DK Ultra : Constructing The Mind Controlled State | Oct 3rd 2008
by Philip Jones
from Nylonmanden Website
“The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilizing the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented".
The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.
The Hive
Visiting Denmark and living in Denmark are two totally different states of mind. To the visitor, it is indeed a green and pleasant land. Small and tidy with an apparently happy and welcoming populace. One overlooks the small things, the little irritants and peculiarities because one is on 'vacation'.
It is when one lives permanently there that those same 'small things', 'little irritants' and peculiarities start to beg questions. Why is it that the majority of Danes are all so alike?
They dress alike, cut their hair alike, walk alike and talk alike. They use the same phrases time and again, eat the same food, enjoy the same leisure pursuits and live almost copycat lives, with little or no variation on the theme. I accept that this is a sweeping generalization, but believe it to be valid all the same. There are of course exceptions and to those brave individuals, I give my respect and admiration. How or why they 'slipped through the net' escapes me. But they are in the minority in every sense of the word, and this indeed adds to their splendor.
Every country and people have their national characteristic’s but in Denmark it goes beyond this, because again and I stress here that I am referring to the majority of Danes, the population is phobically conformist and has a profound and deep mistrust of all things and influences of a foreign origin. For those who watched the US TV Series, 'Star Trek The Next Generation', the collectivist and robotic alien force known as the 'Borg' bears comparison, albeit one which admittedly is rather extreme (quite a coincidence actually 'Borg' being a Danish word ).
Did Gene Roddenberry know more than he was letting on?.
Danes display a 'Hive' mentality, clinging to each other ever closer as the outside world closes in, rupturing their manufactured and protected isolation, and they hold tight to their Queen Bee, the Welfare State, with which they have an almost metaphysical attachment.
In this Essay, I will present an hypothesis based on my own research, observations and experiences both actual and circumstantial, and the research of others operating in the same arena which I believe will show that the intentional Mind Programming of the Danish people has been underway since the end of WWII.
The Model Totalitarians
The vindication of two of the twentieth century’s great prophets of doom is at this time of global fracture perversely fascinating. We humans love to prove ourselves imperfect and flawed. The two pessimistic visionaries of the future of which I speak are of course George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Their respective doom laden obituaries of the future have already passed into folklore.
These two classic nightmares of what very likely awaits us, are Orwell's '1984' and Huxley's Brave New World.
Straddling the War years between 1939 and 1945, these books have already shown that they were written with the apparent gift of prophecy. Both envisaged a world in which the advance of science produced a new type of ruling class with powers hitherto not possible. Both scripted the final subservience of human beings to a revolutionary hybrid of technological manipulators and political managers.
Both works predict a similar end, but it appears that the tenets of a Brave New World model have been applied here in Denmark where Huxley’s novel is required reading on many adult education courses.
Whereas '1984' which describes the logical conclusion of a Marxist Socialist dictatorship, or more correctly in the twenty first century a Communitarian one, has been adopted in those countries where the population is more likely to revolt and rebel against the encroachment of tyranny, such as in the US, France and the UK and some of the former eastern bloc countries now enmeshed in the EU Fascist State..
The New Totalitarians
There was no reason why the 'New Totalitarianism' which had been chosen by the conspiratorial manipulators should resemble the old model of coercive government , which is demonstrably inefficient, and in an age of advanced technology unnecessary, particularly in a relatively controlled environment such as Denmark.
In his book, Huxley describes perfectly the 'Architect’s' goal.
He writes:
“ A really efficient totalitarian state would be the one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude“.
For anyone not born and bred in this land, and in possession of a reasonable level of awareness, I am fairly sure they will recognize the parallels with Denmark as it is today.
So how was this state of acquiescence to be achieved? Huxley answered this question himself:
“Brave New World depends on economic security; without it, the love of servitude is impossible.”
And in this, we find the foundations of the 'New Danish Model of Totalitarianism'.
Denmark solved the problem of permanent security and abolished it in the main, along with the more obvious modes of social inequality, many years ago. She has been helped in this by a century and a half of relative peace and isolation and until very recently neutrality, and by being small and easily governed. Economic security by itself does not necessarily engender a love of servitude. Other conditions are a prerequisite.
On the side of the controllers, a thorough understanding of the interaction between economics and power; and on the side of the controlled, an inert submission to authority and reverence for the expert. And in both cases, an aversion to individuality, an instinct for the collective, identification with and the a worship of the State, and a preference for government by bureaucrat. Denmark fulfils the above and them some.
Danes do love their work!
Programming The Masses
At this point, it is useful to take a break from Huxley’s vision of the future and take a brief look at Orwell's "1984".
The Danes have demonstrated the power of that form of semantic manipulation Orwell called 'Newspeak' i.e. the changing of words to mean something else. For example, whereas in English, to say to someone you believe them to be special or fine is very positive and complimentary. In Danish, both take on negative connotations.
'Special' becomes peculiar and 'Fine' implies “you think you’re better than us“.
In this way, human thought can be directed, and undesirable concepts eliminated, because the means of expressing them have been removed.
As researcher Michael Bailey wrote,
“In this reality, language is the highway of how we communicate our thoughts. The gradual and intentional erosion of the vocabulary by those who wish to control us, removes the possibility of any undesirable ideas, as without the words to formulate those ideas, we cannot begin to even think them”.
In the Danish language, freedom' does not yet, as it does in Orwell's 'Ministry of Truth', imply any form of 'slavery', but it does imply an element of 'submission' to the Collective or Hive, and effectively, a powerful word in the vocabulary of any opposition has therefore been effectively neutralized. Similarly, it is exceedingly difficult to speak in any but favorable terms of the State, because all the words in that field have become positively loaded in the same manner as 'special' and 'fine' have been negatively so.
So how does a Conspiratorial State Apparatus, program a whole nation of people into a condition of accepted servitude and conformity?
Through State Education, the merged State/Corporate Media, the advocating and promotion of immune system damaging vaccines and drugs such as anti depressants used to clinically adjust non conformist behavior, along with the purposeful adding of poisons into the food and drink manufacturing process which, 'dumb down' and disconnect people from their ability to think for themselves.
Add to this the promotion of deviant sexual practices, pornography and erroneous ideologies such as feminism and you have yourselves a cocktail guarantied to bewilder and mesmerize a population into thinking exactly what you want them too and behaving accordingly.
As I have stated above, my contention is that Denmark and the Danes along with the other Nordic countries have been used as a Test Zone for the mass programming of whole populations. A laboratory experiment conducted to test and try out those systems to be introduced on a pan continental scale sometime in the near future.
If one wanted to conduct such an experiment, certain conditions would be desirable. Like any worthwhile research site, a level of isolation and insulation is essential.
The number of subject specimens needs to be large and varied enough to allow the project validity, but not so large that the possibility of losing control becomes a factor. The subject specimens themselves must have character traits found commonly from within and outside the 'target zone', yet be malleable enough to allow for sudden and unexpected changes to the program, and as an essential, lacking completely any tendency to rebelliousness and non conformity.
Denmark certainly fulfils the criteria above and can be said to fall within the remit of the described possible scenario. It is located at the northern tip of Europe and has a tradition of relative isolationism.
It has a small and compliant population due to many decades of imposed socialist dogma, and a history of bureaucratic government. It has along with Norway and Sweden been historically regarded as being on the very fringe of European Culture and therefore generally of little interest to the 'mainstream of European life. But most perfectly, and up until very recently, it has been, and to a large extent still is, highly homogeneous.
Added to this was the presence of an 'on site' local cultural phenomenon:
The Jantelov
In Denmark, the 'plotters and planners' realized that the foundations of Mass Mind Control had been in place for at least a century or so, in the form of the unwritten code known as the Jantelov. The Jante Law is the Nordic version of the 'tall puppy' syndrome.
It was named and described by the Danish author Aksel Sandemose in his novel 'A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks' circa 1933, where he writes about the small fictional northern town of 'Jante,' which is modeled upon and typical of all small Danish (and probably Norwegian and Swedish) communities at the beginning of the 20th century, where anonymity is impossible.
There are ten basic tenets in this 'law', but they are all variations on this one single theme:
“Don't think you're anyone special or that you're better than us“.
Those who do not keep to this 'law' and behave in accordance with it, are regarded with suspicion and hostility. Sandemose added an eleventh rule, which he formulated as a question:
“Do you think I don't know anything about you“?
This is the implied threat of censure, that others in the community will know something about those who dare to transgress, which can be later used against them.
The rules are not only applied outwardly; Danes apply them equally and instinctively towards themselves. This means that the rules of this Jante Law create a state of arrested individuality where one does not wish nor dare to be either too high above or too far below others socially and economically.
With this rather pernicious and degrading subculture already in place, it was no coincidence and also somewhat convenient (for the conspirators that is) that the social engineers and their Illuminati backers and bankers decided upon Denmark and the other Nordic countries as the location of what can only be termed a 'Mass Mind Control Experiment'.
Education is one of the 'Holy Cows' of the Danish Welfare system, and it took me a while to work out how and why a State would finance and support the continued educating of not only the very gifted far into their twenties, but as experience as a guest lecturer at Odense University in the 1990’s showed me, the quite average also.
Furthermore, the 'push and shove' technique used to drag adult people back into education via the VUC program similarly mystified me.
What was it all about? Social equality? I don’t think so.
The introduction of State-controlled education whether in Denmark or elsewhere in the 'West' was not, nor is at the controlling level, intended to educate at all. The last thing a dictator wants is a truly educated, independent minded and intelligent population. It was, and is, the means to universally indoctrinate a life-long sense of reality which conforms to that model desired by the State and Hidden manipulators.
For their intended society, the Danish planners required a type of person that, thinking collectively and suppressing his individuality in favor of the group, is technologically orientated, and socially well adjusted. To this end, the educational system was profoundly altered during the 1950s and 1960s. From imparting knowledge, its aim was changed to that of guiding social behavior.
As Alistair Crowley correctly intimated,
if the State Education ruse was to be successful, it would need to be aimed at children of a young and suggestible age.
In Brave New World written in the early 1930s, Huxley described a society of total control in which children were brought up in communal nurseries, conditioned from birth to accept what the State told them to do.
Like laboratory rats, children were electro-shocked if they did anything unacceptable to the programming.
One scene has babies crawling towards pictures of flowers and birds only to be shocked because the State didn’t want them to like nature. A form of this is going on right across society today as people are punished through various means for not acting in ways acceptable to the State and rewarded when they play the game as demanded.
The children in Brave New World are brainwashed even when they sleep with subliminal messages turning them into insatiable consumers to drive the engine of industrial production as indeed they are in only slightly more subtle ways today. At the heart of this child control was to remove children from the influence of their parents.
In the UK and increasingly mirrored elsewhere throughout the EU it is the plan to impose rules on the teaching of 'social and group interaction skills' to three year olds. This is has the Orwellian/Huxleyan title of 'The Early Years Foundation Stage'. This is the most overt and blatant example yet of the State removing a child at the earliest practicable age, from it’s parents influence in order to indoctrinate it, whilst still at it’s most impressionable stage of development.
In Denmark the routine 'farming out of infants' by working parents has been practiced for the past three decades at least, in the form of the 'Vuggestue' and Kindergarten‘s.
Every morning across Denmark, thousands of parents unwittingly and voluntarily deliver up their 'innocents' into the hands of the State. Wherever you look across the EU, this program of early indoctrination can be seen to either be in place, or about to be installed. Whereas for example in the UK, this 'brainwashing for beginners' is still in it’s literal infancy, in Denmark and the other Nordic lands, it is an accepted part of the 'culture'.
Alistair Crowley, the Arch Satanist, Freemason and British Spy put it this way:
“Get them by eight, or it’s too late”.
This is the point!
The earlier the process starts the more effective and consolidated the effects will be. Enter "The Early Years Foundation Stage” and its teaching of 'communication, language and literacy' to infants together with "knowledge and understanding of the world'. The play years of such children is vital to their balanced development because it awakens their right brain, the creative and artistic aspects of themselves. The 'Right Brain' improvises and goes with the moment while the left brain wants structure and systems. All around us, we see structure and systems.
In his book, 'The New Totalitarians' the author Roland Huntford, when writing about the Swedish educational model explained:
"Education is one of the most important agents for changing society. It has been integrated into the scheme for change, and its purpose is to turn out the correct kind of person for the new society. The new school rejects individuality, and teaches children to collaborate with others. It rejects competition, and teaches cooperation. Children are taught to work in groups. They solve problems together; not alone.
The basic idea is that they are considered primarily as members of society, and individuality is discouraged. They want to produce people who are integrated into society. It aims to produce a well adjusted, good member of society. It teaches people to respect the consensus, and not sabotage it.. In the schools, the emphasis lies heavily on the collective.”
In other words the aim is to produce Human Robots who look, think and act alike and in conformity to the required social norms, and refrain entirely from questioning and or challenging the regime. To this end, in Denmark, the program has been entirely successful as any form of individuality or eccentricity is not only discouraged but becomes the object of a 'silent threat' of ostracism by one’s fellows.
This causes a certain level of 'brain drain' as the more individual and exceptional, unable to function as they would wish in Denmark find other lands in which they can do so. Worse still, when one considers the comprehensive social security net, is the surprising level of suicide, not only in Denmark, but throughout the northern lands. Not surprisingly, many of those resorting to this tragic form of escape are the very gifted, individualistic and eccentric.
In Denmark as well as most if not all other western nations we are witnessing a relentless centralization of all aspects of society and State Education is no exception. This move towards the centre is considered vital where the indoctrination of children is concerned. He who thinks the same can be controlled the same.
One blueprint, one mind, one reality.
100% Dansk - The Danish Mass Media as Agents of Conformity
In the post war years, the 'thinkers' of the Frankfurt School, now established in America were recruited by the OSS, forerunners of the CIA and organized by British Intelligence in connection with the Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations, the premier Illuminati 'Front' for Global Mind Control both then and now.
Theodore Adorno, 'a music professor', and senior member of the 'Frankfurt School' was commissioned to research the effects of manipulated radio, television, popular music, movies and advertising on the US population. The findings of this project and the application of the results are primarily responsible for the massively damaged collective psyche of people living in western societies and the 'mind washing' of children whose parents have abdicated responsibility for their raising to a conspiratorial state together with a 'screen' in the corner of the living room.
If one takes one’s impression of Denmark solely by viewing its mass media, the country appears to all intents and purposes to be run by a 'tolerant dictatorship'.
Press, Radio and TV show a remarkable similarity, as if guided by some Ministry of Propaganda.
Criticism of the government there may be, but it is almost exclusively confined to administrative trivialities, and covered by the formula:
'First you decide on your goals, and then you discuss the means. There is no other discussion.'
Almost never is there questioning of political fundamentals, or critical examination of the institutions of the State. All the media seem to be of one mind, advocating the same consensus, professing the same slogans, always, it seems, following the convolution of some party line. They give the impression of existing, not to question authority, but to avoid disturbing the public peace of mind; not to criticize, but to indoctrinate with a certain point of view.
In Denmark, blind belief in the state has allowed unrivalled possibilities in the 'programming' of the population through sophisticated and some not so sophisticated means.
One of the more obvious and least sophisticated of these is the universal and propagandized message that 'Danish is Best' coupled with a peculiarly localized form of nationalism which is currently being exacerbated by the Danish People’s Party and it’s open hostility to all non Danes which now borders on the xenophobic.
This 'Hive' mentality is inculcated via a Corporate Media Mafia in collusion with the state, and run overwhelmingly by Bilderbergs like Merete Eldrup and Fleming Rose of the Politiken/Jyllandsposten group of Newspapers, responsible for the mass hysteria caused by their now infamous and outrageous drawings of the Prophet Muhammad.
In itself this calculated ruse to further alienate the Danish people from their Muslim immigrants, was in itself pure mass mind control and manipulation.
It achieved all it’s aims and more. It consolidated the already marked siege mentality in the host population. It exacerbated the feelings of being unwanted guests in the country in the Muslim Diaspora, and inflamed Western/Islamic relations around the globe causing massive and sometimes violent anti west demonstrations in the Muslim World, thereby giving credence to the ever more bogus US led war on 'terror'... In effect, the cartoons were a mind control coup on the Danish population in particular and the world in general.
Like in all other western countries today, Danes are bombarded almost 24/7 by images on television which dictate their view of their country and the world around them.
As all avenues of information save the internet (for now) are further centralized into fewer and fewer hands, the opportunity for the intensive and coordinated 'e-programming' of the population has never been greater. Television presents to us a view of reality which is obscenely false and in most cases perversely so. It’s relentless depictions of extreme violence and loveless recreational sex are intended to immunize the viewer to all the horrors awaiting them come the day of the 'New World Order'.
All the old and traditional values are brutally trashed each and every evening in movies and TV soaps where the lust for sensation is incessant. Men who should be awakening to the realities of the Global Police State falling down around them and their families, are instead sat glaring at the widescreen in the corner as if in a trance, watching sport and horror movies.
Television News lies blatantly from the mouths of well groomed and generally attractive dummies who repeat the lies on air each day without ever questioning as to whether what they are transmitting is actual. The newspapers reinforce this deceit the following morning and the mass of sleep walkers on their way to their chosen place of servitude inhale the neatly packaged blandly written deceptions without pausing for thought at all.
Then on their way home, they turn on the car radio, or place the headphones over their ears and listen to mindless pop music which unbeknown to them contains subliminal lyrics and trigger words in the same way that television programs and advertisements are routinely displayed via almost undetectable subliminal messaging throughout the whole viewing spectrum.
Although it is true to say that in Denmark the use of mass mind control techniques via the popular media might be on a reduced scale in comparison to the USA for example. When combined with the highly advanced and sophisticated mind programming of the State Education system and the almost universal acceptance of the Jantelov as a way of life, then the effects are in many regards spectacularly more successful.
Clearly Broadcasting is a medium of indoctrination.
In Denmark, it has two main aims:
to persuade Danes that they live in the best of all possible worlds
to condition them to the ideology of the sitting government
To induce a nation to believe that it enjoys the happiest lot on earth is an elementary device to secure compliance with a government and forestall criticism.
In reporting from abroad, the Danish news media are concerned, not so much to show how other people live, but to illuminate the superiority of all things Danish. They concentrate on the defects of foreign countries, drawing comparisons to the advantages of Denmark. The viewer is invited to see how badly off people are everywhere else and to consider how fortunate he is. The press and periodicals take the same line.
It is not only that the Dane is told that he has the highest standard of living, and the best social security, but that he really is superior in all things, most particularly in politics and culture. An article on child care in France, published by a Danish women's magazine, seemed to have no other purpose but that of serving up a homily on how much better Danes took care of their children.
Even travel writing often contains disparaging remarks, in order specifically to draw a moral in praise of Denmark, usually concerned with poverty abroad and prosperity at home. Most nations entertain a high opinion of themselves, but unless their rulers nurse ulterior motives, official media of communication do not normally insist, as a matter of policy, on advertising domestic superiority.
Still less do they pursue this aim by denigrating foreign institutions.
Simply put, Danes are bewildered into a patriotic sense of false security, which consolidates a sense of 'cosy' superiority and belonging on the one hand, whilst enforcing a 'bubble mentality' on the other.
The Use Of Mobile Phones, Wireless Broadband and Tetra Communications as Tools of Mass Mind Control
'Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.'
U.S. government mind manipulator, Dr. Jose Delgado, Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118, 1974.
We live in an age of wireless technology. Everywhere one looks, people are using mobile phones, even children of pre pubescent age can be seen walking down the street totally engrossed in their 'new best friend' seemingly oblivious to the world around them. This is exactly the situation the 'planners' of the ' Mind Control State ' want. In this, Denmark is no exception.
The masts which relay the microwave signals for mobile phone networks are now so common, few even notice them. But people need to realize that these masts and especially the soon to be introduced Tetra Communications systems, which are already in use in the UK and which will soon be used by the Danish Emergency Services are potential killers and agents of Mass Mind Control.
What we call the military/industrial complex is just that - the fusion of the military and the corporate through which technology developed in the secret projects to advance human control is brought into the public arena by the military supplying a connected corporation with the know-how. This is then sold to the public as a 'breakthrough' discovered by the company itself.
The people closest to the Tetra technology will be the police officers and other emergency services that use it every day. Already in countries where Tetra is operational, they are experiencing physical, mental and emotional consequences, including cancer of the esophagus in numbers way above the international average.
Tetra signals are close to those of human brain frequencies - and this is not a coincidence. It is a designed and coldly calculated measure and a primary reason for the plan to install a network of mobile phone, Tetra, and other systems of electromagnetic communications that operate as one unit to create an electromagnetic mini-matrix to scramble normal brain and DNA function while dictating mental and emotional responses.
In the film 'Control factor' the character played by Adam Baldwin discovers he is a 'programmed human robot' and that nothing about his life is real. He finds himself caught up in a deadly government mind control experiment whereby instructions and orders are passed to him via antenna masts.
In a report relating to the use of Tetra technology, UK Scientist Barrie Trower said in his report for the Police Federation:
"Pulse radiation from TETRA at 17.6 Hz (waves per second) is known to interfere with our natural brains rhythm. Our brains generate their own waves within our head. One of these waves, called beta waves is on a very similar frequency to the TETRA handsets. What happens is: If you could imagine yourself jumping on a trampoline and somebody larger and heavier jumps on and dances at a slightly different speed you will bounce at their pace rather than yours. When they jump off you will still bounce at their speed.
The jumping on of the person onto the trampoline is known as entrainment and this occurs when the TETRA is used in close proximity to an officer's brain. Because TETRA affects the beta rhythm of the brain it will affect what the beta rhythm is responsible for; namely sound judgment in emergency situations. Entrainment is always followed by a phenomena called long-term potentiation. This is an analogous to the person getting off the trampoline leaving you dancing.
Long-term potentiation has been known to last several weeks after the initial source has died down. The implications for this are that the officers' brain waves would continue to suffer entrainment even after the sets have been switched off, which would be reinforced every time the sets are switched on again.'
Trower writes of the affect on 'sound judgment in emergency situations'.
Put another way, the ability to think straight. And it is not only the emergency service workers who can potentially have their thought processes disrupted. So can anyone who comes into contact with the Tetra frequencies. Thousands of Tetra masts are planned to be located throughout the rest of Europe.
And their equivalent in North America and elsewhere.
Generation Ritalin X
In 1995, Denmark's Cooperative Institute for Medical Drug Dependence reported the following withdrawal symptoms from psychotropic drug dependence:
“Emotional changes: fear, terror, panic, fear of insanity, failing self-confidence, restlessness, irritability, aggression, an urge to destroy, and, in the worst cases, an urge to kill.”
Psychotic episodes and violent behavior are also associated with chronic Ritalin abuse. Even the manufacturer warns in its information leaflet, “frank psychotic episodes can occur” with abuse.
The history of violence by teens who have been subjected to psychiatric drugs cannot be ignored.
Consider the following examples:
November 20, 1986: Rod Mathews, 14, beat a classmate to death with a bat in the woods near his house in Canton, Massachusetts. Rod was put on Ritalin when he was in third grade.
February 19, 1996: Timmy Becton, 10, grabbed his three-year-old niece as a shield and aimed a shotgun at a sheriff's deputy who accompanied a truant officer to his Florida home. Becton had been taken to a psychiatrist in
January to cure his dislike of school and was put on a psychiatric drug, Prozac. His parents said that when the dosage of the drug was increased, Timmy had violent mood swings and that he would “get really angry…”
May 21, 1998: Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon, murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding twenty-two. Kinkel had been prescribed both Ritalin and Prozac.
April 16, 1999: Shawn Cooper, a 15-year-old-sophomore at Notus Junior-Senior High School in Notus, Idaho, was taking Ritalin when he fired two shotgun rounds, narrowly missing students and school staff.
May 20, 1999: T.J. Solomon, a 15-year-old at Heritage High School in Conyers, Ga., was being treated with Ritalin for depression when he opened fire on and wounded six classmates.
A report published by the Danish Lægemiddelstyrelsen states that:
In Denmark and the other Nordic lands consumption and the number of people treated with antidepressants has been increasing since 1994 and continues to grow strongly.
The increase in the consumption of the newer antidepressants is both because there are more people in treatment, but also that larger doses are being prescribed. The most preferred preparation for the treatment of depression in the year 2003 were products containing the substances citalopram and escitalopram..

Table 4:
Number of people treated with newer antidepressants, 1994-2003
This trend is now global in dimension and what is especially concerning is how children are being increasingly prescribed Ritalin and the plethora of other Anti Depressants. Along with Ritalin, other copy-cat drugs have been produced to exploit the obsession, and the calculated agenda, of drugging the young.
These include:
The Bush family-connected Eli Lilly Phamaceutical Giant is heavily involved in this despicable program of legalized child abuse... Another drug being given to children is Risperdal, which was used on political prisoners in the Soviet Union to extract information.
David Healy, a leading psycho-pharmacology expert and Professor of Psychiatry at Cardiff University in Wales, said:
“People who took [Risperdal] would tell anything to anyone. When you think about giving these drugs to kids, it's a whole new ball game”'.
All of these drugs have similar effects to 'speed' and cocaine. These are, of course, illegal and yet drug companies and their cronies, so called 'doctors', are quite legally giving them to children like candy at a Halloween 'trick or treat'.
The manufactured 'necessity' promoted by the drug cartel in order to trigger this explosion of prescribing Anti Depressant Drugs, particularly to children, is a condition called 'Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder' or ADHD. But there is now gathering evidence that these drugs don't even work on the 'condition' they are claiming to treat and there is much expert and experienced opinion that says there is no such thing as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
This then makes us wonder, so if they don’t work and the condition is erroneous, what is the agenda behind the prescribing of these drugs in such large quantities to children and adults?
The main purpose of all this is the suppression of both the intellect and the individuals ability to recognize fact from fiction and truth from lies, and to be able to react and respond cognitively to a given situation. This opens up a person, (particularly a child) to a whole world of Mass Mind Control possibilities.
The conspiracy for global control is targeting everyone in this regard, but, of course, their prime focus is children and young people because they are going to be the adults when the structure of planned world tyranny is in place. They know, too, that the effect of what they are doing is cumulative and so by the time the young become adults their minds will be 'screwed up' to a far greater extent than they are now.
The use of these drugs is part of a concerted war against the population and it is no co-incidence that people have so been targeted with massive electrochemical attacks. These come through the additives in food and drink, together with the effects of the electromagnetic and microwave 'smog'' in which we are now forced to live, by electromagnetic technology, mobile phones, and so on. Research has proved time and again that there is a clear link between food and drink additives and hyperactive behavior in children.
One such research document published in September 2007 came to the below conclusions:
“The behavior patterns caused by the chemical cocktails found in food and drink included hyperactive and compulsive behavior, causing the children to become 'boisterous and lose concentration', and not being able to play with one toy or complete a single task“.
Is it pure coincidence that the Pharmaceuticals and their bought and paid for 'healthcare professionals' tell us that the symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that must be treated with Ritalin and the like are:
Difficulty concentrating and keeping attention on tasks or play activities
Will not follow instructions and fail to finish schoolwork, jobs or activities
Easily distracted
Trouble playing or enjoying leisure activities quietly
Exhibit impulsive and compulsive behavior
The exact same behavior symptoms of children in an official additives trial and those given these mind-altering drugs like Ritalin for 'behavior disorder' are the same. No wonder, then, that the astonishing rise in the use of these drugs has followed the astonishing rise in the chemical additives in food and drink - even without the electromagnetic affects on behavior.
The plan has been to destabilize people physically, mentally and emotionally, weakening their resistance to suggestion via the above cited methods including education, the media and the use of new technology . In order to deal with those who still won't be programmed and who behave and perceive life and situations differently from the herd, they now developed a chemical failsafe of diagnosing 'Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder' and dosing those so diagnosed with these drugs.
What the 'system' has done, in full awareness at the 'Conspiratorial' level, is to purposely structure society, education, the chemicals in food and drink, etc., to close down vast tracts of the corpus callosum to suppress the scale of communication between the hemispheres, while programming the population, especially children, to see life overwhelmingly through the left brain.
This is one key reason why science has not understood the nature of life and reality. It is populated by left-brainers who can’t perceive beyond their University indoctrinated reality. Therefore, they are obsessed with, and blinkered by, the realm of the material.
It is similarly the case with doctors, teachers, politicians and other 'gatekeepers' of the system.
They go through the educational mincemeat machine and take their 'Mind Controlled' places in positions of power and influence with their right brain under lock and key.
This article/essay although primarily written with Denmark in mind is also applicable to the full compliment of Western Nations in this first decade of the 21st century. But due to the nature, existing culture and character of the people of this small country and the application of a deliberate and sophisticated experiment aimed at the mass indoctrination of it’s entire population, success rates have surpassed elsewhere, where comparable results have only been achieved by utilizing coercive force.
With the use of a complex array of ideologies, techniques and 'scams', the Dane has been programmed into a state of illusory reality, delusion, denial and compliance by a conspiracy so devious and diabolical, that when the individual is presented with it, he or she suffers from an automatic response mechanism which creates confusion, refusal to acknowledge the facts and often open hostility to the messenger of those facts.
Installed by the above means through a 'Welfare State' which under the guise of a cradle to grave security apparatus, has deliberately and with malice aforethought weakened and undermined the Dane’s ability to think for his/herself by installing a sense of virtual reality in the collective national consciousness.
As I have written above, all the nations of the west have been and are being subjected to programs intended to produce a similar effect. What makes Denmark in particular and the other Nordic lands generally different is the the people's complete and comprehensively programmed sense of 'blind faith' in their respective regimes.
It should be emphasized that there are those in Denmark who since the 'False Flag' 'Psy Op' of 9/11 are beginning to look through the web of deceit and have begun to extricate themselves from the 'HIVE'.
One might ask,
“Where is the harm? Danes seem to have it good compared to many places and the standard of living is still above the average”.
But when a whole people either consciously or not 'take their eye off their country’s political football' and allow their politicians to step by step, drip by drip, take more and more of their personal decision making away from them and at the same time indoctrinate that populace with a particular dogma and ideology, it becomes only a matter of time before the politicians stop even the democratic charade of asking what the people think and assume complete control over their micromanaged lives, installing the dictatorship in the process.
As the British Journalist Bel Mooney wrote in the London Daily Mail:
"Make no mistake, Totalitarianism creeps up on you. One minute you think you live in a free society and then you turn your back and, hey presto, another little rule, a fresh directive, a sneaky law, an insidious diktat all of them putting up prison bars through which we have to view the world”
Or to quote Krishnamurti,
“It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society”.
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