Eternal Vigilance: The Cost of Freedom by Nathan Janes - Video, links, and more!


Eternal Vigilance: The Cost of Freedom

Nathan Janes

"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so." Bertrand Russell, 20th Century Philosopher & Nobel Prize Winner

The most widespread form of slavery today is of the mind. Individuals are controlled and managed by the Establishment on a level that can be hard to recognize. Disinformation is continuously spread by the mass media. Children are schooled by the State yet never receive education. The traditional family is in danger of extinction. Our food and water is full of toxins. We have adapted to incremental changes that amount to significant threats to our personal freedoms, independent thoughts, and quality of life. Largely, the public has become sick and dumb. Our country is in a state of crisis.

The Establishment has colluded to sabotage education in America, producing a population that is unable to think critically and logically. Children are indoctrinated through schooling, trained not to question authority, and rewarded for competing with their peers and doing exactly as they are told. With the prevalence of after and before school programs, many children are now spending up to 12 hours a day at school. Children are taught disrespect for family, and the mind and character of the child is overwhelmingly influenced by the State.  The Establishment is controlling tomorrow by schooling the youth of today.

Sexual education classes are often taught before children have even reached puberty. We live in a culture that is ever increasingly encouraging children to have pre-pubertal sex. Children over stimulated sexually before puberty are likely to become hyper-sexualized adults unable to deeply bond with another person. The 'entertainment' industry is constantly sending the message of promiscuity through movies and television that capture an audience of young viewers. According to Nielsen television statistics, 'Desperate Housewives' was the most popular television show with girls aged 9-12 in 2005. Even the United Nations pushes the agenda, advocating masturbation for children as young as 5 years old in a 2009 report titled "International Guidelines for Sexuality Education."

Culture is being used as a weapon against the traditional family.  The media continuously portrays fathers as pathetic fools celebrated for their stupidity rather than for moral strength and integrity. Women have been portrayed as independent career focused self-obsessed individuals who are sexually aggressive and promiscuous. An atmosphere has been created where breast-feeding is seen as obscene but women are expected and encouraged to expose their breasts in a sexual nature. Clearly excluded from this image are family values and the raising of children. Instead of surrounding the family dinner table for meals and discussions, we surround the television each evening, absorbing the views and ideas it promotes. 

Entertainment distracts us and detaches us from reality. Going beyond product placement, movies and television are now a platform for psychological conditioning in the form of "behavior placement," strategically influencing viewers to adopt behaviors they see modeled in their favorite shows. Culture is controlled and manipulated through messages on television programs, movies, and in print. Both the questions we ask and the answers we accept have been conditioned in us. We are programmed to be predictable in our reactions and the decisions that we make. We are distracted from what is threatening our personal freedoms and quality of life and being directed into a future planned by the Establishment.

Our quality of life is constantly being degraded by the poisoning of our food and water. Our environment is so polluted with toxins that it's almost impossible to stay away from them. A vast array of pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, mood stabilizers, and sex hormones are found in the water we drink.  Over 69% of the population drinks from a fluoridated water supply despite the fact that fluoridated water has been connected to bone cancer, thyroid cancer, dental fluorosis, and a multitude of other serious health problems.

Bisphenol-A, which acts as a synthetic form of estrogen, contaminates our food and poisons our children. Aspartame, a neurotoxin that attacks the brain, is found in over 6,000 food products. Teflon, monosodium glutamate, and genetically modified foods all find their way on to our dinner plates, each effecting our bodies negatively, the extent of which is yet to be seen. A long list of other chemicals find their ways into our homes and bodies even passing through the placenta and making us sick from birth.

A host of illnesses are on the rise including allergies, asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more. For every prevalent disease there is an advocacy organization.  The organizations, supported largely by the federal government and the foundations of corporations, heavily promote a cure to disease rather than proper prevention. Profits are protected over the health of people. A patentable cure makes much more money than prevention, which would require consuming less cancer-causing products.

The false left/right political paradigm is promoted with the tactic of "divide and conquer". Most people fail to realize that the public policy of today was planned long ago by the ruling Establishment. The two political parties are controlled by the very same interest yet those behind the party lines continue to fight back and forth over trivial matters.  Little of what the two parties continue to debate has any effect on the actions of the government. More deserving of our attention are the links between our representatives and multinational corporations. Representatives from both parties are choosing to represent the concerns of corporations and special interests over those of the people.

In order to speak freely in some public spaces today one must be in a 'Free Speech Zone' or risk arrest.  Individuals are being conditioned to fear the consequences of dissent. Those who speak out against the Establishment are labeled as conspiracy theorists. Citizens are arrested and detained without just cause under the umbrella of the Patriot Act. Provocateurs are commonly used by law enforcement to incite violence at public demonstrations triggering the arrests of nonviolent dissenters.

Despite the deplorable state of our society, the Establishment does not yet have complete control, we are still able to resist. Now is the time to get angry, get focused, and to take action. We can break away from the bondage of the mind if we remain eternally vigilant to the threats to our independent thoughts and freedoms. Remain guarded against the brain washing effects of the mass media. Ask questions and thoughtfully analyze all information presented to you. Wake up your neighbors, friends, and family. Our civil liberties are slipping through our fingers like grains of sand; difficult, if not impossible, to regain. Don't let the last vestiges of our freedom be stolen away.

Disclaimer: Reading this article and comprehending the message may be difficult for some due to their immersion in a culture that discourages reasoning and critical thinking.

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Those who speak out against the Establishment are labeled as conspiracy theorists. Citizens are arrested and detained without just cause under the umbrella of the Patriot Act. Provocateurs are commonly used by law enforcement to incite violence at public demonstrations triggering the arrests of nonviolent dissenters.

Despite the deplorable state of our society, the Establishment does not yet have complete control, we are still able to resist. Now is the time to get angry, get focused, and to take action. We can break away from the bondage of the mind if we remain eternally vigilant to the threats to our independent thoughts and freedoms. Remain guarded against the brain washing effects of the mass media. Ask questions and thoughtfully analyze all information presented to you.

Wake up your neighbors, friends, and family. Our civil liberties are slipping through our fingers like grains of sand; difficult, if not impossible, to
regain. Don't let the last vestiges of our freedom be stolen away.

Reading this article and comprehending the message may be difficult for some due to their immersion in a culture that discourages reasoning and critical thinking.


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