The Leaveless Plant A living tribute to those who have been left behind << #suicide #DCS #TN #JuvenileJustice #FAIL May 30, 2010 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps via The Leaveless Plant by Cody Gambill © 2006 I am a plant without any roots I bring no syrup I bear no fruits I am not much to look at without any flowers All I do is sit and stare for hours Every so often I wander off to find a new spot Feeling no attachment to anything I’ve got Every time I move I lose a leaf or two But no one will notice because here I am new After moving a while I look down to see How oblivious I am to my nudity All of my moving has shaken me bare Embarrassed and all I ignore the stares But the more I think the better I feel Because the leaves from me provided a meal So I am important like all on this earth Think I’ll settle down and show this world what I’m worth -Cody Gambill 8-25-2006 Please tell me why the state gave up on this child? Let this be my parting gift to him, I hold his memories, his journals and his experience in my heart. His words will live on my website forever... my living journal as a tribute to those who are left behind. Posted via web from ElyssaD's Posterous Comments
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