Political Action

Community Forum > Event Details

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Community Forum

Coleman Park Community Center
'medium', 'default_time_format_length' => 'medium', 'en_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'en_language' => 'English', 'en_territory' => 'United States', 'id' => 'en_US', 'native_complete_name' => 'English United States', 'native_language' => 'English', 'native_territory' => 'United States', 'real_class' => 'root' }, 'DateTime::Locale::en_US' ); -->Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 6:30 PM
The Goals of the Community Forums are: Come together in our communities to discuss corporate influence in our Democracy, and to share stories of how we have been affected. Generate ideas and solutions about what we can do together -- locally and across the country -- to fix the problem. Start building progressive grassroots momentum on a national level, to build a movement that Washington has to respond to!
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Message from host:

Status: Public, open for RSVP, 3 attendees (max. 50)
    384 Thompson Lane (Map)
    Nashville, TN 37211
Best way to contact host: e-mail

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