Finding My Religion: American Anarchist April 23, 2010 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps via Finding My Religion: American Anarchist interesting. the only hope i have found is that everybody else is just as furious and angry as i have been all these years. the years i spent in silence. hoping someone would find me. do they know me i am an imposter? my rituals have now become habitual and idgaf about the how i sound, or look to The Powers That Beat! my skills, my "considerable" skills have developed almost to the point where i can use them without fear or regret [omg omg ocd ocd!] this skill set is now at your disposal. no more smile on my face or my heart on my sleeve. it was all just a waste of fucking time. so may i call you #family? i don't have a family of origin. i have dna. good dna, but i shall not reproduce my genetic code just as the united states is about to explode!!! of course i will always have a think of those i must leave behind. the "lost" the broken. the children i have worked with over the years. i can not tell them that everything is "going to be okay" simply because because i don't believe it myself. it is time the system has failed. let it fail. let it fall. let it burn, and then we shall see... Let's See How Far We've Come? this is me. just me. e. Posted via web from ElyssaD's Posterous Comments
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