Look up hashtags in twitter clients << #censored NOW.... Stay tuned.... WATCH & LEARN!

Seesmic powerful twitter-client on multiple platforms.
Tweetdeck - Leading desktop and iPhone twitter-client
Gravity - the leading Symbian (Nokia) twitter-client

http://tagdef.com/integrate.php I GIVE UP... FOR NOW... I have one mre trick up my sleeve... stay tuned tweeps... remember.. I'm the #Blacksheep

"A black sheep stands out from the herd" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_sheep

(S)he was the black sheep in the family, an artist among lawyers... edited [edd, edm, eds.] Original reads: "He always was the black sheep in the family, as an artist among doctors and lawyers." http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/black_sheep #BlackSheep

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous
