Space Weather Resources
Space Physics
Space Weather studies the environmental dynamics of "geospace": the active (and sometimes stormy) region above the Earth's lower atmosphere including the ionosphere (which often reflects AM radio waves back to Earth) and the magnetosphere (home of the Van Allen radiation belts and the environment of many spacecraft -- including the numerous geosynchronous satellites used for communications and other applications.) The relevant NASA division is called Heliophysics, because the region is controlled by the Sun. The following list gives active links to information about space weather and associated fields of scientific research.
For software that can be used in a kiosk to teach space weather, we have developed "Space Weather", part of our Space Update software. Thanks to support from the < Multiscale Magnetospheric>, the "Space Weather" CD is available free for educational organizations, and is part of the annual Sun-Earth Day packets from NASA.
If you have a link you would like to see added, or your find a broken link which needs to be fixed, please e-mail reiff (at) .
If you would like to subscribe to our space weather mailing list, just go to the Rice University Lists and subscribe to the SPACALRT Mailing List or send an e-mail to this address. To unsubscribe follow the instructions on the SPACALRT Mailing List page, or send an e-mail to this address.
Real-Time Space Weather Data Sources Space Weather Forecasts What is Space Weather? (Educational Links) Coordinated Data Analysis Space Physics Models Major Modeling Efforts Space Physics Observatories Space Physics Research Centers Technical Literature Indices Space Physics Professional Organizations & Programs Relevant Amateur Organizations GPS FAQ - reviews, forums, articles Other Lists of Space Weather & Space Physics Links
Real-Time Space Weather Data Sources
- ACE Real Time Solar Wind
- Today's Space Weather (NOAA)
- Current Solar Forecast (NOAA)
- Big Bear Solar Activity Reports(BBSO)
- Real-Time Magnetopause and Bow Shock Model
- Real-Time UAF Eulerian Polar Ionosphere Model
- Current Auroral Oval Position
- Current Auroral Oval inferred from CANOPUS array(U. Alberta)
- SuperDARN/ISR Global Real-Time Ionospheric Convection
- Estimated Auroral Activity from NOAA/TIROS
- IZMEM Space Weather Forecast Real-Time Auroral Monitors (multiple sources) -->
- Most Recent POLAR Auroral Image (Visible Light)
- POLAR UltraViolet Imager Current Image
- POLAR Ionospheric X-ray Imaging Experiment (PIXIE) Image of the Day
- Alaska Auroral Prediction Service
- Alaska Geospace Environment Data Display System (GEDDS)
- Prediction Services (Australian gov't)
- Latest Solar Wind Observations (Rice, dials of solar wind conditions and the current magnetic field and convection maps estimated from the ACE data)
- Real Time Dst Estimate (UCLA, ACE-based)
- SOHO CELIAS MTOF Latest 48 Hours of Solar Wind Data The UNH Space Weather Forecast Page(include the last week of Yohkoh images and the corresponding images from the previous solar rotation) -->Real-Time Data from WIND spacecraft (NOAA) -->
- LANL Geosynchronous Energetic Particle Data
- North American Ionospheric Total Electron Content Maps
- NASA EnviroNet: Space Environment Information -->
- USGS Geomagnetism Program
- Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center (Japan)
- Current Australian-Region Ionospheric Conditions
- Pentiction 10cm Solar Radio Flux
- Current Solar Images (from Solar Data Analysis Center)
- Current Solar Images (from SOHO)
- Current Solar Images: Mt. Wilson Solar Tower
- Millstone Hill Digisonde (Latest Ionogram)
- Alaska VHF Auroral Radar Real-Time Plots -->
- Ionospheric Scintillation Predictions
- GPS-based Ionospheric TEC Measurements
- Geological Survey of Canada: Geomagnetic Forecasts
- CANOPUS Real Time Magnetometer and Riometer (MARIA) Data (Canada)
- Kiruna Magnetometer (Sweden)
- Norwegian Magnetometers
- Sodankyla Magnetometer (Finland)
- INTERMAGNET Kyoto GIN Quicklook Test Page
- Auroral Large Imaging System (Sweden, quicklook images)
- Solar Terrestrial Dispatch Homepage
- Cosmic Ray Station, Moscow, Russia
- GEM Real-Time Spaceweather Links
- More Real Time Data
Space Weather Forecasts
- NOAA SEC Alerts, Forecasts, and Summaries
- The Paris-Meudon Observatory Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Forecast Center(France) Solar Activity Prediction Methods --!>
What is Space Weather? (Educational Links)
Note: Overseas links tend to be slow due to limited transoceanic bandwidth.
- Space Weather: A Research Perspective (A good overview; PDF; New March 21, 1997.)
- National Space Weather Program: Strategic Plan (Technical Document)
- National Space Weather Program: Implementation Plan (Technical Document)
- Mission to Geospace (General; Beautifull Pictures)
- IMAGE Mission Educational Page (K-12)
- Rice Space Physics Public Outreach
- NASA Goddard Space Science Education (General)
- The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere (General)
- NOAA Space Environment Center Education and Outreach (General)
- User's Guide for NOAA/SEC Space Environment Forecasts (Technical)(NOAA)
- Planetary Magnetospheres (Advanced)
- SSC Space Physics Tutorial (Advanced Collegiate)
- Exploring Space: Space Weather (K-12, General)
- Windows to the Universe: Space Weather (K-12)
- Solar Observation Homepage (General, K-12)
- Classifying Sunspot Groups (General)
- NGDC Ionosphere Home Page(General)
- What is Space Weather? (Collegiate) (Overseas: Sweden)
- Space Physics WWW Reference (Education section) (General) (Overseas: Finland)
- Space Physics Textbook (Collegiate) (Overseas: Finland)
- Educational Material from Australia's IPS Radio & Space Services (General) (Overseas: Australia)
- Iridium Flares (Satellites observable from Earth) (General)
Coordinated Data Analysis
- SPIDR: Space Physics Interactive Data Resource
- CDAWeb: Coordinated Data Analysis Website
- NASA SPOF Orbit & KP Survey Plots
- Satellite Situation Center (NASA GSFC)
- InterAgengy Consulting Group
- The World Space Weather Service
- International Auroral Study
- January 1997 Magnetic Cloud Event Study
Major Modeling Efforts
- NSSDC Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM)
- Center for Space Environment Modeling (CSEM)
Space Physics Models
- NSSDC Space Physics Models
- GSFC Magnetospheric Modeling Group Rice ElectroMagnetic Field Models -->
- Six Magnetic Field Models Compared: Mapping Geosynchronous Orbit to the Auroral Zone
- Magnetospheric Specification Model
- Magnetospheric Specification Forecast Model -- driven by WIND spacecraft data
- Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Space Weather Aeronomical Response Models (U. of Michigan)
- Altitude-Adjusted Corrected Geomagnetic coordinate Model (AACGM)
- Real-Time UAF Eulerian Polar Ionosphere Model
- WBMOD Ionospheric Scintillation Model
Space Physics Observatories
- Radars
- Interactive Map of Incoherent Scatter Radar Stations
- Millstone Hill Haystack Observatory
- Arecibo Observatory
- Jicamarca Radar Observatory
- EISCAT Scientific Association
- Sondrestrom Facility
- Institute of the Ionosphere - Kharkov, Ukraine (server in USA)
- SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network)
- STARE Radar
- Alaska VHF Auroral Radar
Only listing lidars with some indication of mesopheric capabilities (80-100 km altitude range
- GI-IAF Lidar
- Antarctic Lidar
- ALOMAR: Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmospheric Research
- SOUSY Lidar
- Purple Crow Lidar (U. of Western Ontario)
- Ionosondes
- Millstone Hill Digisonde
- Dynasonde at Tromsrway
- Sodankyl Geophysical Observatory Ionospheric Station
- Swedish Ionosonde System
- ARL/UT Ionosonde (Austin, Texas, USA)
- NGDC Ionospheric Data Archive
- Magnetometer Array on the Greenland Ice Cap (MAGIC)
- Magnetometer Array for Cusp and Cleft Studies
- CANOPUS Magnetometer Array(Canada)
- 210 Magnetic Meridian Network
- Kiruna, Sweden
- International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects (IMAGE)
- Pulsation Magnetometer Chain, U. of Oulu, Finland
- Sodankyleophysical Observatory Magnetic Station
- The Auroral Observatory, Tromsrway
- Real Time Magnetograms from South Australia (Flinders U.)
- INTERMAGNET International Magnetometer Network
- Cosmic Ray & Neutron Monitors
- Solar Observatories
- Mt. Wilson Solar Tower (Calfornia, USA)
- Big Bear Solar Observatory (California, USA)
- National Solar Observatory (USA)
- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory(Hawaii, USA)
- Mees Solar Observatory (Hawaii, USA)
- Learmonth Solar Observatory (Western Australia)
- Catania Astrophysical Observatory (Italy)
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma (Italy)
- Solar Observatory, Universidad de Sonora (Mexico)
- Observatorio de el Cerro Azul (Mexico)
- LaPalma Observatory (Canary Islands)
- The Paris-Meudon Solar Department (DASOP) (France)
- The Bass 2000 Solar Data Base , Meudon Antenna (France)
- The Nancay Radioheliograph (Paris Observatory) (France)
- THEMIS [Heliographic Telescope for the Study of the Magnetism and Instabilities on the Sun] (France)
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
- Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT)
- Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE)
- Nobeyama Radioheliograph (Japan)
Optical Instruments
- Poker Flat: Davis Science Operations Center
- Henriksen Auroral Station (Svalbard)
- Auroral Large Imaging System
- South Pole Station All-Sky Imager
Sounding Rocket Facilities
(some listed as Solar Observatories)- NASA Heliospheric Missions
- ESA Science
- ISAS Science (Japan)
- Mission pages : Active Missions
- Geotail
- HINODE (Solar-B)
- IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer)
- Magnetospheric MultiScale (in final approvals phase)
- Voyager
- Mission pages : Inactive Missions (some with active data analysis)
- IMP-8Interball
- Ulysses
GPS-based Measurements
Computerized Ionospheric Tomography
Space Physics Research Centers
Non-Academic Centers
- USAF Research Laboratory - Space Hazards Branch
- NASA Space Environment Effects
- NCAR High Altitude Observatory
- NASA MSFC Solar Physics
- National Geophysical Data Center
- World Data Center System
- ISTP Science Planning and Operations Facility
- International Space Physics Educational Consortium
- SwRI Space Plasma Physics
- Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
- Northwest Research Associates
- Sterling Software Spacecast
- British Antarctic Survey
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Department of Geophysics, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Japan
Academic Centers
- Universities Space Research Association member institutions
- Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rice University
- Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA
- William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences, UTD
- Center for Ionospheric Research, ARL/UT
- Space Physics Lab, UNH
- Space Physics Research Laboratory, U Michigan
- Department of Physics & Astronomy, U Iowa
- Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, U Colorado
- U Kansas Space Physics
- Geophysical Institude, U Alaska Fairbanks
- Center for Space Physics, Boston University
- Space Science and Engineering Center, U Wisconsin-Madison
- Stanford University Center for Space Science and Astrophysics
- Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College, London, UK
- Space Department, Applied Physics Lab, John Hopkins University
- Space Physics Group, U. Maryland (College Park)
- The MIT Space Plasma Group
- Space Physics Group, Oulu, Finland
- Radar Remote Sensing, Ionospheric Plasma Plasma, U. of Washington
- Solar-Terrestrial Environment Lab, Nagoya U., Japan
- Upper Atmosphere Research Collaboratory
- Geomagnetism at Flinders University, Australia
- Institute of Space Research, U. of Calgary, Canada
Technical Literature Indices
Physics Journal Contents (by subject)- Physics Journal Contents (alphabetical) these are down!-->
- NASA Astrophysics Data System (includes searchable abstract database)
Space Physics Professional Organizations & Programs
- NSF Division of Atmospheric Sciences
- NSF GEM (magnetosphere) program
- NSF CEDAR (ionosphere/thermosphere) program
- Interagency (NASA,ESA,ISAS,IKI) Coordinating Group
- International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program AGU Space Physics & Aeronomy section--->
- Universities Space Research Association
- Alaska Space Grant Program
- Texas Space Grant Consortium
- NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
Relevant Amateur Organizations
DX-Listener's Club(Norway)
GPS FAQ - reviews, forums, articles
Other Lists of Space Weather & Space Physics Links
- WWW Virtual Library: Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry
- Space Weather Resources (From UT)
- Millstone Hill's Internet Links List
- Solar Physics Web Guide
This page has been operational since March 27, 1996. If you find that any of the listed links have moved or are no longer functional, please contact us. Also, please contact us if you have an appropriate link to add. We've received several e-mails describing this list as a "great resource." With your help and contributions we hope to maintain and even improve the quality of this service.
Patricia H. Reiff, Director (reiff (at)
Rice Space Institute
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Rice University
Last updated Aug 17, 2010
next stop? Princeton Physics! TESLA, Einstein and radio.
This one is for you badjerry!
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