Case closed?
SA Request for Extention 6.9.2009
Reply to: ed70@columbia.edu
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On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Charmaine Duncan
> Elyssa -
> Wow...sorry about your CM issues. A couple of questions: 1) Can you tell us what agency the CM is with? 2) Who is you Rep Payee...are you saying that the SSA requires a statement be sent to the payee before they can pay your rent?
> Also, Section 8 also indicated that you need to complete your annual recertification. Do you think your CM can help with recertification and also help with explaining that your eviction was a direct result of your disability?
> elyssa.durant@gmail.com wrote:
>> I have a representative payee and they sent an affidavit regarding payment policy & legal requirements under SSA law, the landlord did not comply.
>> In addition the rent was paid, the fees were for late pmt on water which was also unauthorized acct as per Metro Water Dept.
>> I have an open referral for case mgmt. The problem is that it was my CM who completely messed up all my benefits. That was being investigated by SSA, however they have not reviewed the appeal yet, it was filed on 9/11/08.
>> I am currently being recertified for SSI and by DHS. Very difficult to do when all your address files don't match (that was also my primary complaints w/my case mgr)
>> I have inquired at other agencies, however they do not provide comp CM that is necessary. I have an open file with Metro Social Services, but for Adult Services, and I will follow up with them.
>> it may be helpful to know that I used to be a CM so I can be pretty (judgmental?) When regarding my expectations which are quite simple: do your job.
>> I know that sounds arrogant, however the fact remains that CM made multiple errors with serious consequences. For example, the failed to report to SSA and DHS and MDHA. I am working on this with benefits planners at the Center for Independent Living.
>> I will follow up today.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elyssa Durant
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 14:09:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Current Status of Complaint
To: Charmaine Duncan
Cc: elyssa.durant@gmail.com, "Ed70@columbia.edu"
SSA Request for Extention 6.9.2009
Reply to: ed70@columbia.edu
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Charmaine Duncan charmaine.duncan@tennfairhousing.org> wrote:
> Elyssa -
> Wow...sorry about your CM issues. A couple of questions: *1)* Can you
> tell us what agency the CM is with? *2)* Who is you Rep Payee...are you
> saying that the SSA requires a statement be sent to the payee before they
> can pay your rent?
> Also, Section 8 also indicated that you need to complete your annual
> recertification. Do you think your CM can help with recertification and
> also help with explaining that your eviction was a direct result of your
> disability?
> elyssa.durant@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a representative payee and they sent an affidavit regarding payment
> policy & legal requirements under SSA law, the landlord did not comply.
> In addition the rent was paid, the fees were for late pmt on water which
> was also unauthorized acct as per Metro Water Dept.
> I have an open referral for case mgmt. The problem is that it was my CM who
> completely messed up all my benefits. That was being investigated by SSA,
> however they have not reviewed the appeal yet, it was filed on 9/11/08.
> I am currently being recertified for SSI and by DHS. Very difficult to do
> when all your address files don't match (that was also my primary complaints
> w/my case mgr)
> I have inquired at other agencies, however they do not provide comp CM that
> is necessary. I have an open file with Metro Social Services, but for Adult
> Services, and I will follow up with them.
> it may be helpful to know that I used to be a CM so I can be pretty
> (judgmental?) When regarding my expectations which are quite simple: do your
> job.
> I know that sounds arrogant, however the fact remains that CM made multiple
> errors with serious consequences. For example, the failed to report to SSA
> and DHS and MDHA. I am working on this with benefits planners at the Center
> for Independent Living.
> I will follow up today.
> They too were shocked and disturbed by the number of errors made by CM.
> I will follow up, I promise!
> Thanks so much for your help!
> Elyssa
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
> *From*: Charmaine Duncan
> *Date*: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 11:20:53 -0500
> *To*:
> *Subject*: Re: Current Status of Complaint
> Elyssa - Our call to Section 8 indicates there records show you were
> evicted after no one paid your portion of the rent for two months. However,
> they did write off the debt showing you with a -0- balance.
> *What did your doctor say? *
> Elyssa Durant wrote:
> That's the thing, it is my understanding that I was NOT evicted, thus came to an agreement to vacate the property. The landlord told them I owed money after the jdgmt was quashed by the court returned it to me. The jdmt was for $0- so the costs were for atty fees, processing fees, etc. On 7/29/09, Charmaine Duncan wrote:
> Elyssa - We are currently trying to get your voucher extended another 30 days, however it is not a sure thing as it has already been extended. Even if it is extended you probably will not have enough time to move away from Nashville due to the eviction/reference issue and should probably *stay in the Nashville area for a year and attempt t get your rental record cleared up *before you try to move somewhere else. *IMPORTANT!!* Can you call your doctor that is diagnosing you to refer you to LOCAL Mental Health Agency to try and get a Case Manager assigned to you so you will no longer have to depend on your family members out of town? * A Mental Health Case Manager advocating for you _might_ be one way to help you get around the bad reference from your previous landlord. * Because your previous landlord really has no choice but to tell the truth and check "yes" when ask if you were evicted and check "no" when asked if he would re-rent to you. /But a Case Manager
> /Advocate could help explain the situation and provide some degree of security that the same thing won't happen again! /Charmaine Charmaine Duncan Fair Housing Specialist Tennessee Fair Housing Councilcharmaine.duncan@tennfairhousing.com P) 615-874-2344 F) 615-874-1636 107 Music City Circle, Suite 318 Nashville, TN 37214www.tennfairhousing.org
> -- Charmaine Duncan Fair Housing Specialist Tennessee Fair Housing Councilcharmaine.duncan@tennfairhousing.com P) 615-874-2344 F) 615-874-1636 107 Music City Circle, Suite 318 Nashville, TN 37214www.tennfairhousing.org
> --
> Charmaine Duncan
> Fair Housing Specialist
> Tennessee Fair Housing Councilcharmaine.duncan@tennfairhousing.com
> P) 615-874-2344
> F) 615-874-1636
> 107 Music City Circle, Suite 318
> Nashville, TN 37214www.tennfairhousing.org
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