Brown Dog Foundation & Metro Animal Care & Control
visit with Jeff Tang on Morning Line, Channel 5+
Topic: Flood Relief Efforts 45 days later
2006, Brown Dog Foundation
This site is maintained by Carol A. Smock | www.browndogcrm.com
Why does it ~have~ to be "LIFE THREATENING?" can't it just be enough that she needs help? yeah, i know.. she would have been disqualified as soon as they figured out that she was "just" a cat. A cat named "Spot," but it reminds me of all the times I heard all the time insurance said, "NO CARE FOR YOU, not medically necessary" or when you get sued for non-payment to Emergency Department... EOB reads: "not life or limb threatening"
Well, fuck you right back because "QUALITY OF LIFE" never considered the possibilities for what I might have become and the true value of was losing.
Some things CAN'T be quantified.
"A life worth living" but why?
TAGS: Insurance; QOLA: Quality of Life Assessment; Medically Necessary Treatment; Trauma
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