MSS InfoMemo: Program – The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program will open its waitlist registration process for one week starting Monday, March 26 @ 7:30 a.m. Details in text.
Date: March 23, 2012 13:13:11 CDT
To: Stacey Murphy
Cc: Rusty Lawrence, Scott Wallace
Subject: Re: MSS InfoMemo: Program – The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program will open its waitlist registration process for one week starting Monday, March 26 @ 7:30 a.m. Details in text.
Thank you! I already have Section 8 but I recently moved and need an "advocate" to help me communicate with someone who has been non responsive and is, in short, incompetent placing my housing in jeopardy.I have Aspergers and some people have difficulty understanding that just because I am differently abled, I am not an idiot!People with Aspergers tend to speak differently and have different body gestures that culturally incompetent people (such as this particular leasing agent) perceive as ???Bottom line,She messed up and asked me NOT to call her boss (Mr. Rusty Lawrence) because he worked with Kenton Dickerson, myself, Scott Wyatt and other Government employees before I developed a tumor in 2008.I now have a 14mm tumor on my spine, that causes neurological symptoms~ But my brain is fully in tact and surgery is too dangerous.Remember Floyd? He needed a speech machine! Pam Townsend needed special voice translation software to use her PC. At times, I do too, however I only have an iPhone and broken computer.People with Aspergers are not stupid or uninformed, quite the opposite! We are just too pedantic in speech for neuro-typical to understand! We're also pretty arrogant and "obnoxious" when people don't ask the right questions.Also, I need to review my file with your agency because it had come to my attention that my SSDI benefits may be incorrect due to an error made by the IRS and Metro Government (I have a pension or something that changes my eligibility status; increases my monthly income from $688 to ????Stacy Youngman has the file and knows about the SSA / IRS situation (very complicated to explain to non-lawyers)See how verbose I am? Just kidding! It's Friday, and I will follow up on Monday.Thank you,Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.אל
On Mar 21, 2012, at 12:54, Stacey Murphy wrote:Hello Elyssa,Tom Hopton gave me your name and information. If you are not on Section 8, they are accepting applications for the first time in years for one week only beginning this coming Monday, March 26, 2012 at 7:30 am. You can see the information below.Our housing coordinator, Emily Hoskins (615) 292-5803 ext. 8624, is out of the office until Monday, 26th, but I will try and give you a call tomorrow morning to see if there is anything beyond housing that I may be able to assist you with. My day looks pretty full today.Look forward to talking to you then,StaceyStacey Murphy, AS, TCPSIndependent Living SpecialistTennessee Certified Peer Specialist(615) 292-5803 ext. 8628
Center for Independent Living of Middle Tennessee955 Woodland StreetNashville, TN 37206
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stewart, Lee T (Social Services)
Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:29 AM
Subject: MSS InfoMemo: Program – The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program will open its waitlist registration process for one week starting Monday, March 26 @ 7:30 a.m. Details in text.
To: "Stewart, Lee T (Social Services)"
Cc: "Norman" (Nashville Gov)
<image001.gif>Interest Area: Housing
If you receive multiple copies of this email, our apologies – your address is on more than one distribution list: Faith Community, Food & Nutrition, Adult HCBS, Child HCBS, General HCBS, Housing, Transportation, Workforce Development & Economic Opportunity. If you wish to join or be removed from any of these lists, reply to this email and tell us. Please note new Metro Social Services address below.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program will open its waitlist registration process for one week starting Monday, March 26 @ 7:30 a.m. until Friday, March 30 @ 4 p.m. On Monday morning, March 26, you will be able to find the application form on MDHA’s website:
For the first time, interested people will be able to register online. This type of online application is highly encouraged - AND avoids having to wait in long lines at MDHA Rental Assistance Dept. offices on Dew Street. This online process should take roughly 10 minutes.
Generally, the online process involves completing a registration form with basic information such as an email address, street address, phone number, and Social Security number, etc.
After all the registration forms have been entered into a database individuals will be contacted to schedule an actual appointment.
Showing up early in the week/registering early will not guarantee an earlier appointment, because names from the registration forms will be selected by lottery and not time/date stamped as in the past.
In addition to the online method, applications may be mailed (postmarked by March 31, 2012) or hand-delivered to 620 Dew Street during the registration week. You can print out the online application to complete and submit. A map to 620 Dew Street is attached.
Applications that are emailed or faxed to MDHA will NOT be considered.
Metropolitan Social Services • Planning & Coordination
Street Address: Clifford Allen Building, 800 2nd Avenue North, 37201
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 196300, Nashville, TN 37219
P&C Director: 862-6494
InfoMemo Editor: 862-6975
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<Map to MDHA - Dew St.docx>
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