| | |
| - 2010 Extraterrestrial Disclosure Wave Surges Around UN, Nuclear Shutdowns, Denver ET/UFO Vote |
| - A Map to Disclosure for President Obama - 7 Steps to Real Change | |
| - Are The UFOs Appearing in Russia Skies in December 2010 Fulham's Predicted UFO Wave? |
| - As UFOs Overfly New York, UN's Dr. Othman States, 'ET Life Is a Possibility' |
| - British Ministry of Defense Closes UFO Desk - Impact on Extraterrestrial Disclosure |
| - Chinese National TV Reporting Impending UFO/ET Disclosure by Obama Government |
| - Contact - Learning From Outer Space - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011 Global Competitiveness Forum and UFOs |
| - Disclosure 101 | |
| - Disclosure Conference - National Press Club 27 September 2010 | |
| - "Disclosure Informers" - Evidence | |
| - Do You Believe That UFO/ET Disclosure Is Imminent? | |
| - ¿Es El Ovni de Jerusalén Sobre El Domo de La Roca Una Comunicación Contextual por Un Extraterrestre? |
| - ‘ET Go Home’ - Vote Outcome Not Helpful to ET Plan to Cleanse Earth’s Environment |
| - Exopolitics and Global Warming - A Cosmic Connection | |
| - Exopolitics And Its Role As a Catalyst to Space Migration | |
| - First Ever "World Disclosure Day" - July 8, 2011 | |
| - Gearing Up for "Cosmic Watergate... The Beginning of ET Disclosure" | |
| - Glimpses of Disclosure | |
| - Global Fuse is Ignited - A Post Disclosure World | |
| - Hacking Away At Truth and The Failings of The Disclosure Community? - Gary McKinnon |
| - Hiding The Truth in Plain Sight - Hollywood’s Coverage of Extraterrestrial Visitation |
| - Hollywood, UFOs and Extraterrestrial Disclosure | |
| - Interview to Stanley A. Fulham - Challenges of Change | |
| - Is 2010 the Year of Discovery For Extraterrestrial Life? | |
| - Is FAA Covering-Up Flight Delays Due to New York UFO Sighting? | |
| - Is Russia Preparing For Extraterrestrial Disclosure? | |
| - Is UFO Orb Over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem a Context Communication by ET? |
| - Knowledge of ET Life Is Maturing at Warp Speed - Says Paradigm Activist | |
| - La Vida Extraterrestre Existe y Está Aquí | |
| - Mystery Behind Initial Report of UN Liaison for Extraterrestrial First Contact |
| - Ocultando La Verdad a Plena Vista - Encubrimiento de Hollywood de Visita Extraterrestre |
| - Official Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life is Imminent | |
| - Political Spin and Extraterrestrial Disclosure | |
| - Raising The Heat on Disclosure - The Exopolitical Implications of Night Vision Technologies on The Extra-terrestrial Truth Em... |
| - Report on Royal Society Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Life | |
| - Retired NORAD Officer Accurately Predicts UFO Appearances Over Major Cities |
| - Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010 |
| - Spectacular January 18, 2011 Moscow UFO Part Fulfillment of ET Council’s Prediction? |
| - Televisión Nacional China Informa Inminente Revelación del Gobierno de Obama Sobre Extraterrestres y Ovnis |
| - The Disclosure Project - Main File | |
| - The UN Is to Appoint An Astrophysicist to Be The First Contact For Any Aliens |
| - Timing Extraterrestrial Disclosure | |
| - UFO - The Race to Disclosure | |
| - Vatican, England and France Pressure The US for UFO Disclosure | |
| - United Nations to Appoint Official For First Contact With Extraterrestrial Life |
| - Vatican Prepares For Extraterrestrial Disclosure | |
| Additional Information | |
| - Abductions and Abductees - Main File | |
| - Assange Arrest Impacts on Impending Release of Classified UFO Cables |
| - Assange Reveals Significance of Wikileaks UFO Cables | |
| - Barack Obama Not Disclosing Extraterrestrial Presence is Top ET/UFO Story of 2009 |
| - Barack Obama to Make UFO Announcement in Coming Weeks | |
| - China Central Television Covers Disclosure of UFO Official Documents | |
| - Contact and Contactees - Main File | |
| - Do Moscow UFOs Fulfill NORAD Officer Predictions? | |
| - Expert Predicts End to Hierarchies and Value of Money, More ET/UFO Disclosure Starting July-Nov 2010 |
| - Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation - Main File | |
| - Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering - Main File | |
| - Facebook at 517 Million Users Suppresses ET/UFO Disclosure With Cointelpro Spying, Censorship |
| - Giant ET UFOs Near Sun Now Visible With Close-Up Image Technology - Exposing Possible NASA Cover-Up |
| - Giant UFOs Around The Sun? - NASA Claims Malfunction, Physicist Says Giant ET UFOs Use Sun’s Stargate |
| - Hacking Away at Truth and The Failings of The Disclosure Community? - Gary McKinnon |
| - Hawking - A UK Psyops to Promote Space Weaponization and A False War Against Extraterrestrials? |
| - Is ET Disclosure More Important Than Exposing Our "Physics Truth Embargo"? |
| - Is Historic Meeting of 260 U.S. Ambassadors Related to UFOs and ET Life? |
| - Laura Eisenhower - Unity Consciousness Will Collapse Military-Industrial Complex |
| - Los Seres del Espacio - O Un Boicot Muy Explicable | |
| - Mars' Bases and Colonies - Main File | |
| - Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases - Main File | |
| - National Geographic Promotes Alien Invasion Scenario | |
| - New January 2011 UFO Display Predictions | |
 | - Planet-Sized UFOs In Our Sun - Part 1 - Part 2 | |
| - Project Camelot Interviews Dr. Pete Peterson | |
| - Proposed White House ‘Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission’ Puts Denver UFO Examiner’s on Hold |
| - Scientists Endorse Study of Societal Consequences of Extraterrestrial Life |
 | - The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences for Science and Society |
| - The Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life and Visitation - Any Day Now? | |
| - The UFO Briefing Document - The Best Available Evidence/The Rockefeller UFO Report |
| - UFOs, Aliens, and The Question of Contact - A Report | |
| - UFOs Predicted Over Moscow and London in January 2011 | |
| - UFOs - The SpaceGoatFarts Entity - Predictions | |
| - UFO Wave Over Moscow is 3rd Independent Confirmation of ET Council |
| - Vatican to E.T. - Hello, Brother... | |
| - Veteran China Astronomer Claims UFOs Are Extraterrestrial Space Craft |
| - Whistleblowers’ Evidence of NASA UFO Fraud Might Kill UK Hacker Case |
| - Will Extraterrestrial “Disclosure” or Contact Happen in 2012? | |
| - World Business Leaders Told Flying Saucers Are Real and Extraterrestrials Exist |
| - World Changes - Project Camelot Interviews | |
| Multimedia | |
| - A Conversation With Andrew D. Basiago About The Hidden History of His Discovery of Life on Mars |
 | - Aliens - Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking | |
 | - Councilor Adrian Hicks Demands to Hear Truth Over Extraterrestrials | |
 | - Disclosure 101 | |
 | - Disclosure - A Message From Miriam Delicado - A |
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