
Those readers whose searching skills are below average might rejoice knowing that our mighty (which were broken for an embarassing long time), now work again.
- Due to my [] this site
- Here some new (or slightly updated) pages @ : [] (new Gnu/pgp key) ~ [] (new links) ~ [] ~ [] ~ [] ~ [] ~ [] (cleaned & added a lot) ~ [] ~ [] (now obsolete) ~ [] ~ [] (added etymological dictionaries) ~ [] (more on altdorf and schleswig :-) ~ [] (cleaned) ~ [] (cleaned) ~ [] ~ [] ~ [] (new antispam) ~ [] (new antispam) ~ [pdffing.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [prev2006.htm] ~ [rabbits.htm] ~ [useful_findings.htm] (new linux section) ~ [linux_games.htm] (new linux section) ~ [statistics.htm] ~ [trolls.htm] ~ [stalking.htm] ~ [linux.htm] ~
- [linux.htm]: Going to Linux (Ubuntu) once for all.
Added: How to wardrive for hours on your batteries (tty secrets)
Updated in November
- [google.htm]: A very interesting snippet
by Shally Steckerl
Daterange secrets (&as_qdr=d kniffs)
Updated in December - Here some new (or slightly updated) pages:
[tools.htm] (a little cleaned) ~ [bangla.htm] (corrected links) ~ [filehosting.htm] (small addition by Eevon) ~ [rabbits.htm] (small addition by Mariuolo) ~ [newsfeeds.htm] (a little cleaned) ~ [targets.htm] (changed) ~ [statistics.htm] (new) ~
- [alltheweb.htm]: No one lights a candle and hides it under a bushel, except Yahoo!
by Nemo
An incredible load of seekers' knowledge. It encompasses an update of the famous [nemo_SEO.htm]: how to beat SEO spammers at their own game: cleaning our web from SEO crap.
Part of the essays section.
"This is Nemo, delivering an incredible amount of seekers' knowledge for free. Be warned, the iceberg is deeper than it looks like, and if you follow it, and the many hints inside, you'll obtain dangerous wizard power searching capabilities..."
- irc.htm: Internet Relay Chat lore
by Kane
The "Internet Relay Chat lore" section has been updated! Tons of info and links in order to finetune your IRC-searching skills!
- realicra/nightclubs.htm: Nightclubs are hell. What's cool or fun about a thumping, sweaty dungeon full of posing idiots?
by Charlie Brooker
part of the reality cracking section.
"Clubs are despicable. Cramped, overpriced furnaces with sticky walls and the latest idiot theme tunes thumping through the humid air so loud you can't hold a conversation, just bellow inanities at megaphone-level. And since the smoking ban, the masking aroma of cigarette smoke has been replaced by the overbearing stench of crotch sweat and hair wax"
- realicra/aquafina_and_dasani.htm: Aquafina and Dasani: Consumers are morons - misleading marketing practices
by fravia+
part of the reality cracking section.
"...for most european consumers, the idea of some bottled tap water sold as a "real" spring mineral water would definitely be on the top list of scams. Well, rejoice: it has been common practice in the States during the last ten years, and the slavemasters are now trying the same scam in the European Union...'s like shooting at the red cross: you open a bottling factory and can automagically sell some 0.03 cents half litre water for one euro..."
- [linux.htm]: Going to Linux (Ubuntu) once for all.
Ahhh. What a bliss. What a speed. What a power. The idea behind this page is to help anybody to swap almost on the fly a windozian, slow, cumbersome, virus ridden and prone to errors computer, into a quick, stable and above all powerful linux box.
Updated in June!
- ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
[mirrors.htm] (news) ~ [main.htm] (cleaned) ~ [bangla.htm] (cleaned) ~ [json.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [nemo_SEO.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [oracle.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-document.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-gandalf.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-gandalf-aragorn.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-gandalf-frodo.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-gandalf-tolkien.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-hints.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-internet.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-nemo.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-nemo-verne.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-philosopher's-stone.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-search.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-seek.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-strategies.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-tips.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-web.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [yahoo-webpage.htm] (part of Nemo's essay) ~ [welcome.htm] (corrected) ~ [info.htm] (cleaned) ~ [faq.htm] ~ [tuttiope.htm] (cleaned) ~
- [rcrs.htm]: Reverse engineering of online customer reviews
by slappy and sem
A study of 'shillism'
Part of the trolls section.
"Take a look at the top reviewer on amazon. As of today this is harriet klausner with 13723 reviews. On first sight there is nothing that catches the eye, but doing some math raises questions. Lets suppose she has been reviewing for amazon the last 5 years...
13723 book reviews
2744.6 books per year
52.78 books per week
7.54 books per day...
What d'you say? Would you trust her? :-)"
- [termisearch.htm]: How to build a google pre-filter. A proof of concept: a pre-search filter/bot.
by fravia+
Just an example of a possible application of a simple, but effective google's pre-filtering approach
Part of the bots section (even if it is just a pre-filter and not a bot strictu sensu).
This is here simply done adding, subtracting or ORring automatically some ad hoc search terms to whatever query you may have.
This is the whole point of this example. Tou don't need to go linguistic. You modify or create your own forms at leisure.
You may want special effective forms in order to search for books or images and just eliminate all those idiot sites that try to 'trap' searchers into advertisement hells or crippled items for zombies and guinea pigs.
Or maybe you want mp3s without having to wade knee-deep into morons trying "to sell" you those very mp3s (quelle vulgarité!). Or whatever... I'm sure you get the infinite possibilities now in your own hands :-) - [linux.htm]: Going to Linux (Ubuntu) once for all.
Ahhh. What a bliss. What a speed. What a power. The idea behind this page is to help anybody to swap almost on the fly a windozian, slow, cumbersome, virus ridden and prone to errors computer, into a quick, stable and above all powerful linux box.
Updated in June!
- [find_the_command.htm]: How to find with find.
by fravia+, part of the linux section.
"...and how to locate, list and grep inside your box whatever you need whenever you need it..."
Updated in June! - ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
[main.htm] (cleaned) ~ [tuttiope.htm] (cleaned) ~ [dictiona.htm] (new tool for chinese, korean, russian and japanese web-searching: repairing the Babel tower?) ~ [contract.html] (cleaned) ~ [fu_sussi.htm] (underlining a terrific tool to seriously examine and study those awful clima changements that only idiots, american presidents and criminals still deny) ~ [converter.htm] (Length, Weight, Pressure, Volume & Temperature converter) ~ [images.htm] (cleaned) ~ [welcome.htm] (+february) ~ [password.htm] (cleaned) ~ [info.htm] (email addresses pngged) ~ [bangla.htm] (cleaned) ~
- [linux.htm]: Going to Linux (Ubuntu) once for all.
Ahhh. What a bliss. What a speed. What a power. The idea behind this page is to help anybody to swap almost on the fly a windozian, slow, cumbersome, virus ridden and prone to errors computer, into a quick, stable and above all powerful linux box.
Updated in March!
- [change_windows.htm]: I won't beta-test windows.
by mycroft tanstaafl, march 2007, part of the essays section.
"As it turns out, quite a bit of common software exists, is free, often works better than anything else out there. I slowly switched, and I still use them, since, well, I have about 20 PC's in my life, and about half of them run Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora Core, Open SuSE, Solaris, and, of course Debian. No Mandriva, no Slackware, no Centos, no Yellow Dog, no Linux From Scratch... There's just too many to load them all"
- [find_the_command.htm]: How to find with find.
by fravia+, march 2007, part of the linux section.
"...and how to locate, list and grep whatever you need whenever you need it..." - ... as usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
[intro.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] ~ [terminology.htm] ~ [inktomi.htm] ~ [quickforms.htm] ~ [google.htm] ~ [faq.htm] ~ [lea2tra.htm] ~ [anonyweb.htm] ~ [rabbits.htm] ~ [destream.htm] ~ [misterstallman.htm] (part of the exegesis lore) ~ [bangla.htm] ~ [compound.htm] ~
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Shared from Read It Later
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
United States of America
Forgive typos! iBLAME iPhone
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