tools.htm: Seekers' tools, tools for searchers, internet searching tools | Jan 1st 2008This page doesn't appear to be an article and therefore may not display well in the Article View. You may want to switch to the Full Web Page view.
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~ The Tools Sections ~ What are the main "searching tools" one could use? They could be reduced to the following four main ones:- a good operating system (which basically means GNU/Linux nowadays).
- a good browser (which basically means Opera nowadays)
- a good knowledge of wget, which is a most important "swiss knife" when exploring the web
- and, finally, a fair knowledge of a powerful programming language (like python, or perl, or ruby) that will allow you to build and refine quickly your own tools.
Anyway this page will point both windows and GNU/Linux users to some interesting tools worth experimenting with...
[Archies & FTP]: Tools for seekers.
[Iefaf's ITool-Box]: Proxying, Stalking, Connecting, Securing
[Translation services and other Linguistic aids]: (very useful for seekers).
How to find any tool: first of all -especialy in windows- you better know the [exact name] of your target, or, even better, of the zipped file of your target (knowing names is quite an advantage, eh). Do not limit yourself to zip and try a search for *.rar files as well. Do not forget *.lha, *.arj and *.ace files either, duh. Of course, if you are using a serious operating system like GNU/Linux, you should search for *.run, *bz2, *.gz files, etc, and learn the "power features" of gzip (GNU/Zip).
Lacking the exact name of your target, you can try to guess it :-) If you don't manage to guess it, try to find it nevertheless applying some synecdochical searching tactiques :-) Should you still have problems finding your target, and should you have (probably wrongly) concluded that it does not seem to be anywhere on Internet, check if it did maybe exist BEFORE on the web.
Once you have found (or inferred, or guessed) the name of your target, either you use a [archie & ftp-search] or you search google/fast/ask/alta with something like +target_name +download nfo (if you'r stuck with windows files, GNU/Linux files are of course there for free). For windows files you could also search for +target_name +crack* +serial* nfo or +target_name (+warez OR +appz) nfo. Alternatively you could use some underground, usenet and irc-related search techniques, but be warned that some of this could be deemed "illegal" in some "copyright-bigot" places.
Anyway, when seeking on such paths, you may enjoy the knowledge you'll gather on our Webbits & Rabbits section...
Yet things are usually incredibly easy with windows appz (mostly because the programmers do not know how to protect their software): let's, for instance, imagine that you are interested in a specific application, let's say the old teleport pro version 1.28. In that case you could simply search for +"teleport pro 1.28" +serial -"click on" -tits in order to quickly find a ready made serial number (avoiding at the same time most commercial and porn sites) and register your free copy.
This is less fun - and way less instructive- than cracking your appz yourself, but if you are in a hurry gets the mustard cut... the dark side of the evil power of knowing how to search, I guess.
Note, once more, that if you switch to GNU/Linux once for all, as you should, leaving the windows insecure and sniffing bazaar behind you, you'll never need to steal your software again: all applications come completely free AND with their source code, so that you can copy, use AND modify them to your heart's content.
Sniffing? Yes, even before you ask: YES, your ISP, your "free" search engines, and probably your friendly neighbours as well, all do actively monitor your web activities and searches... that's the reason -especially if you'r stuck with toy operating systems like windows, you should use some of the tools you'll find in this page... opera, proxomitron, a good firewall, ipticker... and, by all means, learn some [anonymity lore] basic as soon as you find some time...
for GNU/Linux for windows
Searchers should master all the following tools.
Unwashed should begin playing with each one of them for at least a couple of days, gasping in awe.
Have also a look at the different search commands available.
Wget GNU/Wget is a very powerful free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports http, https, and ftp protocols, as well as retrieval through http proxies. Cosmic power at your fingertips.cURL curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. curl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, kerberos...), file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks (custom headers, replace/remove internally generated headers, custom user-agent strings, custom referrer strings etc.).Pavuk Pavuk is a program used to mirror the contents of WWW documents or files. It transfers documents from HTTP, FTP, Gopher and optionally from HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) servers. Pavuk has an optional GUI based on the GTK2 widget setEtherape
Network traffic is displayed graphically. The more "talkative" a node is, the bigger its representation. Most useful "quick checker" when you browse around.
- Node and link color shows the most used protocol.
- User may select what level of the protocol stack to concentrate on.
- You may either look at traffic within your network, end to end IP, or even port to port TCP.
- Data can be captured "off the wire" from a live network connection, or read from a tcpdump capture file.
- Live data can be read from ethernet, FDDI, PPP and SLIP interfaces.
- The following frame and packet types are currently supported: ETH_II, 802.2, 803.3, IP, IPv6, ARP, X25L3, REVARP, ATALK, AARP, IPX, VINES, TRAIN, LOOP, VLAN, ICMP, IGMP, GGP, IPIP, TCP, EGP, PUP, UDP, IDP, TP, IPV6, ROUTING, RSVP, GRE, ESP, AH, ICMPV6, EON, VINES, EIGRP, OSPF, ENCAP, PIM, IPCOMP, VRRP; and most TCP and UDP services, like TELNET, FTP, HTTP, POP3, NNTP, NETBIOS, IRC, DOMAIN, SNMP, etc.
- Data display can be refined using a network filter.
- Display averaging and node persistence times are fully configurable.
- Name resolution is done using standard libc functions, thus supporting DNS, hosts file, etc.
- Clicking on a node/link opens a detail dialog showing protocol breakdown and other traffic statistics.
- Protocol summary dialog shows global traffic statistics by protocol.
Wireshark Wireshark, the world's most powerful network protocol analyzer, a sort of tcpdump on steroids, is a GNU licensed free software package that outperforms tools costing thousands of euro and has an incredible bounty of mighty features (but learn how to use its filters, or you'll sink inside your captured data):
- Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols,
- Live capture and offline analysis
- Captured network data can be browsed via a GUI, or via the TTY-mode TShark utility
- Most powerful display filters
- Rich VoIP analysis
- Read/write many different capture file formats: tcpdump (libpcap), Catapult DCT2000, Cisco Secure IDS iplog, Microsoft Network Monitor, Network General Sniffer® (compressed and uncompressed), Sniffer® Pro, and NetXray®, Network Instruments Observer, Novell LANalyzer, RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer, Shomiti/Finisar Surveyor, Tektronix K12xx, Visual Networks Visual UpTime, WildPackets EtherPeek/TokenPeek/AiroPeek, and many others
- Capture files compressed with gzip can be decompressed on the fly
- Live data can be read from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP/HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame Relay, FDDI, and others (depending on your platfrom)
- Decryption support for many protocols, including IPsec, ISAKMP, Kerberos, SNMPv3, SSL/TLS, WEP, and WPA/WPA2
- Coloring rules can be applied to the packet list for quick, intuitive analysis
- Output can be exported to XML, PostScript, CSV, or plain text
This little marvel is able to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unit tests, attacks or network discovery (it can replace hping, 85% of nmap, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, tcpdump, tethereal, p0f, etc.). It also performs very well at a lot of other specific tasks that most other tools can't handle, like sending invalid frames, injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining techniques (VLAN hopping+ARP cache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, ...), etc :-)
Other useful tools
Finally there are some wondrous CLI tools that -amazingly enough- many searchers don't use: For instance the mighty useful, dutch mtr, a allinone traceroute+ping that substitutes traceroute
(mtr= "my traceroute"):
me@mybox:~$ sudo mtr ~ 5715 bytes
Use this old, useful program. NEVER use the "start/search" function in windows xp, which silently connects on port 80 to ( in order to deliver to the ugly microsoft's minions your IP and what you are searching for on your own harddisk. Start/search - in Windows XP - is MALWARE eo ipso. ~ 787735 bytes ~ Agent Ransack, by David Vest, is the freeware version of File Locator Pro
Agent Ransack is a useful tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. When searching the contents of files Agent Ransack also displays the text found.
Users can then quickly browse the results without having to separately open each file.
It uses regular expressions.
To find a file that begins with 'Dear' or 'Yesterday' followed at some point by 'Document' or 'Documents' followed at some point by a number and that has a '.txt' extension the expression would be: '^(Dear|Yesterday).*Documents?.*[0-9]+.*\.txt$'
You can test your regular expressions, before searching, through an ad hoc Test->Regular expression menu option
Use this program in order to search, NEVER use the "start/search" function in windows xp, which silently connects on port 80 to ( in order to deliver to the ugly microsoft's minions your IP and what you are searching for on your own harddisk. In Windows the start/search function is just sniffing MALWARE.
File Greppers
See also Agent Ransack above, which is a good grepper. ~ 4624 bytes ~ 7023 bytes
[Turbogrep version 3 by Borland, 1992] ~ 202064 bytes
[grep for Windows 95/98/NT, version 20d by Tim Charron 1998]
Most useful (Gnu) tool, comes WITH SOURCE code ~ 610381 bytes
[Windows grep 2.2., by Huw Millington 2000]
Code is a tag overbloated and slow, but, hey, it does not choke on windoze's temp and swap files! Works quite well inside executables
(Old) Site Greppers
Teleport Pro ~ 1670460 bytes ~ Teleport Pro, version 1.28, 1997
See the following essays (regarding the bad habits of version 1.29):
Teleport Pro 1.29, malware galore by Faulpelz, May 2000
Delving deeper into Teleport Pro 1.29 by Noos, October 2000
Teleport Pro V1.29 (Build 1107) by Faulpelz, January 2001Stringers ~ 9272 bytes ~ 17413 bytes strings.exe
Most useful tool, find printable strings in any binary file, must have on your harddisk ~ 84730 bytes
[binary text scan!]
Most useful strings finder
Searching elsewhere
All-purpose Fetchers ~ 106681 bytes
[wget ver GNU license]
Most useful fetcher (non interactive network retriever) for windows, must have for speedy mass-downloads
"Nothing, NOTHING, beats wget. Nothing." (A+heist)
Searching the web with ready-made bots
Ok, this is admittedly embarassing for 'real' searchers
(coz you should write your bots yourself instead of using commercial crap, that moreover is often enough "advertisement infested"... well, at least we can easily "take care" of this last annoying habit :-)
the "ferrets" ~ 503833 bytes ~ 1134088 bytes webfer~1.exe
web ferret, version 3.02, queries popular search engines, astounding useful results at times. Disabling its awful "advertfeature" it's a real & easy pleasure. See for instance how you can "clean" on the fly this bot on my Milan workshop papers, or a more deeper analysis in this essay. ~ 2716185 bytes ~ Copernic 2000, french version.
Good bot, even if heavily commercial oriented and advertisement banners infested (see +Tsehp's essays in my anti advertisement section). +Tsehp demonstrated the utter banality of the advertisement removal procedure for Copernic 2000/4.5... this gives us the possibility to effectuate a simple - and eyes' soothing - "single byte shoot":
CopernicSvr.exe :54BB5B E814E9F8FF call 4DA474 :54BB60 E88730F2FF call 46EBEC ;are we allowed to showe ads into your eyes? :54BB65 84C0 test al, al ;ax is not zero? Ahah! Eat ads, poor luser! :54BB67 0F8599000000 jne 54BC06 ;0F84... (je 54BC06 would sooth your eyeballs ;-) :54BB6D A1B8785700 mov eax, dword ptr [5778B8] :54BB72 80780C00 cmp byte ptr [eax+0C], 00
But we have [our own bots] as well...
Check also []: ~ 20233 bytes A search bot in Visual Basic by Shoki (see [shokiwcd.htm])
Either you know why you should use these tools, or you search & learn, or just try and understand :-)
"Probieren geht über studieren"
[Opera] ~ the ultimate browser for searchers. An incredible tool: your mighty sword on the web! Check the ad hoc Tutti all'opera page! Learn the mighty right click --> block content feature and enjoy! |
Lynx: [] : 683992 bytes, ported from unix, works in a dos box, very quick, try the non graphical way of quick browsing.
Lynx has some SERIOUS security problems (less than M$IE, anyway) - as you will learn searching the web - but remains VERY quick, so consider the trade off risk/speed
Pictureagent [] : 2716159 bytes, version 2.7
Fundamental tool for usenet image retrieval, 'protected' with one of the stupidest protection you can find around: the program carries a long hardcoded list of invalid names (probably people that did spread their registration codes on usenet) and cracker names like "hans die wurst", "donald ibarra", "escom/core", "iceman [ucf]" and so on, followed by this silly codesnippet:
:41596D 8B442430 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+30] :415971 3BF8 cmp edi, eax :415973 757A jne 4159EF ;bad_guy_exit :415975 85FF test edi, edi :415977 7476 je 4159EF ;bad_guy_exit :415979 83F801 cmp eax, 1 :41597C 7C71 jl 4159EF ;bad_guy_exit :41597E 8D4C2410 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+10] :415982 C644242400 mov [esp+24], 0
When will programmers learn [some better tricks] to protect their software?
VLC is a cross-plaform multimedia player which can be used to read the stream from the network or display video read locally on the computer under all operating systems. Here the windows version 0.7.0.: [] 5.116.711 bytes
The VideoLAN french project targets multimedia streaming of MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and DivX files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and live videos on a high-bandwidth IPv4 or IPv6 network in unicast or multicast under many OSes.
VideoLAN is free software, and is released under the GNU General Public License.
JPG Cleaner v2.6 [] : 291108 bytes, version 2.6
JPG Cleaner is a Fundamental tool for image cleaning purposes, by Rainbow Software Programs: JPG Cleaner is a simple but powerful utility for cleaning JPG files from anything that is not picture data. Commonly used programs such as Adobe Photoshop write tons of additional information into JPG files, crap that isn't needed at all in oredr to display correctly the picture.
Texts such as "File written by Adobe Photoshop, Creator: PolyView® Version 3.32 by Polybytes, LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01 and all sort of preposterous crap will be eo ipso eliminated. Good riddance!
Also gets rid od picture previews (sometimes even bigger than main JPG data!)
And of all that useless color Management data
These data may (may!) be useul only when opening those files inside the program that created them.
Yet any other programs, such as any Internet Browser just skip such data, hence all this uselss crap is downloaded and then again thrown away!
Always use this program when publishing JPG files on the Internet: your JPG files will be smaller (should they contain non-picture data) with NO QUALITY LOSS whasoever.
Gif Cleaner v2.6d [gc26inst.rar] : 400592 bytes, version 1.1
The FILE menu includes:
Remove Comments
Remove Extraneous Data
Show Embedded Comments
Output Comments to File and Set Display Time
The Remove Comments
Remove Extraneous Data
Show Embedded Comments
Show Images items are toggle menu items
*** Important Note ***
GifClean32 will NOT modify any graphics in the GIF file. This means if you can see it, then it will be untouched. Comments are not displayed when viewing gif files via your browser or gif viewing utility. They are there for "record keeping purposes" or to identify the author, vendor, etc.
Total recorder [] : 906191 bytes
Fundamental tool for sound streams capture, dead easy to crack, see fu_softi.htm
[Port listeners, pingers and tracerouters]
[Languages & useful books]
[Checkers, sniffers, whistles] [URL obfuscators] [Email IP address spoofers] [Software customizers]
[Corporate countermeasures] ~ 256655 bytes
[Let's log all covert activities]
Netmonitor, version0 .9: useful tool, log everything that listens ~ 210391 bytes
[Who is listening where?]
Inzider, version 1.2: useful tool, must have if you fear someone may be listening on your ports à la BO... ~ 228735 bytes
[Swiss pinging knife]
Netlab, version 1.35, by Alexander Danileiko (1997): useful tool, must have for pinging, tracerouting and port-listening...
Netlab, upon starting, contacts the time server at through port 37 ~ 96561 bytes
[the Swiss Army Knife of TCP/IP]
Netcat, version 1.10, by Hobbit: useful tool, must have tool! See Angela Zaharia's essay
A simple example of using Netcat is to pull down a web page from a web server.
With Netcat you get to see the full HTTP header so you can see which web server a particular site is running. ~ 29212 bytes IPTICKER (For windoze 2k & XP only)
[Monitor ALL your Internet connections]
ipTicker is a diagnostic tool that detects and measures IP (internet protocol) traffic to and from your PC. It listens to all ports and reports the activities centrally on its screen in real time.
By Very useful tool, small, not intrusive, powerful. But *very badly* protected:
:4039BE E833DFFFFF call 4018F6 :4039C3 85C0 test eax, eax :4039C5 7512 jne 4039D9 ; jne "good guy" :4039C7 6824D34000 push 40D324 ; --> "ipTicker v1.6 (U N R E G I S T E R E D V E R S I O N)"
I believe that the programmers at soft-trek should learn [some better tricks] to protect their software. ~ 7089400 bytes, ETHEREAL! (Version 0.92) eh :-) The best Network protocol analyzer. Trace everything, investigate, check what's going on! CATCH spywares REDHANDED! (October 2006) Ethereal changed its name to WIRESHARK! | Precious Item |
Checkers, sniffers, whistles
Know what's going on inside a windoze box ~ 165169 bytes
[Whoa! All those programs are running on my pc?]
winsight, version 2.05: useful Borland's tool, have a look, lotta windows eh :-) Trace messages, investigate, check what's going on! ~ 606129 bytes BELARC ADVISOR!
Will show, on a html page, EVERYTHING that has been installed on the box where you are using it, with serial numbers :-)
Yep, System serial number, "Software LIcenses" like Microsoft XP's serial, Network Card MAC Address, and so on. Didactically important tool as well, coz it shows you all the data that windoze leaks around. ~ 831086 bytes
[Clear all misteries for windoze's configuration and all sort of start up wonders]
Regrun2, version 2.25: an useful tool to explore, check or change your configuration files, have a look. Trace, investigate, check what's going on with this good tool!
An incredibly simple protection scheme: the serial number routine is calculated from a name / email message combination that accepts one letter names as well (very bad protectetiquette!) and shifts 0xF downwards based on the emailaddress (let's say for instance that "a" at is 349120 and "b" at is 349104, you'll guess that "c" will be 349088, and so on :-) I believe that the programmers at Greatis should learn [some better tricks] to protect their software. ~ 251475 bytes RegCleaner, by Jouni Vuorio, a GREAT tool. Freeware. Does MUCH MORE than those expensive 'automatic' registry cleaners. Try it! Search for "gator" and "cmesys" on your own system, and you may have some surprises... Inter alia it automatically removes all kinds of junk from the registry. Corrupted data is also removed from the registry. I say "inter alia" because this tool can have different uses as well, as Vuorio points out: "Say you've accidentally destroyed a nice shareware program what has a 30-day trial period. Later on, when you notice that it's been destroyed, you try reinstalling it, only to find out that you can't, because the program thinks that you're just trying to get another 30 days. If you first remove the program's registry entries, however, you may very well be able to reinstall the software and recover your trial period again." | Precious Item |
URL obfuscators
If you want (to hope) that your sysads don't know where you are surfing :-) ~ 62543 bytes
[A pleasure to play with, create synonyms for your preferred URLs]
Unfrozen3, by Glow Armageddon (glow(at)w3(point)to), beautiful small tool to obfuscate the URLs you are browsing to. "Hostname converter", must have for all those that prefer not to leak too explicit loggings... see PCHelp's essay How to Obscure Any URL for some explanations.
Check also [son_33_1.htm]: Javascript obscure conversion by sonofsamiam, part of the [obscure.htm] section
Check also []: ~ 43844 bytes Dotted decimal IP conversion to other valid bases & Reverse obfuscation of a URL by Shoki (see [shokiwcd.htm])and de-obfuscators :-)
[Sourcerer version 1]: ~ 30870 bytes, This is version 1.0 of this javascript decrypter, the sources are included
by Mordred Magic tool for seekers
Email IP address spoofers
If you wish to maintain a certain degree of anonymity with your friends :-) ~ 176108 bytes
[The tools of the evil spammers can be of some use for the sons of the light]
Euthanasia, an old email bomber program that works great for just sending emails: spoofs the IP address as well as the return address and x-mailer (unfortunately it only works with certain smtp relays: some reveal the real address anyway: check it and find a relay that work before using). Thanks malan!
Software customizers
If you wish to kill ads, tweak whatever or re-enable some grayed options ~ 653537 bytes
[The customizer per anthonomasia, version 1.10]
You'll find this even more useful than poledit when your system administrator or your software programmer has chosen to 'disable' some options... :-)
See for instance how you can modify on the fly the webferret bot in this essay. See also another interesting use of the customizer (tweaking EULAs) in this [conference of mine]
customiz.exe ~ 692224 bytes: this is version 1.10 autoextracting as exe
very useful when you need to perform some quick tweakings from -say- a web-café ;-)
customiz.jpg ~ 653537 bytes: this is version 1.10 masqueraded as a jpg
This is the old "anti-corporate" *.jpg trick. Just click right onto it and choose save as, it will work even if you are in a corporate cage where evil sysads have disabled zip and exe downloading ;-)
Corporate countermeasures
Escape the censorship dictatures! ~ 382426 bytes
[TCP/IP through HTTP tunneling client by Dmitry Dvoinikov]
You'll find this quite useful if you'r blocked by a proxy... see all necessary instructions here: [httport.htm]
Where you will find various tools to embed your data in various kind of covers (images, sounds, files) ~ 50488 bytes (CODEBAR!)
[ole +ORC explained how important this is]
Old, small, useful.
I liked Whitmore's answer on Usenet, some time ago, to a commercial zombie that accused users of 'stealing' when browsing with our beloved killerads on, this text has been slightly modified:
"Banner ads are really silly. Lately some bastards advertisers have begonnen to take note and 'penalize' people using junkbuster and other banner killing software. What their defense of this criminal attitude boils down to is that commercial webmasters incur business expenses, and are responsible for finding a business model that at least covers those expenses. Customers don't care if they cover their expenses, they just want (x) and are willing to pay (n) to get it. If you offer (x) for free, it's not stealing if people take it without being forced to read ads -- remember, they're not concerned with advertisers' costs, they just want their own expense to be (n) or less (where (n) is assumed to be positive, thus zero -- free -- is less than (n)). If advertisers don't cover their expenses, that's a problem with their business model, not consumer behavior. If they had content that is worth an "admission" (a very big if in my experience) then go ahead and charge one! If they can't, then they'd better find a better business model. Expecting unusual behavior and giving the lack of that behavior such negative (and illogical and inappropriate) label like "stealing" is not going to serve them in the long run."
Of course the junkbuster and proxomitron methods, that are described elsewhere on my site, are pretty effective per se.
Two Opera's [ plug-ins]!
[] Intermute
[] Webwasher, fairly easy to set up, and does away with unwanted advertising, and other forms of annoying behavior from webpages.
[] Adsoff! 144919 bytes, original location:, easy to crack... but you should buy this appz, it deserves it.
[] AD AWARE! (Version 5.0 = 5.62) 849144 bytes, original location:, very useful to nuke spywares. [] O'Reilly English Language Online Books
Of course you should learn how to search effectively for books on the web, which is NOT as obvious as it might seem to non-searchers.
(the best firewall for windoze is unfortunately a commercial one: Sygate Personal Firewall Pro, go grab its version 5.1 on the deep deep web :-) [] 914258 bytes: Conseal PC Firewall for windoze 9x, Version 2.6
You'll enjoy the power and knowledge!
[fo-b2145] ~ [fo-b25ci]
BlackIce, one of the best personal firewalls around (the best one is Sygate, go grab it)
Good old Fosi seems to have spread it all over the web.
A possible alternative is ZoneLabs Zone Alarm (Free edition)
A possible alternative is Tiny Personal Firewall (free for personal use) at
[] 145807 bytes
MultiProxy is a multifunctional personal proxy server you can install to protect your privacy by dynamically connecting to non-transparent anonimizing public proxy servers only. You can also test a list of proxy servers and sort them by connection speed and level of anonimity.
For a couple of interesting lists see [pxylist1.txt] & [pxylist2.txt] ~ 1141224 bytes (PROXOMITRON! Version Naoko-4.4) [there is no need to explain how important this little thing is - complete documentation inside] ~ 1136575 bytes (PROXOMITRON! June Version) Older version: ~ 873971 bytes (PROXOMITRON! Version Naoko-3)
| Magical Item |
How to input multiple proxies on the fly in Proxomitron, by -Bone Digger Copy your proxy list to your clipboard. Click the Proxy button on the Proxomitron Main Window. Click the Add button on the "External Proxy Selector" window. Right Click in the "Enter New Proxy server" text box. Choose Paste from the right click menu. All unique proxies (i.e. those not already listed) from your clipboard will be added. OR open the default.cfg file in a text editor. Scroll to the [Proxies] section at the bottom. Leave a full empty line below the "OpenLog = TRUE" and "Count = 1" line and paste or input your proxies one per line. | |
You'll find various proxy lists here and one ready to be pasted inside proxomitron here | |
By all means, use Proxomitron together with Opera: cosmic power for your seeking trips! |
A possible new alternative to proxomitron (still in early development stage) could be proximodo, by Antony Boucher.
"Basically, Proximodo is a clone of a great piece of software called The Proxomitron, developed by Scott R. Lemmon. Now that for sad reasons Proxomitron is unmaintained, I started this project to carry on the idea. Though a few Proxomitron features are still missing in Proximodo (mainly SSL support) the essential is already there: 100% of Proxomitron filters will run under Proximodo (plus there is a menu to import your custom Proxomitron filters). Proximodo currently comes with default Proxomitron filters, which can do quite a lot of different things. But you can write your own filters, using a powerful syntax that, despite its seeming complexity, is quite easy to use and master."
Grisoft AVG Anti-virus (Free edition)
[], ver 1.01 493706 bytes, by Vitaly (VitalyATATATTAODOTDOTDOTde)
"Win32 Game Wizard permits the user to modify the games so that they can be much easier finished. It allows the user to customize games. It removes protection, adds infinite lives, infinite weapons, etc."
[] 133734 bytes, by ivo andonov (iDOTDOTDOTandonovATATATgallup-bbssDOTDOTDOTcom)
Let's see, ahem, if you undertand WHY the following could be quite useful... remember old dos SICE 'snappings'? :-)
- Lists all processes and their modules currently running on the system.
- Lists the memory pages used by the selected process.
- Filter on the memory pages.
- Lists windows associated with each process
- Follower that will show the region occupied by each window you select
- Read/Write to other processes memory.
- Search in the memory pages selected from the list.
- ASCII search (automatic standard and UNICODE). Type ["something] (without the brackets) to search for "something"
- Binary search. Type some numbers (for example 10 20 30) to search for the bytes 10 20 and 30. You can change from hex to dec using $ and # symbols. For example the following search ($10 #20 $14 15) will search for $10 $14 $14 and $15
- Currently the search is byte oriented
- Remember the current state of a selected region of memory pages (like GameWizard).
- Search for changes in the remembered region.
- Search for differences. Using this search I found the address where Minesweeper keeps the array of the play field. I have created a Minesweeper trainer.
- Search for increments
- Search for decrements
- Currently the search is byte oriented.
[], ver 2.0, 375501 bytes, by Davi Tassinari de Figueiredo (davitfATATATusaDOTDOTDOTnet)
A wondrous tool for file-hiding purposes, allows you to conceal files inside bitmaps, using a password. This program version was published in may 2001.
Since Davi gives you the source code (260334 bytes) as well, you can apply slight modifications: no echelon will ever be able to fech you on the fly (unless they have you as a target).
This version is quite fast and relatively safe. This is a DOS/Windows interface, a Linux one will eventually appear.
(c) III Millennium: [fravia+], all rights reserved
Finally, since you are on my main "download" page, some old gems, just in order to grasp how insignificant "we and our worries" are, and how important it is to AVOID taking ourself too much seriously.
First take a look at the real small place our galaxy has in the universe, through [this wondrous program], that every father should show to his kids in "relativising" awe... funny isn't it?
Mortals are at the same time nothing of relevance and yet they have so much to give...
What? You still have a lot of time to waste? Learn for free some strategy (and delve into such tactical depths)... and of course, while playing, do not forget to apply some sound theory to your virtual soldiers! :-)
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Shared from Read It Later
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
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