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Many claim I'm out of order!
After you read this, you may change your mind!
Remember, "if you don't mind, you do not matter!"
[PART 1]
[last update: July 1996]
by Agent 'Wolverine'
(Pretty inflammatory title, huh? Well, let's just see if there's any evidence whatsoever that something so unbelievable could be happening here in America. The following information may sound almost unbelievable to some, in fact almost as unbelievable as the reports of horrendous genocidal atroci- ties that had made their way out of Nazi Germany during the course of World War II -- those reports that many in the U.S. Government believed were too incredible to be true, those reports which they finally believed... yet only when it was too late to do anything about it. As for the information which follows, I cannot claim full responsibility for these revelations. The only explanation that I have for the consolidation of this information as it appears in this database is that it is the result of a supernatural manifestation of synchronicity, wherein I was 'led' to be in the right place at the right time in my research into the current activities of the 'Nazi' conspiracy in present times. Apparently "Truth" is a vital force in and of itself. The Truth can be buried and stomped into the ground where none can see, yet eventually it will, like a seed, break through the surface once again far more potent than ever, and nothing can stop it. Truth can be suppressed for a "time", yet it cannot be destroyed. I believe that what you will read throughout this database is information which has been suppressed for years, yet which is now breaking forth like water from a shattered dam, in spite of all attempts to hold it back. It is information whose time has come. So be it. - Wolverine)
(Quote from Louisiana District Attorney James Garrison... during the trial of Clay Shaw -- accused by Garrison of coordinating factions of the Mafia, the CIA and the Military-Industrial Establishment in the conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963)
As World War II was drawing to a close and General George Patton was making his deadly push into the heart of Europe in pursuit of Nazi forces who were beginning to realize that their fascist empire was about to crumble -- or so it seemed -- a counter-measure was put into effect by deep-level agents of the Nazi S.S. This bold and brazen plan was to effect not only an escape of the inner core of the Nazi S.S. but also to implement an infil- tration of the United States' military-industrial establishment using Nazi S.S. 5th column agents in America who would be instructed to blend-in with the population and coordinate their corporate armies in preparation for a future attempt to take control of the American government from within!
So, how were the Nazi's able to infiltrate the heart of American Intelligence without giving themselves away? They would have to have recieved backing from a very powerful organization already operating within the confines of the American Republic. The only thing more powerful than the American govern- ment itself, the Nazis discovered, were the multi-billion-dollar corporate empires which had a considerable influence on the American political sys- tem behind-the-scenes. One of the most powerful of these financial empires had put Dwight D. Eisenhower into the presidency, as well as one of their own family members into the Vice Presidency. This financial empire was none other than the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. This foundation had a great deal of influence in the media and, in turn, in manipulating public opinion in favor of their own political agendas.
According to the well-known International economist Dr. Antony Sutton, the Rockefellers not only helped to finance the Nazi Empire -- the Rockefellers being long-time members of Bavarian-German secret societies that were determined to rule the world by establishing a totalitarian 'New World Order' -- but their STANDARD [EXXON] OIL company had literally provided the 'fuel' for the Nazi War machine's conquest of Europe.
Nelson Rockefeller (who was later manipulated into the Vice Presidency) initially brought 3000 crack Nazi S.S. agents into the United States and gave them new identities and positions within their corporate empire, or within allied corporate structures, most of these being part of the so-called Military-Industrial Establishment. This super-secret operation was called PROJECT PAPERCLIP. Also, several former Nazi scientists from the Peenemunde Aerodynamics Institute which built the 'V-1' and 'V-2' rockets which reigned terror upon England were placed in positions of influence within these corporate/military establishments as well.
The UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION [NWO] was initially created by the Bavarian secret orders (or the Bavarian Empire) and is ultimately being run from Bavaria, Germany -- although they will never admit to this. Former U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, an Austrian, has been accused by many of being an undercover Nazi war criminal. He was allegedly one of several Nazi infiltrators who helped form the 'unofficial' genocidal policies of the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION. The Genocidal and Population Con- trol plans of the United Nations are not too difficult to document. The U.N. - N.W.O. (UNITED NATIONS - NEW WORLD ORDER) also plans to foment anarchy and race riots in America in preparation for the implementation of Executive Orders which will be used to establish martial law and the presence of a UNITED NATIONS "peace keeping force". They will use the excuse that since "we" have sent "peace keepers" to other countries, we in America are not exempt from U.N. intervention in a time of internal instability. However, these U.N. 'Blue Helmets', once they have estab- lished their presence, WILL NEVER LEAVE willingly. Instead they will be used to force Americans to conform to the fascist Bavarian "New World Order" via its "Trojan horse", which is known today as the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION or U.N.O.
Now before you accuse me of suffering from paranoid delusions, I would CHALLENGE you to read this entire series of files, and THEN you can accuse me of paranoid schitzophrenia if you wish...
When and if a "U.N. Police Action" is taken against America, the first order of business will be to confiscate all personal weapons (take away the right to bear arms -- in fact the Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted in its entirety from the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938, which was supposed to curb "gang activity" between Nazi and Communist Party thugs); outlaw all non-sanctioned religious activities (remove freedom of worship -- or initiate an "inquisition" against all religions that are not approved by the "New World Order"); and confiscate all two-way communications devices such as computers, telephones, fax machines, etc. (disabling freedom of speech -- of assembly, free expression, etc. You doubt that such Executive Orders for "Emergency" contingencies are on the books? Then read the concluding files in this series. Better yet, read all the files in order and you'll get a remarkable overview of what is taking place in this world. Remember, knowledge is power and power is protection. - Wol.). These three foundational freedoms, as well as the rest of the BILL OF RIGHTS, will be eliminated if these enemies of freedom and justice have their way. 'Dissenters' will either be shot on site or will be taken to one of the 13 [or more] CONCENTRATION CAMP centers that have been prepared and ARE NOW operational within the United States. Eleven of these have been identified as follows:
Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas; Ft. Drum, New York; Ft. Indian Gap, Penn- sylvania; Camp A. P. Hill, Virginia; Oakdale, California; Eglin Air Force Base, Florida; Vendenberg AFB, California; Ft. Mc Coy, Wisconsin; Ft. Benning, Georgia; Ft. Huachuca, Arizona; Camp Krome, Florida.
There is much evidence that the Nazi's have also been infiltrating the 'militia' movements through right-wing para-military factions such as 'The Order'. This may serve several purposes, among them being to discredit the militias, and more importantly to bring them under Fascist control. A fascist-controlled militia might be swayed into accepting a totalitarian government under the cover of anti-Socialist "Americanism". Actually Nazism IS Fascist-Socialism [National Socialism] in its worst form, but the Bavarians with their Machievellian / Hegalian philosophy do not want us to be aware of this. They have intentionally created a chasm between the Republican and Demo- cratic parties through their control of the media. In the same way they have more-or-less conditioned Americans to vote for either one of two agendas -- two political parties, both of which have been infiltrated by National Socialist agents -- even when there are very qualified can- didates within other parties that have been ignored by the media. Those within the militias or patriot movements who fall for the 'White America' propaganda have apparently not read-up on the writings of the founding fathers in regards to the conviction that all men are created equal. We had to endure a bloody civil war over whether or not we were going to maintain this philosophy, or revert to a perpetual slave state.
The threat to America is not one of race, but of ethics. We are not endangered by any particular race, but by a racist philosophy. America was intended to be a land where the oppressed from EVERY COUNTRY might come and seek refuge from the tyrannies under which they suf- fered in their own lands. The threat comes instead from those national or international socialist governments who are enraged that there would be some place on earth where people would band together in a republic which would seek to exclude the foreign elite from ruling over the 'lower classes' as their absulute overlords. Sadly however, these tyrants have targeted and infiltrated America for the specific purpose of destroy- ing her Constutution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and all of the founding principles upon which they were based. In our references to Germany, Austria and Italy as major threats to America throughout these files, we do not use these terms in reference to the German, Austrian or Italian races or cultures in themselves. Instead, we refer to the ages-old secret organizations and societies which com- pose the remnants and descendants of the inner elite of the old Roman [and the so-called 'holy' Roman] Empires which have continued to flourish in direct succession from the ancient pagan cults which controlled the inner core of that ancient empire. That ancient empire never really died, but still spreads its deadly tentacles throughout the world in search of that which it can devour, control and conquer. And it is still determined to bring the entire planet under its absolute control, as has been its ageless goal...
Another organization that should be looked into is the German- spawned O.T.O. or ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTUS, Aliester Crowley's cult which had deep fascist political connections. Also, the German born SKULL & BONES SOCIETY of which both George Bush and his father Prescott were members. Bush Sr. assisted in the financing of the Third Reich in collaboration with the Rockefellers, and George Bush himself had stated at one point "Isn't it about time we forgive the Nazi War Criminals?". Bush's constant reference to a "New World Order" and his former position as CIA and later MJ-12 director (although the latter position was not a 'public' office) is suggestive.
John Hinkley Jr., the one who tried to assassinate President Reagan when Bush was vice president, had strong ties with American Nazis as well as to the Bush family. Well, George [Herbert] Bush couldn't have wanted to take control the presidency by default now could he? It is interesting to note that Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Robert Kennedy, was involved with a circle of 'spy'chiatrists who had deep fascist "Intelligence" agency connections. Sirhan was also a very susceptible hypnotic subject, which is why many have alleged that he was used as a programmed "Manchurian Candidate" type sleeper- assassin by a fascist element within the CIA. The CIA itself is an extremely compartmentalized and factioned organization, and the NSA and NSC which ultimately supervise the CIA may have wanted it that way, so that it could be more easily regimented.
Another recent "connection" involved a former employee of the CIA's Wackenhut Security Organization, which has a strong presence with- in the Nevada Test Site, one of the most sensitive military research centers on the planet. This employee, Michael Riconosciuto, implied that fascist infiltrators have taken control of certain parts of the Test Site, especially the underground facilities where mind control, bio- genetic and advanced aerospace research is being carried out. There are unconfirmed "rumors" that people have been abducted and taken to these facilities for research purposes. Riconosciuto actually made an attempt to get a helicopter filled with documents and evidence of illegal and unconstitutional activities, out of the Test Site. The air- craft according to Riconosciuto was shot down and all five personnel on board were killed. Michael Riconosciuto's father, the late Marshall Riconosciuto, was a blatant supporter of Adolph Hitler, and was a close associate of Fred L. Crisman -- the man who Louisiana Attorney and JFK assassination investigator James Garrison tied to Clay Shaw. Garrison had identified Shaw as the CIA - Mafia go-between in the JFK assassination. In fact, when Shaw heard that he had been ordered to appear at a court hearing supervised by Garrison to examine his potential ties to the assassination, one of the first persons he called was Fred Crisman. Apparently Clay Shaw was terrified at the prospect of being convicted. Crisman had connections with the Military-Industrial Complex, the CIA, Organized Crime, and the Operation Paperclip crowd according to Garrison. If there was anyone who had an over- view of the fascist conspiracy in America, it had to have been Crisman. Clay Shaw may have been convicted if not for the fact that Garrison's star witness David Ferry had died mysteriously just a few days before the hearing was to begin (see the movie "J.F.K.")... But let's return to the beginnings of the Nazi fifth-column infiltration of the United States intelligence, government and corprate structures.
After the initial 3000 Nazi's were brought into America, means were implemented to bring in even more of their numbers. Do you think the Nazi Movement just gave up and died when the Allies liberated Europe? Don't kid yourself. They merely went UNDERGROUND. The secret Nazi underground empire is now even more determined to destroy America than it ever was, because it was America with it's "all men are created equal" philosophy which ensured the destruction of the Nazi military forces in Europe under the American General George Patton.
Under Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen and his 300 Nazi S.S. agents, in association with Otto Skorzeny and former C.F.R. president Allen Dulles -- who was Nelson Rockefellers cousin, the CIA and the NSA were formed to replace the Naval Intelligence agencies of World War II. This was imple- mented with the help of the Rockefellers and Nazi sympathizers within U.S. Intelligence who were mostly initiates of Bavarian Masonry. Of course the most powerful positions in the CIA and NSA were given to the Nazi agents themselves. It was quite a feat to create a Nazi Intelligence "fifth column" in America without us being aware of it. It was even more of a feat to carry out a partial fascist coup d'etat of the American government in 1963 when the Nazi "german-ated" CIA killed president John F. Kennedy -- along with over 200 material witnesses throughout the ensuing years -- in true Nazi fashion. Earlier that year, Kennedy had threatened MJ-12 member Gordon Gray that he was going to "dismember" the CIA unless they got out of the international drug trafficking business. Kennedy had fired Allen Dulles as CIA director because of his deceitful dealings with other government agencies, since Dulles had worked to make the CIA not just an intelligence-gathering service but the absolute controlling-force over all other government Intelligence agencies and a "secret government" in and of itself. Dulles apparently had a personal vendetta against the President.
As for General Reinhard (Richard) Gehlen, this war criminal was formerly the head of Nazi military intelligence on the Eastern Front, where a lot of the worst atrocities were committed. Gehlen was 'appointed' head of the counter-espionage service of the new West German state UNDER C.I.A. SUPERVISION.
In 1951, as the democratically-elected president of Guatemala Juan Jose Arevalo left office, he commented sadly, "Roosevelt lost the war, the real winner was Hitler." Arevalo was essentially pressured out of office by Col. Jacobo Arbenz, who immediately imposed a National Socialist dicta- torship on Guatemala which included the illegal confiscation of lands and corporations. During his reign of terror tens of thousands of Guatemalans turned up missing, never to be seen again. Their fate has been a matter of debate, however there are those who claim that Arbenz was a member of a secretive 'underground' occult order. After his atrocities became too widespread for comfort, the CIA supposedly backed the overthrow of the Arbenz regime, however they left the country in no better condition when they allowed it to revert back to a military police state where demo- cracy was just as dead as it had been under Arbenz.
Now ask yourself, just WHY has the CIA been so interested in over- throwing third-world countries and installing their own puppet dictators? Could it be that they are involved in a long-term program to implement a global fascist dictatorship?
One of Gen. Gehlen's covert operations included the financing of and diversion of attention to the "Red Menace" while the Nazis continued to consolidate their control [like termites] into the "woodwork" of the American establishment. The Nazi cancer can also be likened to a "tapeworm" that has eaten through the "body" of our Constitutional government, devouring billions of dollars through illegal taxation to support their continued war crimes. Where has all this money gone? Mostly toward the building of multi-billion-dollar underground New World Order / Nazi-CIA operational "Black Budget" bases or bunkers from where they intend to implement their planned take-over of North America. Some of these secret facilities are reportedly located in, near or directly 'below' the following areas:
*Dougway, Utah [works "in conjunction with" the Groom Lake, NV base] *Dulce, New Mexico [Archuleta Mesa, Mt. Archuleta NE of town] *Los Alamos, New Mexico [underground research base; works icw Dulce] *Mercury, Nevada [multi-leveled underground facilities; works icw Groom Lake] *Madigan Military Hospital [50 mi S. of Seattle, WA], via sub-basements *Deep Springs / Bishop, California [exact location uncertain...] *Montauk Point, Long Island [8-level underground facility below 'closed' AF base] *Lancaster, California [Military-Industrial Facilities surrounding the city] *Langley, Virginia [CIA headquarters -- at least 7 levels deep] *Page, Arizona [via hydroelectric dam? Works icw Dulce & Groom Lake] *Reno, Nevada [exact location of underground facility uncertain...] *Granite Mt. [E. of S.L.C., UT; underground "Storage Vault" serves as a "cover"] *Ute Mountains, Utah-Colorado [Sleeping Ute Mt., etc. Works icw Dulce base] *Mt. Lassen, California [exact location of underground facility uncertain...] *Mt. Weather, near Blumont, Virginia [Underground FEMA headquarters] *I.T.T. Corporate headquarters, New Jersey [underground base access terminal]
There are reportedly over 120 of these full-fledged "ground-scrapers" that have been built with funds gathered from the Nazi corporate empire, international CIA drug activities [with the assistance of the Bush family's ZAPATA offshore oil platforms through which drugs were funneled into the U.S., by-passing customs agents], and illegal taxation of Americans. Top positions of the IRS are reportedly occupied by Nazi agents, and it is said that approximately 5% of the tax income is skimmed off the top and channeled to various Nazi projects. These N.W.O. ground-scrapers or bases are connected via subways using nuclear excavation technolo- gies developed by their contacts within Rand and Los Alamos Labs. At this time, these nuclear-tipped drills are capable of excavating a tunnel at a rate of 5 miles per hour with absolutely no waste material. This is accom- plished by the nuclear drill which melts and cracks the surrounding rock into a state of incandescence, and the molten rock is then pressed into the peripheral cracks as the machine passes through, where it cools into an extremely tough, glazed casing or lining.
So then, exactly where are the Krauts hiding? Can we name some of the institutions which are actually covers for the Nazi corporate cons- piracy?
I will divide the following groups into three different 'agendas', you might say, in which the Nazis are involved. First we have those organizations which are involved in world Corporate-Political control. In other words, those corporations that are using their financial and political muscle to work toward the establishment of an agenda which Adolph Hitler himself referred to in the title of his second book, which was called the 'New World Order'. The International corporate terror and extortion rackets run by Otto Skorzeny and the German 'Krupp' family would fall into this category (The Krupps built munitions plants for the Nazis during World War II; financed the secret microwave-mind-control projects of the Brookhaven National Laboratories that were carried out within a secret underground facility below Montauk Point, Long Island; and also control a major portion of the I.T.T. Corp.). Ab- solute global economic control is intended to be a major factor in the estab- lishment of the 'Fourth Reich', and these Nazi's reportedly CALL themselves 'THE ORDER' [OF THE FOURTH REICH]. This absolute global economic control can be seen by the fact that the incorporation's for all of the inter- national economic 'bar codes' must all be registered through a central pro- cessing center in -- you guessed it -- Germany. Here are some of the alleged Corporate Nazi institutions or organizations, to name a few:
Next we have those that are involved in the Global Aryan Master Plan, Racial Genocide, and even Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Human Sacri- fice rings. OK, before you say this is going too far, go and dig up some history on the satanic or occult links of the Bavarian Illuminati, Bavarian Nazi Party, the Bavarian Thule Society, the Rosicrucian Order of Bavaria, the Bavarian Vril Society, the Bavarian Skull & Bones Society, and all of the lesser-known but numerous interlinking societies that are tied-in with the above. Why Bavaria? Simply because during the Roman Occu- pation of Egypt in ancient times, Bavaria served as the military center of the Roman (and later the so-called 'Holy Roman') Empire, and the deeply occultic Bavarians -- the fierce HUN tribes who had so much pull in the Roman government that they could more-or-less install whoever they wanted into the Roman Empirium -- had 'adopted' the gnostic-satanism practiced by the early Egyptian sorcerers, and brought it to Germany and Rome. This included the practice of ritual abuse and sacrifice. The "Holy Roman Empire" [HO.R.E.], which we can thank for dragging all of Europe down into the Dark Ages, has traditionally encompassed Germany, Austria and Italy -- the "Triple Alliance" which had initiated the first AND second World Wars. Here then are some of the modern-day covers for this activity (by the way, have you ever wondered what happens to a large majority of America's missing children, the so-called 'Milk Carton Kids'? Also, the reference to the 'American Psychiatric Association' is based on the fact that the APA may have had some connection with the CIA 'spy'chiatrists and hypnotherapists who had known ties to Sirhan Sirhan before his assassination of Robert Kennedy; the fact that the original APA mem- bership for some strange reason included over 2,000 German nationals who 'immigrated' to the U.S. following WWII; and the fact that the APA is an organizational member of the NATIONAL COALITION TO BAN HAND- GUNS -- which is now known today as the C.S.G.V.):
Go To Part 2
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