Posterous Help - The place to post everything. Just email us. Dead simple blog by email.

Ways to Share

Add a blog widget

You can add a widget sidebar that shows off all your posterous posts.

While we think it's most useful to autopost to your other blogs, some people like to keep their blogs on Wordpress, Typepad or other services separate. No problem. We want you to use Posterous in the way that is most useful for you.

We've partnered with Widgetbox to provide this simple, customizable blog widget for your blog:

Customize and get the embed code for this widget » -->Customize and get the embed code for this widget »

Customize and get the embed code for this widget » -->Customize and get the embed code for this widget »

Customize and get the embed code for this widget » -->Customize and get the embed code for this widget »

"Share on Posterous" button on your content site or blog

You can make it easy for people to share your video, blog post, or link on their posterous blog

This is an advanced feature and recommended only for those familiar with HTML and web programming

You can create a "Share on Posterous" button that looks like this on your site or blog:

Share on Posterous

Here's a snippet of HTML that will let you create a working version of the button above on your site, and let you set:

  • What link is shared
  • What blog post title is shared
  • What content is shared
  1. <A href="">   
  2.     <IMG alt="Share on Posterous" src="/images/share/share_posterous.png">   
  3. </A>   

The endpoint is, must be a GET request, and the parameters include:

  • linkto (required) sets the link to your site which will be pointed to in the new shared post
  • title (optional) sets what the title will be in the post created by the user in the new shared post. If not set, we'll just use the page title from the linkto page.
  • selection (optional) sets the content of the item to be shared. If you do not specify this parameter and we can extract large images or Flash embeds, we'll automatically use that.

Questions?   Reach us at at anytime and we'll get right back to you ASAP!

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous
