"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
-- United States Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April, 1997
Secretary Cohen made this statement at a conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and U.S. Strategy in his official capacity as the US Secretary of Defense; thus this can be taken as an official position of the United States. Further he used the word "are," not "could," "might" or "maybe sometime in the future." He further added: "It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts." If the United States Secretary of Defense says that the earth and the sky have been turned into weapons, and are being used as such in present time, I believe we should take this statement very seriously.
WEATHER WARFARE: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature is not "conspiracy theory." This book has almost no theory and very little speculation. All the conclusions reached are the logical ones based on the presented facts. This is not "tabloid journalism." This is straight scientific reporting at a layman's level. I present solid evidence from military and scientific sources that intentional environmental modification (EnMod) is the 600-pound gorilla at the global warming debate that everyone is pretending isn't there.
In my 1998 book HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy I used HAARP (the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) as a springboard to talk about globalist agendas such as the New World Order and Agenda 21. While there are passing references to Globalism in WEATHER WARFARE I keep such speculation to a minimum. That book was about the "who" and "why" behind the HAARP program, where this book documents the reality of intentional EnMod, and the threat to health and security it poses.
The heart of WEATHER WARFARE: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature is proof that EnMod, which most people believe to be science fiction, is actually science fact and that we have neither the political nor legal infrastructure in place to deal with this technology. Addressed at length is the dismal failure of the 1978 United Nations EnMod Convention, which prohibits the use of environmental modification as a weapon of war. The unaddressed issue of ongoing intentional EnMod by various militaries, terrorists and civilians is a key factor skewing the evidence in the global warming/climate change debate and as such is of gravest importance. The politics of the 21st century, and possibly our survival as a species, will turn on how this debate plays out.
Despite the title, it is not just "The Military." A book's title is not precisely its contents, but rather a cry from the bookshelf to get a potential reader's attention. This book is about a great deal more than just the weather or the military. It is about the whole environment: earth, air and sea; it is about a lot of players: academic, commercial and military; with a lot of objectives: financial, militaristic and political. There is substantial difference between climate and weather. Robert A.Heinlein wrote "climate is what you expect, weather is what you get." Mainstream science recognizes that man does have the ability to alter the weather on a limited scale intentionally, and to alter the climate on a vast scale unintentionally. I present solid evidence that what can be done intentionally is far greater than what the mainstream is willing to or able to admit.
WEATHER WARFARE: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature covers the history of "weather control" from the Rain Makers of the 1890s through the development of cloud seeding in the middle of the twentieth century, to today's "off the shelf" technologies of precipitation enhancement, hail suppression and fog dispersal. I cover the many programs to manipulate hurricanes, such as Project Cirrus and Project Stormfury, and what evidence there is of being able to control hurricanes in the 21st Century. It also covers Defense Secretary Cohen's claim that "Others ... can ... set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." Starting with Nicola Tesla's earthquake machine of the 1890s I trace the possibility of "earthquakes on demand" from the development of a "tsunami bomb" during World War II (as revealed by documents recently declassified by the New Zealand government), through Project Faultless which caused a massive earthquake in the Nevada desert after a high yield atom bomb was intentionally detonated on a fault line, to evidences of human initiation of several major quakes and the 2004 Christmas tsunami with "scalar" or other electromagnetic waves. Also included is an update on recent developments at HAARP. I analyze what they are willing to admit to having done with it and where the program may go in the future. The US Air Force insists that it has no interest in "controlling the weather" yet HAARP represents the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars and a decade of research and construction in a program whose avowed purpose is to modify the atmosphere. What, if any, is the difference between "modifying the atmosphere" and "controlling the weather"?
WEATHER WARFARE also examines claims that chemicals are being deliberately injected into our atmosphere by high-flying planes that are criss-crossing our skies with "chemtrails." First I examine the environmental issues associated with jet aircraft condensation trails (contrails), which are indeed grave. Then I reveal that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and numerous other national and international panels of scientists have extensively, and expensively, studied ways to mitigate global warming through schemes called "geo-engineering."
Edward Teller, father of the hydrogen bomb and Associate Director of LLNL, actually advocated putting up a "sunscreen" to save the Earth. He proposed injecting aluminum and barium dust particles high into the atmosphere to increase the amount of solar energy being reflected out into space as a way to offset the heating by greenhouse gases.
Many scientific boards and committees have looked into this proposal and found it technologically feasible, but recognized that the legal and environmental hurdles would be too high to overcome to implement such a project--if done openly, so some proposed doing it covertly! Are they?
Packed with hundreds of quotes, the environmental mayhem documented in this 402-page book is founded on a solid base of mainstream scientific, military and media sources. If you are researching this topic you may well find the 31-page bibliography to be worth the price of the book alone! Also included are three appendices which include the full text of the EnMod Convention and more than 150 EnMod patents granted by the United States Patent Office.
Jerry E. Smith is the modern day version of the common human's alarm system. His books stand alone as some of the most significant cutting edge information on what is, "really going on" in our world today. We could all stand to sit back and take the time to read and learn from the pages of what he has written and open our eyes to how insignificant we just may be to those we trust and empower to protect us. Jerry E. Smith has taken the time to go over countless details in every one of his books and to thoroughly research every single account he presents. Making his works some of the most credible, verifiable and well documented anywhere. I personally stand behind, recommend and endorse each and every one.
~ Dr. Ed Craft
Host/ Executive Producer
Magick Mind Paranormal Talk Radio
The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature
by Jerry E. Smith
Published by Adventures Unlimited Press. $18.95
Paperback: 402 pages, 6x9 trade paperback, Appendix, Bibliography, Illustrated.
ISBN: 1931882606
Click here to order online direct from Adventures Unlimited Press
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