Conversation #CI some ppl don't know when to stop

(re)becca ツ (@_bexology)
2011-05-26 23:55
@JDenigma @_CromCruach i've been trying to read @ElyssaD's timeline. i think i understand quantum physics more.
Josh (@JDenigma)
2011-05-26 23:51
@_bexology She'll claim you're also part of our black ops disinfo unit or something @_CromCruach @ElyssaD
(re)becca ツ (@_bexology)
2011-05-26 23:45
@JDenigma @_CromCruach all i see about @ElyssaD is that she's into alien invasions? is that right?
Josh (@JDenigma)
2011-05-26 23:42
@_bexology Oh, long story. Just say a friendly hello to @elyssad & you might find out real quick ;-) lol @_CromCruach
(re)becca ツ (@_bexology)
2011-05-26 23:41
@JDenigma i don't know either. i just saw @_CromCruach annoying someone and he blamed you!
Josh (@JDenigma)
2011-05-26 22:35
@_CromCruach @_bexology Huh, what? I've gotta get caught up here :-)
Donnchadh (@_CromCruach)
2011-05-26 20:53
@_bexology not me its all @JDenigma fault lmao :D
(re)becca ツ (@_bexology)
2011-05-26 20:51
apparently @_CromCruach irritated someone and i missed it.

Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.

United States of America
