The War Industry/Racket
"No war by any nation in any age has ever been declared by the people."----Eugene Debs
Articles The Tyrants![]()
[All wars at least since WW1 have been created by the Illuminati. Hitler and Stalin were trained ('deconstructed') by Tavistock 1, and funded by Illuminati bankers 1 2. Suppressing sexuality is essential to produce the psychology of warmongers.]
See: Communism Cold War Hoax False flag
See: Terrorism Inc Drug Inc Dope Inc Big Oil Sex Inc Food IncCritics
L. Fletcher Prouty
General Smedley Butler
Daniel Ellsberg
John StockwellSee: Kay Griggs
False pretexts [See: False flag.]
Operation Northwoods
Operation Red Rock (Cambodia)Quotes
War Industry general quotes
Financing tyrants quotes
War Crimes (quotes)
False pretexts quotesIraq quotes
Sanctions Kill 500,000 Iraqi ChildrenCovert Illuminati assault on US troops
159,238 US Gulf War I Casualties
Anthrax vaccine
Depleted Uranium: How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & CiviliansSites
Brian Willson
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