e 10 Shocking Facts About Obama’s Family Ties To The CIA
The following is my summary and conclusions of an article by Wayne Madsen. It is based on internal CIA documents that he has come across:
Barack Obama Sr. ( President’s Father )
1. It is clear now, that when Barack Obama described his father in his speeches as a simple goat herder, he was lying. He was hand picked by an African political CIA sponsored strong man, named Tom M’Boya, and air lifted out of the country. He was sent to an American university to learn Russian. He was paid for by the elitist Joseph Kennedy Foundation. The CIA wanted to train a couple of hundred African college students and place them in the emerging African independent governments to counter Russia, who they believed was trying to influence these same governments.
The group is organized by Tom M’Boya who would be involved in several coups and assassinations of African leaders in the 1960′s.
2. He left behind in Kenya a pregnant wife and son. While at the American university he met Ann Dunham in 1959. He got her pregnant ( with Barack Jr. ) and married her 3 months later.
He is sent to Harvard in 1962 and leaves behind his new wife( Ann Dunham ) and Barack Jr.
He meets a third woman while at Harvard and marries her in1964.
Ann Dunham (President’s Mother )
3. She went to private school in Beruit Lebanon, where her father was stationed by the CIA during 1950′s. Many of her pre 1968 records have been “destroyed”.
Ann meets at the Univ.of Hawaii’s East West Center, and marries, Lolo Soetoro in 1965, all in one year. This was one year after Barack’s father left her and married another woman.
4. The University of Hawaii was connected with the CIA and MK – ULTRA experiments. MK-ULTRA developed drugs, and mind control techniques. They were also experimenting with remoteviewing. The movie: Men Who Stare At Goats, was based on this.
5. In 1967 Ann moves to Indonesia to join Lolo. She gets a job at the American Embassy and soon goes to work for the World Bank, Ford Foundation, and various other international financing companies. She traveled the world, going to Ghana, India, Nepal,Thailand and Bangladesh. In1975 the group is linked to the assassination of the first duly elected president of Bangladesh,and his family.
Lolo Soetoro ( President’s Step Father )
6. In 1965-Lolo, after just marrying Ann, leaves her and Barack and is sent to Indonesia to become a military operative. Three months later he would be involved with a coup. It is said that that coup led to the death of over one million Indonesian people. The CIA was trying to influence the Indonesian people not to join the communist or people’s movements (to the point of assassinating generals, and leaders).
Madelyn Dunham ( President’s Grandmother )
7. Ann’s mother was no light weight. She was the first female vice president of The Bank Of Hawaii. Many CIA front companies used the bank to launder money. Madelyn handled those accounts, such as Ferdinand Marcos and other East Asian dictators.
Stanley Dunham ( President’s Grandfather )
8. Barack’s maternal grandfather worked through a front company, but he was believed to be stationed in Beirut, Lebanon by the CIA in the 1950′s.
Barack Obama Jr. ( aka…Barry Soetoro )
9. Days after becoming president Barack Obama blocked access to his records, by issuing an Executive Order, requiring permission and approval to see them.
10. That mysterious ride Congressman Dennis Kucinich took in Air Force One, where he “suddenly” decided to switch his vote in favor of the president’s Health Care Reform Act, suddenly becomes a whole lot clearer to me. We may never know exactly what CIA, MK-ULTRA things were done to him on that flight, but we now know one thing for sure. Barack Obama is deep into it….And deep into international financing….World Bank, IMF,Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Geithner, and the Federal Reserve….etc. No wonder the international financial institutions were his biggest campaign contributors, contributing record amounts to his campaign. What else could we have expected when his family has been working for them all along…….
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