"The Mother Of All Black Ops"
9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.comAbout Me
- Name: James F. Marino
- Location: United States
Investigative Journalist Targeted For Organized Stalking & An Ongoing FBI COINTELPRO STING OPERATION/SMEAR CAMPAIGN -- This author has been used as an unwitting target of non consensual human experimentation for decades via the NSA's SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE EMF Scanning Network - a covert domestic spy program which uses brain scanners and analysers deployed via NSA signals intelligence satellites to remotely scan the brainwaves of any American citizen. Through Wireless fMRI Computer To Brain interfacing via NSA artificial intelligence computers, NSA has remotely accessed this author's brainwaves for decades. NSA sees what I see through my own eyes by electronically intercepting & decoding images stored within the visual cortex region of my brain. As such, without my consent NSA has used me to spy on others. The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network can be used to remotely access the unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies of any American citizen's brain, as the result of a national brain fingerprinting program secretly implemented in 1981, under Executive Order 12333 - Google: Akwei VS NSA
"The Mother Of All Black Ops" Earns A Wikio's Top Blog Rating
"The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network is the electronic spy equivalent of the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology, since it can be used to enter your mind without your even knowing it"- James F. Marino
"NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject."-- NSA WhistleblowerJohn St. Clair Akwei
Former Chief Medical Officer Of Finland, Dr. Rauni Kilde States That Mind Control Technology Is Worse Than The Atom Bomb Because It Can Be Used To Remotely Enter People's Brains To Alter Their BehaviorA Report Written By Another Targeted Individual By The name Of Robin Webster, Entitled: "Evidence For The Existence Of An Invisible Third Degree" - Those Of Us Who Are Targeted For Non Consensual Human Experimentation & Organized Stalking, Will Find Dr. Webster's Report Of Interest John St. Clair Akwei
- NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice
"The Military Intelligence Complex In The United States Has Become A Modern Day Orwellian Nightmare -- Especially The NSA's Satellite Based Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, Which Has Been Used To Secretly Implement A National Brain Fingerprinting Program In the United States - This EMF Scanning Network, Deployed By The NSA's Echelon Spy Satellite Array, Has Become The Real Life Equivalent Of Orwell's Big Brother."- James F. Marino"Some patents, now owned by Raytheon, describe how to make 'nuclear sized explosions without radiation' and describe power beam systems, electromagnetic pulses and over-the-horizon detection systems. A more disturbing use is the system developed for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a device for causing negative effects on human health and thinking. The victim, the innocent civilian target is locked on to, and unable to evade the menace by moving around. The beam is administered from space. The Haarp (2c) facility as military technology could be used to broadcast global mind-control, as a system for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). What does all this mean? It means, to begin with, that you will need to come to terms - now, or in a few short years - with the fact that the U.S. Government has the technological capabilities to 'read your mind' 7b and interact with it. With or without your permission." - Electromagnetic Warfare Expert
Carol Smith, PhD.
The Consequences Of Brainwashing By Paul BairdThe Rothschilds Declare War On The United States:"That same year (1862) The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement, 'If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.'”- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve""Banking and Currency and the Money Trust" By Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. -- This Was The Book Which Congressman Lindbergh Wrote To Alert The American People To The House Of Rothschilds' Control Over The United States Through Its Communist Central Banks; Warning Americans Not To Allow The Congress To Pass The Aldrich Plan, Which Would Have Allowed For The Creation Of A Communist Central Bank In America. The Aldrich Plan Would Become The Basis For The Treasonous Federal Reserve Act Of 1913, Which Would Give The Rothschilds A New Communist Central Bank In America Called The Federal Reserve Bank - Today, The House Of Rothschild Secretly Controls The Three Branches Of The U.S. Federal Government, The U.S. Treasury & Our Economy Through The Private Corporation Known As The Federal Reserve System - As Punishment For Writing This Book The Rothschilds Had Lindbergh's Grandson MurderedThe FBI/CIA Collusion In The Kidnapping Of Publishing Heiress Patricia Hearst -- One Of The Greatest Scams Ever Pulled Off By U.S. Intelligence"FBI links with Organized Crime are nothing new. The FBI was founded primarily as an internal political repression agency, not a crime fighting organization. A few spectacular arrests of rag tag bank robbers burnished the crime fighting image, but political control has always been the FBI's main role."-Baltimore Sun Blog
Is House Of Rothschild Lackey, Senator Jay Rockefeller The Real Driving Force Behind The Internet Kill Switch Bill? If So, He Certainly Has Plenty Of Support In Congress What's The Real Purpose For The Internal Revenue Service? The American People Would Like To Know - The IRS Is Used As A Smokescreen To Make The American People Think That The Money They Pay In A Federal Income Tax Goes To Support The Daily Operations Of The U.S. Federal Government, Instead Of Where This Fiat Currency Really Goes - Straight Back To The Federal Reserve System To Pay Down The Interest On The Principle Which The Federal Reserve Claims The U.S. Treasury Owes It For Borrowing And Laundering The Federal Reserve Notes That The Federal Reserve System Counterfeits & Launders Through The Treasury & U.S. Economy - The Most Successful Financial Scheme In Human History"The Torture Report" By Doctor Les Dove - This Report Was Written By A European Citizen Who Like His American Counterparts, Is Being Targeted For The Vigilante Hate Crime Of Organized Stalking & Non Consensual Human Experimentation - The Torture Report Does An Excellent Job Of Describing What It's Like To Be The Victim Of These Orwellian Crimes - Dr. Dove Describes A Frightening Scenario Regarding The Global Zionist Dictatorship Which Is Gradually Emerging Under The Guise Of A War On Terror - "The Torture Report" Is A Must Read For The Citizens Of This Planet - "The Torture Report" Has Already Been Electronically Tampered With On Many Of The Websites On Which It Was Published, So Read It On This Website While You Still You Can- Alternative Journalist
James F. Marino
Why Was The FBI Used To Cover Up The Facts Behind The Murder Of Chandra Levy?Actress Jean Seberg Murdered By the FBI's Sociopathic Bureaucrats - Another Example Of The FBI's Deadly COINTELPRO Operations & Why The FBI Is A Cancer On America That Must Be Abolished!"According to several Internet traffic monitoring sites: 9-11 The Mother Of All Black Operations has received nearly 60 million unique readers since this author began publishing the material on this Website back in June of 2006 and now receives more than 21 million page views per day. This in spite of FBI/NSA collusion in which to electronically tamper with this Website, while fomenting one of the most outrageous and vicious attacks on civil liberties and the U.S. Bill of Rights in the history of the United States of America."In Court Documents, An FBI Agent Admits Under Oath That The FBI Has Access To The Type Of Satellite Deployed Electromagnetic Weaponry That A Texas Citizen Reports Being Attacked With By The CIA - The FBI Agent Also Admitted That FBI Agents Are Breaking The Law By Using This Electromagnetic Technology In Which To Remotely Torture American Citizens Via Satellite, While Denying These Citizens Their Inherent Rights Under The United States Constitution; Such Satellite Deployed Predation Is Taking Place Against Millions Of American Citizens As Part Of A Clandestine Government Program To Perform Non Consensual Human Experimentation On The American Population - This Author Is Routinely Targeted By Such Satellite Based Electronic Weaponry As The Direct Result Of The FBI/NSA Criminal Conspiracy In Which To Deny This Author My Inherent Rights As An American Citizen, While This Intel Crime Syndicate Uses My Person For Non Consensual Human ExperimentationWhat Did The Late President John F. Kennedy & The Lindbergh Baby Have In Common? They Were Both Secretly Murdered By Representatives Of The House Of RothschildThe Planned NSA/Google Partnership Combined With The Internet Kill Switch Bill Is A Covert Black Operation In Which To Destroy The Blogosphere & The Alternative Journalist, While Using The Internet As Yet Another Venue For The House Of Rothschilds' Zionist Agenda & Tool Of DisinformationThe Rothschilds Declare War On The United States:"That same year (1862) The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement, 'If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.'”- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve""The people in the 20 U.S. States who seek to secede from the U.S. Federal Government understand that the House of Rothschild is using the Federal Reserve System & Internal Revenue Service (both private corporations) in order to impose a covert form of class warfare on the American citizenry, through an unconstitutional federal tax on their wages. What the American people are now witnessing is history in the making. A growing patriotic subset of the American population who have become defiant towards the Rothschilds and their global counterfeiting/ money laundering crime syndicate, and who will no longer tolerate this mass deception. It's as if Americans are reliving our forefathers' breaking away from the British Empire and the House of Rothschild all over again; just as they did in the 1700's when they founded the original Thirteen Colonies and declared their independence from England's King George III. Moreover, this lack of trust for the present leadership in the United States is based on solid evidence which proves that this shadow government is not operating within the Constitutional rule of law and as such no longer serves the will of the American people. So how much longer will Americans tolerate a government which is clearly controlled by another country and financed by the House of Rothschilds' counterfeited currency? In this author's opinion, not much longer."
- Alternative Journalist
James F. Marino
Editor's Notation: "Many of the following hyperlinks are regularly electronically tampered with by the FBI, in efforts to cover up some crime that the U.S. Federal Government or its House of Rothschild leadership attempt to prevent the public from reading about. If you find an article of interest that you cannot access, please try it again at a later time, since this author is now forced to repost many of these articles on a regular basis. For the past four years, the FBI has desperately tried to get this Website deleted. And given the fact that this Blog now has millions of readers who are familiar with the FBI/NSA collusion in which to deny this author my Constitutional rights as an American citizen, the FBI will continue to attack my person while the bureau foments a treasonous attack on the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights. So much for our 1ST Amendment right to freedom of speech in America - the House of Rothschilds' land of the lies."- James F. Marino
A Book So Damaging To The House Of Rothschild & Its Zionist Dogma, That Its Author, Jack Bernstein Was Murdered For Having Written It - "The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel""If the FBI coerces a person to violate some aspect of the law (including convincing a person to take part in the vigilante hate crime of organized stalking), the FBI can later use such a crime to further coerce this person, or to even prosecute this person if the statue of limitations has not expired. Such coercive tactics by the FBI cost its agents nothing; however the FBI's intimidation tactics can cost the target of such duplicity everything. Thus, allowing oneself to become ensnared in one of the FBI's COINTELPRO derived machinations is akin to making a deal with the devil - Such people need to be freed from these constraints & the FBI and its Draconian operations need to be abolished, since the criminal mindset of the average FBI agent is extremely dangerous to our Constitutional rule of law"- James F. Marino
COINTELPRO/Organized Stalking Target
Are You Being Used By The NSA As An Unwitting Piece Of Mobile Spyware For Its Signals Intelligence Operations? According To A Lawsuit By A Former NSA Employee, You Could Be Without Even Knowing ItMind Reading & Manipulation Of One's Thoughts Via Specialized Government Satellites Has Been Taking Place Since The 1970's - Who's The Target? You & Your Family!The True Agenda Of The House Of Rothschild & Its Intentions For The American People & The Rest Of The Human Race
-- Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974 (Author of "PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND" 1969)
Dr. Michael Sala's "Exopolitic's" Website - Dr. Sala's Premise Regarding Exopolitics Is That The Earth Is Inhabited By An Advanced Race Of Extra Terrestrial Beings Who Secretly Control The Planet Earth -- For Those Who've Read Dr. Zecharia Sitchin's Startling Research Regarding A Race Of Extra Terrestrial Beings Whom Sitchin Identified As The Annunaki ( Which Literally Translated Means Those Whom From Heaven To Earth Fell)And Whom Sitchin Claims Actually Created The Human Race As Slave Labor, Michael Sala's Research May Hold Particular InterestIGNORING The Organized Stalker Is Key To Neutralizing This Vigilante Hate Crime Orchestrated By The U.S. Intelligence Community - A Sign Of The Complete Breakdown Of The Constitutional Rule Of Law In AmericaPresident Franklin D. Roosevelt was always a pawn of the House of Rothschild and their global counterfeiting & money laundering establishment. And FDR's loyalty to the Rothschilds was never more apparent than with his passage of the Gold Confiscation Act of 1933, which not only made it a crime for the American people to use gold as legal tender, but also allowed the Rothschilds to cover up the fact that they were using their Federal Reserve Communist central bank in which to steal the American people's gold from the United States Treasury. A high crime of treason.Former FBI Agent Wes Swearingen Blows The Whistle On The FBI's Inherent Corruption & Use As An Upper Level Crime Syndicate -- "An agent from 1951 to 1977, Swearingen collaborated on two previous books the bureau no doubt hates: Agents of Repression and The COINTELPRO Papers. His new book is autobiographical, tracing his involvement with the FBI from the time he signed on after World War II to his retirement and beyond, as Swearingen began to testify to 'FBI chicanery' on behalf of bureau victims. Swearingen began his career doing 'black bag jobs' on Communists in Chicago. In Kentucky and New York City, he spent years doing serious criminal investigations, which had been his goal in joining the FBI. But Hoover fixated on the threat posed by such groups as the Black Panthers and the Weathermen, Swearingen explains, and the Constitution once more went out the window. Some of his stories (e.g., the bureau's harassment of Jean Seberg) are familiar, but Swearingen is more explicit than most on the FBI's role in the police raid that killed Chicago Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark and in the framing of Los Angeles Panther Geronimo Pratt for a crime he didn't commit. FBI Secrets won't win awards for graceful prose, but it does shed new light on an important pattern of corruption and repression." -- Mary Carroll/ -- "In his latest book, 'FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose', Former FBI Agent Wes Swearingen provides an insider's view of the COINTELPRO program of suppression of political dissidents, but also tells us that the program continues to this day under another name, apparently without a paper trail. He paints a picture of an agency riddled with corruption, incompetence, and inefficiency, composed of men who may have once been patriots, but who have been reduced to common criminals, whose crime fighting activities are limited at best and largely for show, with political repression being the primary mission. The activities of FBI agents and their [informers] include warrantless break-ins, theft, fraud, kidnapping, perjury, fabrication of evidence, suborning of witness perjury, and murder. The targets were political dissidents:anyone FBI agents didn't like.'" Read An Excerpted Copy Of Swearingen's "FBI Secrets" HereWas The Car Accident In Which UFO Researcher Barbara Bartholic Was Seriously Injured & Her Husband Killed, A Covert Murder Attempt By The U.S. Military On The UFO Researcher's Life? FBI EntrapmentTypical & Troubling
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds
Exposes The FBI's Crime Syndicate
"Edmonds stated her FBI supervisor told her to let work pile up in terrorism cases, thus enabling them to go into Congress stating they are swamped, understaffed and need millions more in federal funding, out of taxpayer money, on a yearly basis, when their ever increasing budget is up for review. 'And the public wonders why terrorists keep gaining illegal access to U.S. shores to inflict unconscionable harm on innocent citizens. It is because of the FBI's criminal negligence and corrupt agenda. Millions in FBI funding paid for by the U.S. taxpayers, has gone missing, as it was stolen in some cases and misappropriated in others, wasted on luxurious frivolities by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's high flying management. If they want to spend like that, they need to go work on Wall Street. Leave the crime solving to people who actually care.'"Whistleblower
- Sibel Edmonds
"Given the delight that they take in breeding an environment of distrust, while using deception in which to foment discord amongst our communities and families, one must see most FBI agents for exactly what they are: a group of miserable lowlife backbiting cocktail hor d'ourves whose existence only serves one purpose - the propagation of evil."COINTELPRO Target
- James F. Marino
How Did The American People Become Unwitting Satellite Prisoners To The House Of Rothschild? It All Began With The Creation Of The NASA Space Program Under A Nazi Scientist By The Name Of Wernher Von BraunU.S. Jury Rules That The FBI Used Its Connections With The Memphis Mafia To Murder Martin Luther King Jr.Further Proof That The FBI Fabricated The Faulty Fuel Tank Theory Regarding The 1996 Crash Of TWA Flight 800, While Ignoring The Testimony Of Over 200 Eyewitnesses Who Saw A Missile Destroy Flight 800 - Further Proof That The FBI Is A Joke As Law Enforcement, A Political Pawn Of The White House, And A Criminal Syndicate That With Few Exceptions, Employs Pathological Liars & CriminalsHow The National Security Agency Can Enter Your Mind At Any Time Without Your Knowledge Or Consent Through Its Use Of Wireless Computer To Brain Interface Technology - You Don't Even Have To Be Implanted With An Electronic Tracking Chip Since The NSA Targets The Unique Electromagnetic Field Which Emanates From Your Own Body, And That It Uses To Electronically Track You Via Its Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network - Read About The NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network Here - You're An American Citizen & You Have Been Brain Fingerprinted Without Your Knowledge Or Consent - So Much For America The Land Of The Free - Welcome To The House Of Rothschilds' Global Zionist Dictatorship & Its Billions Of Brainwashed SerfsAlternative Journalist Researcher Christopher Bollyn Breaks Down The Zionist Criminal Network In The United States Through Many Of Its Secret Societies - Bollyn's Writings Help To Bring A Greater Understanding To How The House Of Rothschild & Its Zionist Leadership Have Fanned Out Across The Globe Over The Past Few Centuries And Infiltrated The Myriad Countries Which They've Taken Furtive Control Of Through The Establishment Of Their Communist Central BanksGoogle Text Translator - Translate Text In 51 Different Languages

Robin Head
Former Texas Madam Exposes FBI/CIA Black Operation To Entrap U.S. Politicians In Prostitution Stings In Order To Blackmail Them - The FBI Electronically Disables This Article Everytime This Author Reposts It -- Brownstone operations are covert stings which involve the use of prostitutes in which to entrap powerful people; especially politicians. Why would the FBI and CIA want to electronically sabotage this article as often as they do? Because they are concerned that the U.S. Congress, which appropriates the already ludicrous billions of dollars in annual funding for the Intel community (including the FBI & CIAs' annual official budgets), might learn about former Texas Madam Robin Head's allegations against the FBI & CIA (why the FBI sent her to prison for ten years based on trumped up charges), and consider reducing or even eliminating funding for both the Bureau and the CIA, if these politicians realize that they themselves are being setup to be blackmailed. They'd never publicly state this, however, you can be sure that in the future they'll be scrutizining the U.S. Intelligence community like never before. And as these politicians should have been doing since the inception of this community of domestic spies. It's called self preservation.CIA Disinfo Agent Barbara Hartwell (Politis) Also Exposed As An FBI Provocateur Who Aids & Abets The FBI COINTELPRO Against FBI COINTELPRO Target, Alternative Journalist/Independent Researcher, James F. Marino"Sudden Heart Attacks/Fast Spreading Cancers & Electromagnetic Weapons, Were Simon Monjack & Brittany Murphy Murdered By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complexes Active Denial Weapons System?" A Long Island, NY Town Attempts To Ban Cell Phone Towers Given Concerns That They Are Very Dangerous - Cell Phone Towers Are Dangerous For Several Reasons Including The Powerful Electromagnetic Fields Which They Give Off As Well As Their Use In Broadcasting Frequencies Which Can Be Used To Penetrate The Human Brain; For The Express Purpose Of Non Consensual Human Experimentation"FBI AGENTS CAUGHT CHEATING ON TESTS AND FABRICATING 'TERRORISM EMERGENCIES'” -- More Evidence That The FBI Is A Complete Fraud That Hires GarbageThe Rothschilds Declare War On The United States:"That same year (1862) The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement, 'If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.'”- Source: Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve""The History Of The House Of Rothschild" By David Allen Rivera - Rivera's Meticulous Research Into The House Of Rothschild & Their Creation & Control Over Their Illuminati Global Crime Syndicate, Parallels That Of The Late Eustace Mullins, Whose Written Expositions Of The Rothschilds & Their Global Counterfeiting/Money Laundering Operations Are Now Correcting The Tainted History The Rothschilds Have Sold To The Citizens Of This Planet For More Than Two CenturiesIs The FBI Illegally Spying On Former Acquaintences Of This Author? It Would Seem So "Ninety Percent Of Creating A Communist Government Is Accomplished By Establishing A Central Bank In A Country."-- Vladimir Lenin - House Of Rothschild Lackey
The Federal Reserve System Is A Central Bank Which The House Of Rothschild Has Used To Secretly Take Control Of The United States Federal Government - Read Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" To Learn How The Federal Reserve Communist Central Bank Has Been Used To Destroy The United States Of America By Taking Over The United States Monetary System, Three Branches Of Government & Economy - The American People Should Be Paid With U.S. Treasury Notes, Not The Federal Reserve System's Counterfeited & Laundered Federal Reserve Debt Notes - The House Of Rothschild Uses The Private Corporation Known As The Federal Reserve System As Well As Internal Revenue Service To Conduct A Secret Form Of Class Warfare Against The American People In The Way Of An Unconstitutional Federal Income Tax On The Wages Of The American Working Class "With More Than 21 Million Page Views Each Month, 9-11 The Mother Of All Black Operations Ranks In The Top 1 Percent Of The Entire Internet; With An Increase Of Nearly 430,000 Page Views Per Day Over The Last Few Months Alone!"-- Former NSA Employee
John St. Clair Akwei
John St. Clair Akwei VS The National Security Agency - The Most Important Lawsuit In American History, Which Is Why The U.S. Courts Have Refused To Hear AKWEI VS NSA For The Past Two Decades - The NSA's Secret Electronic Brain Fingerprinting Of The American People - Read It Here"Like the House of Rothschilds' use of *FDR's Presidential Administration in which to make using gold and silver coins (real money) a crime, as well as the Rothschilds' use of Andrew Melon and the Bureau Of Narcotics in which to make the use of marijuana a crime, the Rothschilds used the AMA and FDA to make the use of Vitamin B17 a crime, because of its superiority in treating cancer patients. This perversion of government is how the Rothschilds have always eliminated their competition. They are the consummate monopolists & criminals, because throughout history they have managed to monopolize this entire planet through their abjectly criminal activities, and always gotten away with it. - That is until the advent of the Internet, the alternative journalist and the Blogosphere as a new frontier of anti-Rothschildism"- James F. Marino
"People ask 'em the difference between a Democrat and Republican in Congress - like they don't get it: HERE'S HOW YOU GET IT: It's organized crime. It's just that the Democrats are the Gambinos, and the Republicans are the Genoveses. The people at the top, they act like it's a crap game. Like it's their crap game and their making lots of money. Every once in awhile, somebody at the table shoots eachother, but the moment ANYTHING comes in to disrupt their crap game - they all unite to protect it..."~~~ Mike Ruppert, From The Wilderness.com
" In April Of 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt was used by the House of Rothschild in which to pass treasonous legislation which made it a crime for Americans to use gold as legal tender - The Gold Confiscation Act Of 1933 - Read more about how the Rothschilds used FDR to pass the Gold Confiscation Act, after the American people made a run on U.S. banks, only to find that the gold which they had deposited had been stolen by the House of Rothschild, through the private corporation known as the Federal Reserve System. FDR then immediately closed all U.S. banks for two weeks. By the time these banks reopened, it had become a crime to use gold as legal tender. - The Rothschilds had not only managed to steal the American people's gold bullion, they also succeeded in making it a crime for Americans to use gold (i.e. real money) as legal tender, while the Rothschilds' duped Americans into believing that the Federal Reserve System's counterfeited fiat money was real, and then connived Americans into laundering this fiat money for the House of Rothschild"- James F. Marino
"There's Absolutely Nothing Wrong With The FBI That Abolishing This Americanized Gestapo PIG Would Not Cure"- Alternative Journalist
James F. Marino
"The House of Rothschild's Federal Reserve System Is An Evil Version Of The Mythical Character Robin Hood, Since Unlike Robin Hood, The Federal Reserve System Steals From The Poor & Gives To The Rich - The Federal Reserve System & Its IRS Collection Agent Are Nothing But Covert Forms Of Class Warfare Being Waged Against The American Middle Class By The House Of Rothschild's Global Zionist Criminal Counterfeiting-Money Laundering Operation -- Both Made Legitimate By The Rothschild's Furtive Take Over Of The Three Branches Of The U.S. Federal Government"-- James F. Marino
Mind Reading & Manipulation Of One's Thoughts Via Specialized Government Satellites Has Been Taking Place Since The 1970's - Who's The Target? You And Your Loved Ones Are! "With More Than 21 Million Page Views Each Day This Site Ranks In The Top 1 Percent Of The Entire Internet; With An Increase Of Nearly 430,000 Page Views Per Day Over The Last Few Months Alone!"Zionist Banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild's 18Th Century Plot To Destroy The United States By Establishing One Of His Communist Central Banks In The United States To Subvert The U.S. Federal Government & Destroy The American Economy - Rothschild's Dream Was Realized With The Passage Of The Treasonous Federal Reserve Act & Creation Of The Private Corporation Known As The Federal Reserve SystemYour Medical Records, Bank Accounts, Home Computer, Email Accounts, Car's Computer & Now Your Body's Own Unique EMF Field - Is There Anything Or Anyone The NSA's Not Electronically Tracking? And Was The Father Of The Types Of Artificial Intelligence Computers The NSA Uses In Its Signals Intelligence Operations, Seymour Cray, Murdered Because He Knew Too Much About The Extraordinary Capabilities Of These Computers?U.S. Federal Government Whistleblower Exposes A UFO Coverup Within The U.S. Military Only To Find That His Military Career Has Been Completely ExpungedThe Truth About Osama Bin Ladin & Why The Zionist Controlled U.S Intelligence Community Won't Let His Persona Die - Bin Ladin - The Man VS The MythIGNORING The Organized Stalker Is The Key To Neutralizing Their Vigilante Operations - Organized Stalkers Are Government Sanctioned Criminals Who Represent The Overthrow Of The United States Of AmericaThis Author Now Concerned Over The Recent Health Problems Of Yet Another Family Member - Are These Health Problems Related To Some Form Of Electronic Warfare?"Defrauding America" An Introduction To 50 Years Of U.S. Federal Government Cover Ups, Including The Missile Take Down Of TWA Flight 800, The Oklahoma City Bombing & The Terrorist Attacks On 9-11-2001Were Actress Brittany Murphy & Her Screenwriter Husband, Simon Monjack, Murdered By Way Of Directed Energy Weaponry, Because They Were A Threat To The Success Of A Movie Which Warner Brothers Was Releasing? The NSA Regularly Electronically Tampers With This Article Because There's More Than A Bit Of Truth To Monjack & Murphy Having Been Covertly Murdered By Way Of The U.S. Intel Community's Active Denial Weapons SystemThe FBI/DEA "OPERATION SWORDFISH" -- Intel Agents Set Up Dummy Corporations To Get Into The Drug Business Then Skim Off The Profits For Themselves"Marinoism"-- "The belief that everything from political to religious indoctrination is an abject fraud used in order to control the minds of this planet's citizenry, as a means of effective social control; and that the individual must seek their own higher truths in order to rise above the psychological bonds which the House of Rothschild's Zionist controlled society uses to secretly enslave them."The Rothschilds Declare War On The United States:"That same year (1862) The Times of London publishes a story containing the following statement, 'If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.'”-- Former NSA Employee
John St. Clair Akwei
"From the New Paradigms Project: From: Lloyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Covert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency Date: Friday, May 12, 2000 7:51 PM Subject: Covert Operations of the U.S.National Security Agency John St Clair Akwei vs National Security Agency Ft George G. Meade, MD, USA (Civil Action 92-0449)" "Webmaster: Whereever Mr. Akwei is now, he'd better watch his back while getting on a plane..." Suggested Reading List Which Covers Many Books Documenting The FBI's Criminal OperationsThe True Agenda Of The House Of Rothschild & Its Intentions For The American People & The Rest Of The Human Race:Actual 1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado - "We need a program of PSYCHOSURGERY for POLITICAL CONTROL of our society. The purpose is PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be SURGICALLY MUTILATED. 'The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must ELECTRICALLY CONTROL THE BRAIN. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.'" -- Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974 (Author of "PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND" 1969) "If The House Of Rothschild Had Not Used Its Federal Reserve Communist Central Bank In Which To Begin Looting The United States Treasury In 1913, There Would Have Been No Reason To Take The American People Off The Gold Standard In 1933, Or The U.S. Federal Government Off The Gold Standard In 1971 - The Federal Reserve Simply Looted The American People's Gold, And Then Tricked Americans Into Believing That The Federal Reserve Notes Which The Federal Reserve Counterfeits & Launders Through The United States Treasury Are Worth Something Of Intrinsic Value, When In Reality These Debtor Notes Are Nothing But Worthless Pieces Of Paper Created To In-Debt The American People To The Federal Reserve System & Its House Of Rothschild Zionist Banking Cartel"--- James F. Marino
Read About How The House Of Rothschild Used Their American Representatives In Which To Sneak The Federal Reserve Act Past Most Members Of Congress, Which Resulted In The Creation Of The Communist Central Bank Known As The Federal Reserve System - The Most Diabolical Financial Scheme In Human History U.S. Military Whistleblower Admits To Government UFO Coverup - Then Finds That His Entire Military Record's Been Expunged - And Bob Jacobs Isn't The First Government Whistleblower Who's Been Treated In Such A Despicable Manner

Eustace Mullins' "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" - This book is several hundred pages long, and one of the most worthwhile that you will ever read, in gaining an understanding of how the House Of Rothschild subverted the U.S. Federal Government, when it orchestrated the bribing of several U.S. Senators during the Christmas Holidays in 1913. This was done in which to pass the treasonous Federal Reserve Act, which allowed for the creation of the privately owned and Zionist controlled corporation known as the Federal Reserve System - A Congress authorized counterfeiter and money launderer that has destroyed the U.S. economy through its creation of fiat money, and inflationary and deflationary cycles, which resulted in the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, as well as every recession the American people have experienced over the past century Mayer Amschel Rothschild's Plot To Destroy The United States Of America By Taking Over The U.S. Federal Government With One Of His Central BanksWas The Hit & Run Car Accident Which Killed Tulsa Artist Bob Bartholic & Seriously Injured His Wife, UFO Researcher, Barbara Bartholic, A Covert Black Operation In Which To Murder Barbara Bartholic In A Plausibly Deniable Way?The FBI's At It Again - Using Search Engines Like Google To Deceive The Public - Don't Let ' Em Fool Ya - The FBI Has No Legislative Charter - So Why Are You Allowing The United States Congress To Appropriate Billions Of Dollars A Year To Finance The FBI's Gestapo Criminals When That Money Could Be Much Better Spent On Public Programs To Help America's Middle Class?"If Americans managed to abolish the Federal Reserve System, the House of Rothschild would immediately seek another way in which to again infilitrate the United States of America, since the only way that the Rothschild's can impose their secret Zionist dictatorship on the American people is through the use of one of its Communist central banks; the type of counterfeiting/money laundering crime syndicate that the privately owned Federal Reserve System has always been. Without such central banks, the House of Rothschild would become powerless & the global monarchy would be destroyed, as it should have been long ago. The human race would experience far less catastrophes if the House of Rothschild and its merchants of evil ceased to exist."-- James F. Marino
"With More Than 21 Million Page Views Each Day This Site Ranks In The Top 1 Percent Of The Entire Internet; With An Increase Of Nearly 430,000 Page Views Per Day Over The Last Few Months Alone!""History Repeated: The Dangers Of Domestic Spying By Federal Law Enforcement" - A Must Read For All American Citizens Whose Constitutional Rights Are Being Completely Ignored By The U.S. Intelligence CommunityMore Than 100,000 Government Employees Don't Pay A Federal Income Tax On Their Wages, So Why Should You? - Wise Up & Save More Of Your Income "Imagine if you will a situation in which you are arrested on trumped up federal charges, yet when you get to court, you have no legal representation, and the FBI is allowed to present its fraudulent case against you, while you are prevented from saying a word to the Judge or Jury. In post 9-11 America, a similiar situation is taking place against hundreds of thousands of citizens in this country, who while never having been arrested for a crime, much less tried or convicted of one, are routinely subjected to a parallel system of injustice in which their inherent rights as American citizens are completely disregarded. And by a group of government miscreants who are operating as nothing less than a squad of vigilantes. And you can begin to recognize the Zionist's one world dictatorship emerging in the United States of America. A situation in which the only rule of law is that of the jungle."

Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations
Inject words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves
Manipulation of emotions
Reading thoughts remotely
Causing pain to any nerve of the body
Remote manipulation of human behavior from space
Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead
Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly
Control of sleep patterns
Computer-brain interface, control and communication
Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities-- Source: Mindjustice Website
Mayer Amschel Rothschild's Plot To Destroy The United States Of America By Taking Over The U.S. Federal Government With One Of His Central BanksWith More Than 21 Million Page Views Each Day, 9-11 The Mother Of All Black Operations Makes It Into The Top 25 Million Websites On The Internet Out Of More Than 180 Million Sites, With More Than 1 Billion Page Views Per Year!How The House Of Rothschild Global Counterfeiting/Money Laundering Cartel Subverted The United States Federal Government & Gradually Destroyed America - "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" By Eustace MullinsNSA Spy Station F83 - Menwith Hill, England - Accusations Of NSA Spying On British Businesses - Are NSA Cryptologists Using The Echelon Spy Satellite Network In Which To Steal The Intellectual Property Of British Businessmen Through Computer To Brain Interface & The Remote Neural Moni
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