Knew words for those in the know! [GROUP] #KnowWords

This hashtag's Registration Details:

Officially registered on: August 3rd, 2010
Proper hashtag usage: #KnowWords
First used on this account:
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How should this tag be used?

To embrace a sisterhood of women who have developed uniques skills through adversity or by challenging the common place. Often misunderstood, they find comfort in the written word and join hands as one. This effort has shown me the Power of One. It demonstrates that it only takes one HUMANE to make the world a better place. "She knows what's goin on" They may not have words for everything, but these women are in the know. #JudeWords #KnewWords #KnowWords

FOLLOW @rockingjude she knows what's goin on!

A fellow traveler along this journey who guides without judgment.
empathy comes from a place understanding and experience... the HUMANE experience is not always pretty. i know for ONE we often see darkness before we find the light within ourselves.
#KnowWords #KnewWords #JudeWords


or is it?

YOU BET YOUR LIFE IT IS... YOU BET YOUR LIFE! apathy... it never really happened until it happens to you! #apathy #WEareNASHVILLE #dealwithit #BlackSheep #family #ONE #KnewWords #KnowWords


rockingjude said...

"Cornflake Girl"

Never was a cornflake girl
Thought that was a good solution
Hanging with the raisin girls
She's gone to the other side
Givin us a yo heave ho
Things are getting kind of gross
And I go at sleepy time
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is

Peel out the watchword
Just peel out the watchword

She knows what's goin on
Seems we got a cheaper feel now
All the sweetcaze are gone
Gone to the other side
With my encyclopedia
They musta paid her a nice price
She's putting on her string bean love
This is not really happening
You bet your life it is

Peal our the watchword
Just peel out the watchword

Never was a cornflake girl
Thought that was a good solution

Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl
And the man with the golden gun thinks he knows so much
Thinks he knows so much
Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl


Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous
