Adult Aspergers | Asperger Syndrome

Adult Aspergers

by admin,
September 21st 2011

The Most Essential Things That You Must Know about Adult Aspergers Individuals

Although Aspergers syndrome is a disorder that affects children and adults alike, anyone should know that its symptoms might vary greatly as the person ages. Thus, there are some specific symptoms and signs in children that cannot be found in adults and vice versa. In adult Aspergers cases, the most important symptoms are related to language and speech skills; repetitive and restricted behavior and interests; and social interaction. As these fields are the ones that excessively affect the life of an adult, the following paragraphs devote their contents to these specific areas.

Language and Speech Skills

Most adult Aspergers cases show capacities of acquiring specific language and speech skills without any significant delay. But, although the speech usually lacks noticeable abnormalities, the language itself is often used atypically. Some of the abnormalities include pedantic or idiosyncratic speech, auditory perception deficits, use of metaphors that are significant only to the orator, miscomprehended nuances of words, wrong literal interpretations, abrupt transitions and verbosity.

To all these, the specialists add oddities in rhythm, prosody, intonation and loudness. As a preliminary conclusion, we can say that the speech of an adult person who suffers from Aspergers might be incoherent, contradictory or confused. Moreover, the speaker might even fail to provide a conclusion or shift to some other related topics.

Adult Aspergers – Repetitive and Restricted Behavior and Interests

Most adult Aspergers cases display activities, interests and behaviors that are usually repetitive and restricted. Moreover, most elements that describe this vicious circle of the Aspergers disorder are abnormally intense. Therefore, the sufferers might easily stick to stereotypes and inflexible routines without even realizing it. It is a well-known fact that pursuing specific areas of interest represents one of the defining symptoms of the Aspergers syndrome. For example, there are adult Aspergers individuals who collect a large volume of information about narrow topics like star names or weather data. In most cases, these individuals do not even have a genuine understanding of the topic itself.

But besides these aspects, an adult Aspergers person who suffers from this syndrome also develops repetitive motor behaviors. Some of these are different hand movements like twisting or flapping. In some cases, they even develop more complex movements that engage the entire body. These “ritualistic” movements are continuously repeated under specific circumstances and come fast or slow, rhythmical or less rhythmical, and symmetrical or asymmetrical, being based on certain behavioral patterns of the individual.

Social Interaction

All those individuals who suffer from this disorder experience various difficulties that relate to social interaction. These difficulties mainly include failure to share enjoyments or sadness and emotional reciprocity, incapability of developing friendships and impairment to conduct non-verbal behaviors, which include areas like gesture, posture, facial expression and eye contact.

But, unlike the persons with autism, the people who suffer from Aspergers syndrome are not withdrawn around other people. They even approach others, although in most cases that are doing it awkwardly or inappropriately. Unfortunately, the social inabilities of these persons are usually seen as insensibility or disregard for the feelings of other people. Because of these issues, the adult Aspergers individuals are even more rejected by the people around them, thing that usually leads to solitary confinement.

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