A LOCAL CALL to ACTION: $44 or 44? #Fail

A LOCAL CALL to ACTION: $44 or 44?

by Elyssa Durant, voices.yahoo.com
January 15th 2009

This is your official call to action. $44 or 44?

We are calling upon all Nashvillians to contribute to a once to in a lifetime opportunity to be make a difference on the home front.

Be the change. Act locally.

President Obama has his work cut out out for him. So do we. So do you.

I am asking each one of you to make a choice today: $44 or 44? How much is your time worth? 44 hours of public service or $44 out of your ATM. You decide.

4 dollars or 4 hours? Each month, every month for the next 11.

Are you ready to be the change?

Make your contribution today. Go to www.volunteernashville.com, and hit "contact!" Tell me how you are building a better Nashville for all of us!


Original Page: http://voices.yahoo.com/article/1392282/a_local_call_to_action_44_or_44.html

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