a spokesperson for Chinese secret societies vehemently opposed to such a depopulation program, that is harder to verify. Nevertheless, his work for Forbes Magazine gave him privileged access with key figures and forces in the Japanese economy which almost certainly included the Japanese underworld. This makes it very plausible that he is familiar with and could have been easily approached by Chinese secret societies as he claims. Significantly an Australian expert in reverse speech analysis tested Fulford's speech patterns during his July 5 radio interview and concluded that he was not lying and that the reverse speech patterns are congruent with his claims (see The Warnings of Benjamin Fulford). Perhaps most credence for Fulford's claims come from the revelations of filmmaker Aaron Russo who claims to have befriended a leading member of the Rockefeller family, Nick Rockefeller. According to Russo, Rockefeller admitted that 911 was in inside job, that the war on terror was contrived to convince the global population to submit to draconian national security laws such as microchipping, that leading banking families intended to maintain strict control, and that a depopulation program to cull the global population by at least 50% was underway. While investigations have just begun to determine the accuracy of Fulford's radical claims, the exopolitical implications of a struggle between Asian and North American/European secret societies can be expected to be very significant. If Fulford is accurate in his main claim concerning the determination and ability of Chinese secret societies to target banking elites involved in a global depopulation policy, then it becomes clear Asian secret societies can severely disrupt any contrived global depopulation program by the North American branch of the Illuminati. This would ensure that in a post-disclosure world the full productive capacities of China and other Asian nations would not be significantly diminished. The frustration of plans to covertly depopulate strategic regions of the planet such as Asia, would inevitably lead to a major realignment of financial and political power on the planet. More significantly, the power and influence of the Rockefeller family in repressing information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology would be significantly diminished. This would significantly accelerate the timing of official disclosure concerning extraterrestrial life. Most importantly, it would influence the way in which disclosure was made and thereby lead to the failure of efforts to present extraterrestrials as a new security threat justifying advanced space weapons or to stage a fake extraterrestrial invasion (see Using Space Weapons Against Extraterrestrial Civilizations). This would consequently lead to the release of suppressed technologies and alternative energy sources that are used by extraterrestrial civilizations. Extraterrestrial disclosure would prove very beneficial to Asian economies which have the bulk of the world's population and stand to benefit most from distribution of alternative energy sources. Just as the regular U.S. military is not happy with continued suppression of advanced extraterrestrial technologies (which is why so many military personnel have been safely able to come forward - see The Disclosure Project), so too secret societies in China, and other Asian nations are not happy with the current non-disclosure program. Furthermore, there appears to be a genuine split between North American and European branches of the Illuminati (elite banking families) over global depopulation policies. That makes for a powerful alliance of pro-disclosure interests that must greatly worry members of the increasingly isolated North American based Illuminati and Majestic-12 Group that has historically played a leading role in repressing information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology. |
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