TweetReach for elyssad
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ElyssaD 141,375 Satyagrahi_ji 9,378 pascaluccelli 1,971 risovic 678 oleuanna 271 Joy__Hart 184 unreal_g 86 RobertMoranLA 70 suaven2g 20 imperfectboi 18
ElyssaD: Tweets about fucktard have reached 37,582 people - (from TweetReach)
pascaluccelli: RT @ElyssaD: RT @tovX: Philippines faces election failure | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
ElyssaD: RT @zaibatsu: Aubrey Sacco 23 Missing, Nepal Himalayas She's a good friend Please, please RT
Satyagrahi_ji: RT @ElyssaD: RT @thereisawayjose: Bill Boyarsky: America’s War Disease - Truthdig
pascaluccelli: RT @ElyssaD: RT @thereisawayjose: Bill Boyarsky: America’s War Disease - Truthdig
pascaluccelli: RT @Satyagrahi_ji: RT @ElyssaD: RT @anarchists: Conservation, Conflict and Activism - Sea Shepherd film and (cont)
ElyssaD: RT @Lanny_S: Oh-hO --- Welsh is a language invented by someone who was shit at scrabble.via @ianvisits @sickipedia // @almostvisible << umm
risovic: RT @ElyssaD: RT @anarchists: Conservation, Conflict and Activism - Sea Shepherd film and discussion — The Greens NSW![]()
ElyssaD: RT @pascaluccelli: @FELDart: @mirnalavado: @IraimaRivera: 978 firmas por la libertad de los presos políticos venezolanos
ElyssaD: RT @almostvisible: @ElyssaD Still trying to connect the dots. Think I start to get the picture. << extemely timely & astute commentary.
Satyagrahi_ji: RT @ElyssaD: RT @anarchists: Conservation, Conflict and Activism - Sea Shepherd film and discussion — The Greens NSW
ElyssaD: @anarchists i "officially" changed my facebook profile. religion:"anarchy" or should that be anarchist? please advise!
ElyssaD: RT @anarchists: Conservation, Conflict and Activism - Sea Shepherd film and discussion — The Greens NSW
ElyssaD: RT @icpchad: RT @heywho: RT @AnneDanmark: Torture makes people talk, but it doesn't make people tell the truth. /@thereisawayjose RT, et al
ElyssaD: RT @pascaluccelli: RT @AnneDanmark: RT @XTRABallots RT @sbelg: General strike in all Kurdish cities on Tuesday #iranelection
ElyssaD: Tweets about fucktard have reached 37,582 people - (from TweetReach)#fucktard < woot!
ElyssaD: RT @Satyagrahi_ji: RT @zbleumoon: @changetimes Mother’s Day Founded as a Feminist Anti-War Protest Day? #antiwarprotest![]()
ElyssaD: Overheard: - we see things as we are not as they are...![]()
ElyssaD: I think I said my peace! You agree? #FuckFacebook !! RT @amazingflora: @ElyssaD looking at ur page now....
imperfectboi: @ElyssaD haha I'll try. I might hemorrhage.![]()
ElyssaD: RT @autismtoday: RT @newswales Autism project 2 aid oppty: A project providing training 4 schools & businesses #awesome
ElyssaD: RT @autismtoday: RT @newsinwales BBC News: Autism project to aid opportunity BBC: Autism
ElyssaD: RT @autismtoday: RT @eyesofgee #news Autism project 2 aid oppty: A project providing training 4 schools & business...
ElyssaD: RT @davidtheprguy: Video: Business and Twitter: A match made in heaven?![]()
imperfectboi: @ElyssaD Wal mart Disney Iphone Viagra ?
ElyssaD: @imperfectboi that ought to keep you busy for a while! #bots
ElyssaD: RT @imperfectboi: I'm followin 321 People and Only got 294 followers. Follow back people ! #teamfollowback ! // walmart Disney iPhone Viagra
ElyssaD: RT @tovX: Philippines faces election failure | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
ElyssaD: Random Acts Of Awareness: 140+ Characters About: My #Twitter Experience: // Hi @icpchad. My name is @ElyssaD and iTWEET
ElyssaD: RT @JaneFoxxo: RT @joobal Cat food is more nutritious? RT @dahara Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food.
ElyssaD: RT @heidilore: I cannot stay awake now. Benedryl kicking in. Good night everyone! // coffee!
ElyssaD: RT @CherylMontana: RT @sjkish RT @dahara Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints. / and their DNA is changes as they age! :-)
ElyssaD: RT @tpr2: RT @adslgeek: @josiecampbell Maybe if it was Grey Lynn then the gas mask = bong and the PJs = normal clothes? :-) / #puffpuffpass?![]()
ElyssaD: @almostvisible Vincent Leaphart aka "John Africa"
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