Yeah! I did it! I did it ALL!

Larry Jenkins (@Darth_Sideous)
2011-04-24 15:41
@sonyazink @ElyssaD I decided to go offline plus fb privacy policies are an issue, I'd say concern, and they are (cont)
Sonya Zink (@sonyazink)
2011-04-24 15:17
@Darth_Sideous may i ask what your reason(s) was? i got error 'not authorized' when trying to make wikileaks comments =( @ElyssaD #hug
Larry Jenkins (@Darth_Sideous)
2011-04-24 15:08
I quit last yr on May 31, now i use it only for black ops :-) RT @sonyazink: @ElyssaD my facebk boycot: 2/11 (cont)

Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.

United States of America
