Earth Intelligence NetworkPublic intelligence will displace secret intelligence.
We still need spies and secrecy, but only as the 10% special element of all-source intelligence, which is itself nothing more than 10% of Information Operations (IO).
As we and many others across 90+ nations have been saying since 1988 and before (one can point to Quincy Wright in 1955 calling for a World Intelligence Center), there is a desperate need to realize Buckminster Fuller's vision for an Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, one that allows all possible feedback loops to operate with integrity, one that allows all possible combinations of people to achieve synthesis. Earth Intelligence network is dedicated to the proposition that we can achieve global self governance at all levels (Panarchy) while creating truth & reconciliation endeavors for all those who have been harmed in the past several centuries, drawing them back into a holistic, sustainable Earth that provides informed stewardship, transpartisan informed stewardship, to create a prosperous world at peace that we can deliver to all future generations.
The Open Source Solutions Network (OSS.Net) permanent library is dedicated to Robert Garigue, Ph.D., who died all too soon. One of the most intelligent, professional, and gracious human beings it has ever been our pleasure to know, his Technical Preface defined and inspired our decision to create the Earth Intelligence Network. May he rest in peace. For faster direct access to EIN, please bookmark the direct link.
Earth Intelligence Network
Robert Garigue's Research Page
Robert Garigue's Obituary
Robert Garigue's Seminal Technical Preface of 2005
EarthGame 1.0 Version 3.3.doc
The Ultimate Hack Slides 1.5.ppt
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