The Daily Dose; TMI @donnette @thefeeg @heyjude408 @almostvisble @leahita @elvisofdallas @icpchad @ykv
@leahita @elvisofdallas @icpchad @ykv
Finally took a my blue pills. Was able to relax and think for a while
after my "daily dose".
Unfortunately now I have done too much thinking and I'm back to square 1.
I read the contracts, I see the numbers, but then I get to the same issue.
What the fuck is wrong with this world. Can I be any more specific,
redundant or annoying that I just want to fucking explode!
How very very sad for all of the ppl who may just happen to experience
a few months, or a few years of what I go through every fucking day of
my life.
My parents should be ashamed. My community should be ashamed. Every
person that makes presumptuous jokes about "just ask daddy" or I'm
sure one of your "boyfriends" will do... Give... Respect...
NO! OBVIOUSLY the answer is no. And you know, I'm not even above
taking such "gifts" from all the assholes who want to promote THEIR
agendas, and all the bullshit that goes with it.
I don't the world very much today. I don't like the people I see if
around me, and I aint talkin' bought the Mexicans in yard.
Obviously, the ppl I speak of haven't "seen" me in over a year. Well,
that might have to change. I have no expectations, but one might be
smart to lift a finger, push a paper, or lend a hand to help me the
fuck out of here before I start asking these questions "on the public
timeline" instead of in my daily journal and the 35,000 emails that
remain in my inbox.
I'll be cool in a few. What my has done (again) may just destroy the
only thing she ever about: herself.
She is embarrassed, humiliated and financially devasted to have to the
terrible misfortune and burden of having a daughters like my sister
and I.
I once asked her how it made her feel to have two grown daughter that
are so dysfunctional and "mean" that we can barely make the time to
return her calls or have the decency to put on make up when we leave
the house.
Her answer, "it makes absolutely SICK to my stomach each time I think
about the way you live your lives. Doing nothing. Can't even get a
decent job at the local Walmart.
In response, I asked if she ever considered the possibility that she
may have contributed to the two of us being plagued with unrealistic
expectations for perfection and grace.
She doesn't see it that way. She sees it as her cross to bear. A
outright personal trauma being forced to have "two grown daughters who
never accomplished a single thing in their entire lives."

I can't say for certain if my sister would agree, and she has the
added burden of working under the watchful eye of my father each day,
but I as myself I am quite certain I accomplished at least one thing
extraordinary... I managed to grow up a mother and father who have
both confessed that they believe the world would be better off without
me in it; and yet somehow I managed to escape with a shred of dignity,
integrity and purpose.
Certainly not character traits they recognize or appreciate, but in
their world, that can only mean one thing. I must be doing something
Plan: Pay By The Day
Status Today: Not Paid
Current Plan Cost: $1.00
Balance: $0.04
Balance exp date: 08/12/2010
Hope $0.04 is enough to get this message through. I am ready to be heard.
I am "home" as usual here in Tennessee.
Good morning to all and thank you for listening.
This is just me. Always and only "just" me,
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